I can see the finals

Chapter 358 Classic Battle

Chapter 358 Classic Battle
They just... left?
Can you go if you are double-teamed by four teams?

Hearing the sound of the car, Molihai Molishou's reaction was almost astonishingly unanimous. Apart from surprise, it was more unbelievable!
This is impossible!

In their original assumption, the five people in the dark fairy tale were basically destined to die, but now the other party only paid the price of two people to break through in such a simple and easy way, how can people not be shocked?
"Damn it, this timing is too good!"

In the smoke, the two of them were very upset. They were not good at tactics. Until now, they still didn't feel that everything was in Ding Wen's calculations, but that they were too impulsive.

If they hadn't pressed close, but stayed stuck in the wind post, maybe the result would not have been as bad as it is now.

But to say a thousand words and ten thousand, things have already happened, and the "only" opportunity was precisely caught by Ding Wen. Strategy can ensure that you will not die.

Of course, the two of them actually couldn't come up with the so-called strategy. A strong enemy was approaching, so close at hand. Just the two of them could not resist the well-organized ancient civilization no matter what.

Soon, the smoke cleared.

Muria and Gendaya's black and white 'ancient ruins' suits caught their eyes.


"Player ancient civilization丨Muria knocked down the general with an ink knife丨Sea of ​​magic rituals!"

"Player ancient civilization丨Gen Daya knocked down the general with a meteor hammer丨Molishou!"

There was almost no gap between the two Tianjiang's elimination messages, and the difference was less than 0.5 seconds.

Ding Wen, who had already escaped from the central point and arrived at Tingfenggang, shook his head unsurprisingly when he heard the news, then turned to the high point and looked at the place where they died with a telescope.

The smoke had completely dissipated, and the four ancient civilizations clearly appeared in his line of sight. Ding Wen just watched, and didn't intend to do anything.

Not long after, Atlantis, the last member of the ancient civilization, arrived in a car, and then, as if in tacit understanding, he looked up to this side.

His expression was not very good, and his gaze towards Ding Wen was not so friendly. His mouth was slightly opened, as if he had uttered two words of unknown meaning.

Although it was far away, Ding Wen had the blessing of a telescope, and it was not difficult to analyze what those two words were from his mouth shape.


Yes, that's what Atlantis said.

He was rarely deceived, not even more than ten times in his entire career, and when he knew that Ding Wen was there, he was much more cautious than usual.

But no matter how cautious he was, no matter how careful he was, he was finally deceived.

Because he never thought that Ding Wen would lie to him with the elimination information!

Throughout the history of the World Championships and tens of thousands of matches in the Regional Championships, there has never been a single case of... cheating people with elimination information!
After all, the elimination information is a certainty, something that has already happened, not an unknown one. It is impossible to make a fuss in this regard!
So Atlantis never thought about it from the beginning to the end. He was doing the most correct thing and the most logical move, and he would be deceived even if he thought of being "correct".

In fact, it was not considered Tundra. Among the remaining three teams, he was probably the only one who understood Ding Wen's tactics and figured out the situation on the field.Although...it's a little late, but at least it won't be out of the game like Xi Chao and Tian Jiang.

Of course, the ancient civilizations will not face the danger of being eliminated. Anyway, they are still fully populated now, and the remaining enemies nearby are only Mo Lihong and Zheng Gongyang who are fighting each other over there. Besides, There is no one else.

The dark fairy tale will definitely go. They don't have long-distance occupations, so it is impossible for them to stay and fight against ancient civilizations. Even if they have long-distance, the three of them can't hold back five people.

After meeting Atlantis' eyes, Ding Wen gave him a thumbs up gesture: "Thank you."

After all, the ancient civilization is the key to whether the dark fairy tale can escape, and whether Ding Wen can leave depends on the choice of Atlantis.

Fortunately, the latter did not disappoint him and made the most correct decision.

Atlantis is indeed a good brother!After the Lone Wolf won in the last game, he "stretched a helping hand" when the third dark fairy tale came to an end. Even if it was involuntary, Ding Wen still had to say thank you.

If the ancient civilization is losing money, it’s not losing money. They collected 300 points for nothing, which is already a profit. The reason why Atlantis was angry was because it was cheated.

Generally, if the commander is cheated, he will be cheated. There is nothing to be angry about, and they have nothing to lose anyway.But for an A+ conductor like Atlantis, the gains are secondary, and being cheated is the most unpleasant thing.In particular, the person who lied to him was Ding Wen, and his command at the same level made him feel unspeakably uncomfortable, as if he felt that he had lost something.

He and Ding Wen are the same kind of people, they like to deceive people but don't like being deceived by others, if they are deceived, it will be a blood loss, and there is no profit at all.

And he also knows one thing, today's game where Ding Wen escaped from the "must die game" will definitely become a classic case in the future, which will be brought up by everyone for research and discussion, replaying how the dark fairy tale used other teams Contain each other, thus successfully escaped.

Needless to say, when replaying, the background board of ancient civilization will naturally appear in front of everyone.Although they are not the most warning lessons, Tianjiang and Xichao are, but the ancient civilization will definitely be talked about incidentally, which is what Atlantis does not want to see.

After bidding farewell to Ding Wen with complicated eyes, Maya opened the map: "The circle is cleared, we are in the circle, but we are on the edge, we have to continue north."

Atlantis frowned, then opened the map, and the signs of the four major districts disappeared, leaving only the sign of District B shining on the map.

The last big area is B?


Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and his expression changed suddenly.

No... This is also in his calculations, right?

Atlantis thought about it, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

His original idea was not to go north, but to wait and see first, looking for opportunities. Even if he didn't find a follow-up circle to brush the E area, they would be the first pick, and they could transfer as soon as possible without getting stuck.

The circle shape didn't appear just now. When they arrived at the south of Shapo just now, because they were concerned about the three-party melee, everyone focused on the elimination information, and most of the professional players' habits were set to voice Broadcasting, not information text, so the five people in the ancient civilization, including Atlantis, did not pay attention to the circle refresh.

But now looking back and thinking about it, Atlantis felt chills all over his body, because this 'dang'...he will definitely be there!

In other words, even if he wasn't deceived by the information about the elimination, he would still have to persuade the fight due to the appearance of the circle.The reason is simple. The final safe zone in the fifth stage is B, and they are on the southern edge of the circle at the first corner cut. They must go north.

In other words, whether Atlantis realizes that the elimination information is a hoax...it's useless!
If someone in the ancient civilization opened the map at that time and saw the circle shape, their desire to persuade the fight would not weaken, but would become stronger.

Not only can you enter the circle and go to the center, but you can also persuade a group by the way, sweep away other teams on the same road, and make the transfer easier. No matter how you think about it, you can make money.

The circle shape is like Ding Wen added an insurance to his "scam", and also gave Atlantis a reason to persuade him. On the surface, Atlantis is the one who makes the choice, and his decision is related to Whether Ding Wen can break through, but in fact... he has no choice at all!
"Too, it's outrageous, he even counted the circle shape..."

Atlantis finally felt the horror of Ding Wen. Unlike those excellent conductors, what Ding Wen couldn't reproduce was his magical ability to find circles. At this point, except for him... no one can do it!
So he can use the information given by the circle to make a big fuss and create a "scam" that Atlantis is "useless even if it is discovered".


Although he was sighing, Atlantis was in a better mood for no reason. After thinking everything through, he felt that he was not wronged at all.

"Sure enough, it's a classic battle, but other teams want to reproduce it...it's probably impossible."

He couldn't help shaking his head with a wry smile, silently turned off the map, and said to his teammates: "Kill the last person, we should enter the circle."

(End of this chapter)

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