I can see the finals

Chapter 309 Coincidence

Chapter 309 Coincidence
Combining all competitions and levels, ranging from PGK to platform entertainment teams, the number of professional players in the seven districts is at least [-], and if you want to stand out from the crowd, mediocrity is not enough.

Don't talk about what kind of results you can achieve, it's hard to even earn a living.

Spirit Snake is undoubtedly one of the most suitable representatives of "ordinary mediocrity". In a small club like Qiqi, he can only play as a support, so one can imagine his weak strength.

Of course, we only talk about "Survivor" here. After all, not every club is as simple as a dark fairy tale. If it is compared to the entire club and those divisions with a wide variety of games, Qiqi is still a medium-sized club.

After Ding Wen came to Qiqi, although the departure of Spirit Snake was a bit sudden, it would not be too surprising. A player of his level was reduced to a substitute, and he was still a substitute in the secondary league. The future was infinitely dark, and he basically bid farewell The career of a professional gamer.

Listening to him talking about the incident at that time, from Ding Wen's point of view, it is not convenient for him to answer the conversation, and he has nothing suitable to answer. When the snake spoke, all he could do was listen silently. .

"When you didn't come, in fact, I always had a question in my heart...Did I think of my career too simply?"

"I thought that in a low-level league like PGL, you can mix it up like a normal job, day after day, with a dead salary."

"But then I realized I was wrong, terribly wrong."

"Although playing a job is currently the most lucrative industry, not everyone can do it. Although I am a little bit better than ordinary people, just 'a little bit' is not enough!"

"You have to have an exceptionally obvious talent in this line of work that is beyond anyone else, or it's all just talk."

After saying these few words, Spirit Snake looked away from the teacup on the table, then looked up at Ding Wen, and smiled unexpectedly: "But do you know? I am not strong enough, but I am still very accurate in judging people of."

Ding Wen: "Huh?"

Spirit Snake's tone was full of deep meaning: "You have only played three games, and I knew...you must be not an ordinary person!"

Ding Wen: "Thank you."

Spirit Snake retired so resolutely because of his judgment. I have to say that his courage is indeed higher than that of normal people.If it were someone else, maybe they would be lucky, hang around for a while, and see Ding Wen's performance in the next game, but Spirit Snake said that he would retire as soon as he retired, without any hesitation at all.

"Drink, or it will be cold."


Ding Wen sipped the hot tea, but he didn't really want to drink it.

He has always disliked drinking tea, and prefers drinking water to drinking tea.

"Don't talk about these fast things, let's talk about you." Spirit Snake changed the subject and said in a teasing tone: "I heard that your contract is tens of millions, is it true?"

"Um...about the same."

"I've become a rich man." Ling Snake's words were not without envy, and he sighed: "I joined Tianrenzhuang and became the owner of a branch. I only earn 100 million a year. That's the most and the most optimistic Condition."

Ding Wen asked curiously: "Are there so few? I heard that pretending to be a celestial being makes a lot of money."

Spirit Snake: "Their main store is to make money and has a good brand, but those of us who open branch stores, regardless of being the boss in name, are actually just working as workers, and we don't make much money."

The two chatted, without the formality and embarrassment of the initial meeting, and the atmosphere of the chat later gradually became more relaxed.

After chatting for about ten minutes, Ding Wen's magnetic watch suddenly lit up, and when he turned it on, he found that it was Yin Haze who was looking for him.

"Where are you, why can't I find your location?"

"My celestial costume at the intersection of 78th Road and East Street."

"Why did you go there? You wait, I'll find you."

"Looking for me? In such a hurry?"

"That's right, the semi-finals are coming up tomorrow, so we can't go out to dinner at night, let's have a good meal first."

"Okay, then wait for me at the nearby portal, and I'll go right away."


At the end of the call, Ding Wen showed an apologetic look to Spirit Snake: "I'm sorry, I'm going out for dinner at the club tonight, let's talk later."

"Where is it, you should be busy." Spirit Snake also heard their conversation, so he got up: "I'll see you off."

"No, no, you keep it, I'll go by myself."

"Haha, why are you being polite, anyway, I am also the master, and it's not far away, just a few steps away."

As he said that, Spirit Snake seemed to remember something, and clapped his hands: "By the way, wait a minute, I'll give you something."


"You wait, I'll get it."

Spirit Snake came to the room, and when he came out after a while, he had a colorful magazine in his hand.

Ding Wen: "This is..."

Spirit Snake smiled slightly wretchedly: "A special issue of the collector's edition."

Ding Wen: "Whose?"

Spirit Snake: "Rainbow Maiden's."

Ding Wen: "..."

In the end, of course Ding Wen didn't want it. Although the old saying goes that no man is lecherous, he really...has no great interest in this aspect.

Especially with the intensive competition these days, it is even more impossible for him to have time to relax and enjoy it.

The spirit snake sent Ding Wen to the door: "To be honest, it's really a coincidence that I met you today. I never thought that we would meet again one day."

Ding Wen also sighed with emotion: "Yeah, what a coincidence, I would never come to this kind of place before, maybe... this is God's will."

After finishing speaking, he waved to Spirit Snake: "Let's go, see you next time."

"Yeah, slow down on the road."

Spirit Snake said politely behind him, just about to return to the store, but saw something in an instant, stopped suddenly, squinted, and looked towards the portal not far from Ding Wen.

It can also be said that it is looking at the haze outside the portal.

As he watched and watched, his expression gradually became blank, and there was a hint of memory in the blank.

"Strange, this person looks familiar. Have I... met him somewhere?"

While thinking, Ding Wen's figure gradually drifted away, and Spirit Snake didn't continue to think about it. If he didn't think about it, he didn't think about it, and it wasn't an important thing.

He shook his head, turned and went back into the shop.

"anyone there?"

Just a few steps away, another man walked into the store, shouted something and then asked Spirit Snake: "Are you the boss?"

Spirit Snake immediately turned around: "Yes, I am."

The man looked around, as if he was quickly scanning the magazines on the shelf: "Is there a new edition?"

"Yes." Spirit Snake immediately ordered the female clerk: "Xiao Ai, bring the latest version to the customer."

While the female clerk was picking up the magazine, the man seemed to ask casually, "Is it hot?"

"It's okay, we are a regular magazine store, if you want to read that kind...we don't seem to be able to provide it."

"It's okay, just this one." The man took the magazine brought by the female clerk, but he didn't even look at whether the cover was male or female, and left after scanning the code.

At this time, Ding Wen just entered the portal with Yin Haze, and the man came to the door of the store, just in time to see their backs for the last time.

The man's eyes rested on their backs for a moment.

"Coincidence, ha ha. There are... so many coincidences in this world."

It wasn't until their figures disappeared from the portal that he whispered something, then put away the magazine, with an unknown smile on his face, and left from the entrance of the Tianren Clothing Store as if nothing had happened.

(End of this chapter)

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