Chapter 310
There was nothing special about the dinner in the evening, it was just a very ordinary dinner, everyone gathered together to chat for a while, eat and drink enough to make a good start tomorrow.

But on the way back, Yin Haze still couldn't hold back the doubts in his heart: "Brother Ding."

Ding Wen: "Huh?"

Haze: "I've always wanted to ask, why...why did you go to that kind of place all of a sudden?"

Ding Wen smiled and said, "Because I am a man."

He didn't say that he walked in unintentionally, but used this sentence to respond to the haze.

"Ha, that's true." At first, there was a smile on Yin Haze's face that men could understand, but soon turned serious: "But to be honest, Brother Ding, you are old and young, so you haven't considered talking about one? ? After all, you are so popular now, you have money, and it’s not that difficult to find a girlfriend. Anyway, I think it’s not good if you’re single…it’s easy to feel lonely.”

Ding Wen rolled his eyes at him: "What's the loneliness? I have a family, and I'm not an orphan."

At this time, Li Zhenpi suddenly interrupted: "By the way, Liushen, we haven't met your family yet, and you haven't mentioned it much."

"Let's wait for a chance. They're not in District [-], they're traveling to District [-]."

"Oh, really, that's really a pity." Li Zhenpi felt a little regretful.

Yin Haze: "Don't talk about this, let's talk about business. Have you prepared all the materials?"

Li Zhenpi: "It's ready, Md, you're good, you left with a light word, didn't you say help me? Huh?"

Yin Haze: "Ahem, I have something to do this afternoon."

Li Zhenpi snorted coldly: "Then tell me, what did you do this afternoon?"

Haze: "I..."

During the conversation, the club had already arrived, and Haze hurriedly walked out of the portal: "I'm a little sleepy, I'm going to sleep, get fit and prepare for tomorrow."

"Damn, you don't play games, you're in a state of raising a hair!" Ye Hao shouted and chased after him.

Immediately, there were only eight players left outside the portal.

Cigarette took off his hat, and used his fingers to brush his loose long hair: "Captain Ding, I have always had a doubt. I don't know if I should say it or not?"

Ding Wen: "Well, tell me."

Cigarette: "I watched all the videos of the Crypt Visitors this afternoon, and I found that they are similar to us in one thing."

Ding Wen's reaction was very flat: "Birth point?"

Cigarette was a little surprised: "Have you seen it too?"

Ding Wen: "I watched the night before the lottery. Not only theirs, I also watched the videos of all the participating teams in Group A."

Cigarette: "No wonder... I thought you really didn't read anything."

Ding Wen laughed and said, "If I don't watch it, I wouldn't dare to let Lao Pi do the work alone."

Li Huo asked in a low voice, "Team Nading...what will we play tomorrow?"

Ding Wen: "Have you heard a word?"

Li Hei: "Huh?"

Ding Wen said leisurely: "No matter you have watched some things a hundred times or a thousand times, it is actually better to experience them once."

Cigarette's expression moved slightly, and he first thought of the meaning of his words: "So, tomorrow we..."

"That's right!"



The last time I saw Yang Li in real life was a few months ago.

The next day, the first round of Group A of the semi-finals kicked off. Backstage, Ding Wen finally saw him again after many days.

Compared with the high spirits and high ambitions when he first came to the stage to accept the interview, Yang Li at this time is undoubtedly much more low-key.

Even with the golden finger 'perspective', the crypt visitor did not get the first place in the group. This made him realize the difference between the professional arena and the ordinary rankings, and he also understood that the championship is not easy to win by shouting slogans arrive.

Of course, even though he kept a low profile, he still remained indifferent when facing Ding Wen, and he still didn't remember the latter, with an air of refusal.

Ding Wen didn't go to him specifically, trying to do some useless actions to "recover his memory", but went to the ancient civilization and exchanged pleasantries with Atlantis.

It was the first time he met this conductor who was also an S-rank, and no one knew anyone before, but this did not hinder their communication.

Atlantis is not easy to pronounce because his name is too long, so he has another title that is most often mentioned... Water Man.

Usually his teammates, acquaintances will call him that, and the commentary is the same.

In addition, when Ding Wen really met him, he also found that the latter really resembled him in spirit.Well, I can't say it looks like him, it's a bit disrespectful, but it should be said that the two are very similar.

Atlantis is 21 this year, the same age as Ding Wen, and his personality is mostly quiet and introverted. Even his tone and demeanor when speaking are almost exactly the same as Ding Wen, as if he was carved out of the same mold.

Chatting with him a few words also gave Ding Wen a "wonderful feeling" that he was chatting with himself.

If we look for similarities, I am afraid that both of them are single and will be counted in it.

I heard that Daji pursued Atlantis two years ago, but was ruthlessly rejected by the latter. Some people said that he didn't like women, and some people said that e-sports doesn't need love, but no matter what the guess is, he really didn't agree. Stay single all the time.

"Hello." He didn't speak much, his voice was not loud but clear.

"You are also good." Ding Wen showed his iconic smile, this time it was no longer polite, but felt an inexplicable happiness, a smile from the heart, smiled and shook hands with him by the way: "A long time ago I have heard of your name, and today I finally saw the real person."

"Huh?" Atlantis froze for a moment, as if he didn't expect him to talk so much, and he seemed not sociable, so he couldn't find a topic to answer for a while.

"Haha, I'm your fan!" Finally Ding Wen was different from him at a certain point, at least he would have a different expression and tone.

As soon as this remark came out, Atlantis was even more at a loss. If ordinary people or fans said this, he might know how to answer it, but this person is Ding Wen, who is currently the most popular, which makes him feel Very weird.

But seeing Ding Wen's expression, it didn't look like he was lying, so he could only smile subtly, and said in a low voice: "Thank you, thank you, but now I am also your fan. Look, you... are really amazing."

"Ha, is that so, I'm so flattered." Ding Wen let go of his hand, flattered each other with him, chatted for a while, and gradually became familiar with him.

The twins from the ancient civilization watched their conversation with surprise, because they had never seen Atlantis speak so many words except in the game.

The elder brother Gendaya glanced at the younger brother Muria. The twins have a good understanding, even if they don't speak, they can read each other's words from each other's eyes.

"They are twins."

"Don't tell me, the more you look at it, the more you look like it."

In fact, Ding Wenwen and Atlantis look completely different. You can hardly find any similarities in terms of appearance and outline, but in the eyes of others, they just give people a very similar look, which is really strange .

"The game is about to start, come on!" The chat over there is coming to an end, and the entrance ceremony is coming soon.

Hearing Ding Wen's words, Atlantis nodded and said, "Well, you guys also work hard."

(End of this chapter)

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