I can see the finals

Chapter 359 Circle Type

Chapter 359 Circle Type
Experts watch the doorway, laymen watch the excitement.

Except for Atlantis, the party who felt the deepest, only some of the audience who were watching the game saw the difficulty of Ding Wen's escape; Some of the choices were at a loss. They looked at the perspective of God, but they still didn't know how Ding Wen escaped.

"Exaggeration!" The first type of people exclaimed.

"Oh? Run away." The second category was expressionless and untouched.

"Ding Wen is still great." The third group didn't know how serious they were, but just echoed with the first group. They knew that Ding Wen was good, but they didn't know which tactics he was good at.

These are the corresponding psychological activities of the three types of people at present.

Among them, exaggeration and greatness seem to be admiration, but the difference between the two is still very big. There are many players in the professional arena who can be called great, but greatness does not mean exaggeration. It was a player who did the 'nearly impossible'.

Therefore, there are many players who can be regarded as powerful, but very few achieve 'outrageous' and 'exaggerated'. However, Ding Wen was able to escape from the double-team with only two moves, which undoubtedly deserves the word "exaggerated".

The two commentators can naturally see how difficult it is for them to escape. Dongmian shouted: "Ding Wen not only has excellent tactics, but also cares about the circle shape. They escaped from the encirclement without being wiped out in area B. You don’t have to hurry to go north, it’s not too late to find a safe place after observing slowly!”

Chun Xiao was a little worried: "I don't think so. If you slow down and explore, the risk will be greater, because they may be eaten by the ancient civilizations that are chasing after them. Even if they are not eaten, the rhythm will be affected accordingly." They were greatly affected. If I had to say, there were only three of them. They were not strong enough, so they might as well go straight to the north. Don’t forget that their intention from the beginning was to go north. I think in Ding Wen’s heart... ...There should be a suitable route for blind tying."

Dong Mian pondered: "It makes sense, but let's look at the first cut corner first. Before the next circle shape comes out, everything is hard to say."

Back in the game, Ding Wenzhen, who left the wind-stopping post, just as Chun Xiao said, directly and resolutely led the remaining two blind tie, three people in one car, all the way north.

The driver is Li Huo, he drives very fast, even in the rugged sandy mountains, he still pulls up the car at full speed, stepping on the accelerator hard.Fortunately, his driving skills are good, although the body has been in a bumpy state, he has never overturned.

"Sister Dan, look back and see if they are coming after you." While driving, he said to Han Gedan worriedly. When he killed Ma Lao Liu and took the car, the rearview mirror was accidentally caught. It was all broken, so he couldn't see it now, and he felt worried in his heart, for fear that he would not drive fast enough and be caught up by the ancient civilization behind.

Hearing his words, Han Gedan immediately turned around and looked behind. Just as he was about to speak, Ding Wen interrupted: "Don't look, they won't come after you."

If this was changed to another team, some people might ask why, but this is a dark fairy tale. Everyone has full trust in Ding Wen. When he opened his mouth, although Han Gedan and Li Huo were still puzzled, but He remained silent and did not ask questions.

Since Ding Wen said so, the ancient civilization would definitely not come after them, so Li Huo continued to concentrate on driving and took them to the predetermined blind spot.

"Why?" The team members of Dark Fairy Tale didn't ask, but Wu Zhan, who was watching them from the first perspective, asked instead. Ding Wen's half-speaking made him anxious to death: "Old Bai, why didn't the ancient civilizations chase after them?"

There are only three people left in the dark fairy tale, and what is missing are two output cores, but Wu Zhan knows that in terms of Ding Wen's ability, there are only three, as long as they successfully enter the finals, it will definitely be the most troublesome opponent.

Ding Wen is different from other conductors. His style has changed too much, and he doesn't stick to one style. Complete the teamfight.

Apart from his own weak combat power, it seems that he can't pick out any other weaknesses.

Now that the ancient civilization is full of staff, the supplies are sufficient, and the feel is also playing, it is the momentum that is booming, and there is a very high probability of hitting the first place in this game.So if they don't act in advance now and catch up with the dark fairy tale to solve this big trouble, it will definitely become the biggest variable in preventing the ancient civilization from being number one in the later stage.

"Because of the circle shape." This time Bai Mu didn't play tricks, and immediately answered the question lightly when he heard the question: "We don't talk about the strength of the players, we don't talk about tactics, and it's actually very simple to go back to the origin of the survivor game. That's...a circle shape!"

"Every move we make, transfer, team fight, grab a point, no matter what it is, the starting point is always a circle. Because of the circle, we will make corresponding actions, move or not. Now the first How dare the ancient civilization catch up with Ding Wen and kill Ding Wen if there is no cut corner? Let’s not talk about whether they can catch up or not. If they follow Ding Wen and break into the encirclement of other enemies...then it is over.

In the game that was expected to be the first, unless Shuiren was crazy, he would take great risks to kill Ding Wen.Therefore, before the corner cutting appeared, the most correct way for the ancient civilization was to move a little north, collect information, carefully observe the surroundings, and then choose a point that is most suitable for a full-scale team. "

"That's right!" Passing through added: "On the other hand, they can also use the dark fairy tale as a sentinel for exploring the road. There are few people in the latter, and they dare not grab a good spot on the road. If someone spots a spot, they will be punished." Attack, use the elimination information to remind the ancient civilization behind; if there is no one, the ancient civilization can just take advantage of the trend! In my opinion, the ancient civilization will follow Lao Ding leisurely, and they will stop as soon as they have a good position. I will never go north again.”

"This..." Wu Zhan's eyes widened, and he looked at passing by in surprise, as if he had seen a ghost.

"Hmph, don't be alarmed, brother Lu and I used to be a conductor anyway." Lu Guo waved his hand and said with a straight face.

Wu Zhan immediately retorted, pretending to say thoughtfully: "So Qiqi has never been promoted."

"What the hell!" Passing by was suddenly furious, and stood up to 'roll in a ball' with Wu Zhan.

"Okay, stop making trouble, if it interferes with my watching the game, you two get out of here." Bai Mu was extremely helpless, then turned to the screen, and continued to concentrate on watching the first-person view of the dark fairy tale.

He was very curious, without any information, where would Ding Wen go after this blind fight?

(End of this chapter)

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