I can see the finals

Chapter 365 Hit and Run

Chapter 365 Hit and Run
What, only one person?

After hearing this information, Mulia naturally didn't panic. He said calmly and confidently, "It's okay. I hid the car. He doesn't know I'm here. You can let him come here, and I can make him fool."

Maya didn't say anything, just hummed and continued to help him.

Atlantis' reaction was also very flat, as if it was just a very ordinary thing: "Be careful, if you don't get cloudy, retreat back, Maya can cover you from behind."

Even if the twins are separated, each of them is very powerful alone. Since the opponent has not found Muria, the probability of the latter being the first to kill is quite high.

But after saying this, Atlantis was also thinking about something...why doesn't the other party wear fashion?

Is it to prevent the enemy from finding out which team he belongs to?

Atlantis didn't know who the opponent was, but from his 'not wearing fashion' behavior, he could more or less guess that the team this person belonged to was not strong, otherwise he would not deliberately conceal his identity.

Most players do not have the habit of changing their costumes on the spot, because fashion is not just a piece of clothing, it is also a 'symbol', which represents the threat of a player. The psychological pressure on one side has already won before the momentum.

And the players who often change their clothes, or don't wear them at all, are usually those players whose strength is generally low. Better protect yourself.

So who are the weak teams in Group Z?
A series of team names flashed through Atlantis' mind one by one. After thinking about it, he suddenly realized... There seemed to be quite a lot of weak teams.

After all, compared to ancient civilizations, it seems that most teams are weak teams, and Atlantis is really hard to guess for a while.

Of course, there is another logic—that person's team is not weak, but his teammates are all dead, and he is the only one left, so he took off his clothes.

The commander's brain is always more active than that of ordinary players, and he will think more. It was originally a trivial matter, but Atlantis expanded from it, and subconsciously gave various analyzes and guesses.

As for which guess is right, he doesn't need to think about it. Muria will give feedback soon, and his thinking seems redundant.

Going back to the cabin, Muria has already cut out the melee weapon. The cat is on the side of the house, leaning on his ear to stop the sound, and Maya is also reporting to him. The combination of the two can make him more clearly To grasp the position of the opponent's vehicle.

Maya: "There are still 40 meters to go! You can catch him to get off the car, or you can wait!"

Muria nodded calmly: "Okay, I see."

After waiting another two seconds, Maya yelled, "20 meters!"

The weapon in Muria's hand was clenched tightly, ready to go.

"He stopped! Exact five marks!"

Immediately, Muria rushed out from the side of the wooden house, and strode towards the 'naked man' according to the coordinates provided by Maya!
He is not a qualified lyb, and it can also be said that he is too strong, which makes him not so cunning, thinking that it is enough to have a first move, and there is no need to hide for a while, and then make a move when someone is in front of him.

However, just as he rushed to the front of the car in a few steps, he was stunned for a second!
The other party, such as Maya's report, has no fashion, or even weapons, everything is correct.

But the problem is...he didn't see a trace of panic in the other person's eyes.

All he saw... was calm.

The other party's demeanor and eyes were extremely calm, as if he knew that there was someone here, and would kill him when he stopped.

Has your car been found?

He knows he's here?
Moreover, even if he knew, why was he so confident?
He is only one person!
Muria couldn't understand it. Although he was not so invincible after being separated from Gendaya, but only in singles, there were no more than ten people in Group A who could easily beat him!
And these people will never change their fashion.

Not to mention that he has a weapon in his hand and the opponent has nothing, so he can't think of any reason why the latter is so calm.

But the arrow was at Xuanshan, so he had to shoot it. Since he rushed over, he couldn't stop because of the opponent's "inexplicable self-confidence".

He has the upper hand, has the advantage of weapons, no matter how you look at it, he has the chance to win, and the opponent is just standing there waiting to die.


He took a deep breath, raised the sharp knife in his hand, and slashed fiercely from top to bottom!

When the two of them moved closer, the other party seemed to panic at last, his eyes were not calm, and he was so nervous that he was sweating for a moment.

He is sweating?

Players still sweat?

Suddenly, Mulia seemed to think of something, and his face changed drastically!


This person is Ding Wen! ! !
No, it's over!
The knife is fast, and his knife is faster.

The price of being fast is that it is hard to stop, and the brakes come suddenly on the way.

Seeing that the knife was about to hit the opponent's head smoothly, Muria was extremely panicked and even had a trace of despair in his heart.

Would a cunning person like Ding Wen stand in front of him undefended and let him chop in vain?
Obviously not!

Thinking of the other party's calm expression at the beginning, Muria couldn't help shouting: "Maya, help me!"

What help?
Maya in the distance looked bewildered, completely unable to understand what the 'gang' he meant.

You cut people down immediately, do you still need my help...

Just as she was thinking suspiciously, in Maya's sight... suddenly there were two more people!

These two people seemed to appear out of thin air, teleported over, and in the blink of an eye, they appeared very abruptly.

how come--

Maya was shocked, rubbed her eyes in disbelief, and found that he was not dazzled.

Depend on!
Where did these two people come from?
They checked it before!

Although she didn't know what happened, Maya's reaction was also very fast. She immediately bent her bow and set her arrows, aiming at the two enemies that suddenly appeared.

But no matter how fast his reaction was, it couldn't be faster than the two knives that were closer.

While Muria successfully slashed Ding Wen's face, he was stabbed twice in the neck.

In his hand is the Catching Wind and Shadow Knife, a 3+3 weapon.

But apart from Abyssal Fission, there is no weapon in the game that can kill in one hit.

When he hit Ding Wen, he only seriously injured him, while the two critical strikes by Li Huo and Han Gedan made him fall to the ground.

"Don't let them love me!" He could only put his last sustenance on Maya.

After finishing speaking, Maya's long arrow just flew towards him. Li Huo didn't dodge or dodge, and forcibly resisted the damage of the long arrow, chopping with Han Gedan randomly, and forcibly made up for Mulia.

The resources allocated by Maya are actually not much different from those of Atlantis. What he has in his hand is only a 2+2 dream-making bow. Even if the Jinghong Arrow hits, it cannot cause fatal damage to the enemy.

When he replaced the second arrow, Muria had been stabbed to death.

The dark fairy tale seems to have discussed the countermeasures in advance and made up for Muria. The three immediately got into the car, stepped on the accelerator, and quickly fled to the north.

Maya's second arrow flew over and hit the back of the car, limp and weak, only deducting a little durability of the car.

He had no choice but to watch the other party run away after the fight, and drive away in the car.

(End of this chapter)

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