I can see the finals

Chapter 287 The First Imitator

Chapter 287 The First Imitator

Liu Meng was stunned for a moment, and then sighed: "That's right, I almost forgot if you didn't tell me, this match is fought by ponytail, not Ding Wen."

Maybe it was because explaining all kinds of fighting spirit consumed so much that he forgot that the dark fairy tale had changed players before the game.

Or maybe it's because of the style of the ponytail and Ding Wenru's withdrawal, the exact same style of play, the camera does not show them, only from the panoramic view, it seems that Ding Wen is really leading the team.

Then he said calmly: "So, is this the route that was laid out before the game?"

Qingyu: "But the problem is that the game hasn't been played yet, and the players haven't entered the game. Who knows how to do it?"

She believed in Ding Wen's ability to judge the safe zone through the circle shape, but the key point is that he is not playing now, how can he know where the circle is.Besides, he was still unable to communicate with the players on the field. The routes of ponytail transfer must have been instructed and arranged in advance by him, and it was definitely not her own attention.

Qingyu has been shocked by Ding Wen countless times. I thought he had gradually adapted, but I didn't expect that he would continue to surprise people. Sure enough, he answered that sentence. If a good conductor does not play games, he will definitely be A very good trainer.

Relying on his arrangement, Ponytail, a mid-level conductor, was able to safely bring the team into the fourth stage without losing a single player, which is amazing.

In fact, as a commentator, she was embarrassed to say some things.In fact, many teams have done a lot of research on the matter of "planning various routes for different teams" before the game.

Unlike the rules of finding circles, in planning routes, coaches and data analysts can basically do it together.The difference is that a good coach can research more routes through the data provided by analysts, and a bad coach has slightly fewer.

The data analyst of Dark Fairy Tale is Li Zhenpi's part-time job. Just thinking about it, he alone has very limited strength, and it is impossible to complete the data collection. Ding Wen's help is needed.

A new club with insufficient personnel reserves can come up with so many tricks, and those old clubs and wealthy clubs must be able to research only a lot.

But why are few of their teams able to achieve the level of dark fairy tales?
Why didn't it work?

There are two answers.

One is the team style, and the other is why Qingyu is so hard to tell.

It can’t be said that it’s hard to say. This word is not so appropriate. To put it a little bit more implicitly, it’s because those teams either have bad coaches or bad players. They have the ability to arrange plans, but they are unable to implement them on the field.

To put it mildly, they dare not take the risk.Data analysts can collect all the routes, birth points, and player information of each team, but there will be a lot of information collected, and it is necessary not only to formulate the corresponding routes through them, but also to spend a lot of time practicing.

Risk and benefit are not directly proportional, and so is time.

Just relying on training games that are slightly stronger than road platoons will not achieve the effect of training at all.With this time, it’s not good for them to practice something else. Why practice this thing that may not be usable.

In PGK, among the 99 teams, only the Ancient Civilization's style is similar to Ding Wen's. The other teams either have other tactics, are not strong enough, or have no extra time.

Therefore, the style of dark fairy tales can be imitated, but it will be difficult and restricted by various conditions.

However, after today's game is over, some teams may move out the things they studied before, and study them again carefully.

A plain ponytail can do it and work, why can't they?

When Ding Wen was on the field, they had no interest in imitating them, but after changing into a ponytail, the effect was almost the same as if there was no change. Some coaches who were watching the game at this time could not help but have some thoughts in their hearts, as if they felt caught what.


Paradise Harbor Esports Club, training room.

Eight or nine players plus coaches and analysts gathered in front of the screen, watching the game seriously.

At the end of the 4th stage lap time, when the Dark Fairy Tale was still fully compiled, the main core player 'Simple Fisherman' couldn't help but raise his head and asked the coach next to him, Li Zhichuan: "I feel that the effect is good, should we try it too?" Do it."

"Well..." Li Zhichuan's face was reddish, he dragged his voice, and did not continue.

There is no shame in imitation. In fact, in today's league, many teams are imitating strong teams such as Wuxing and Tiangong, including things like play style and tactical operations.

They are strong, there must be a reason why they are strong, and it has been proved through the competition, so let alone the successful cases and don't learn, just rely on your own imagination, how can it work.

When Tiangong was strong, the No. 4 position was popular in the league. When Wuxing was strong, the wave of dual positions began to rise again.

Now that the support has been enhanced, and the performance of Diablo Fairy Tale is good, the wind direction has become a must for support.

You know, in the old version, many teams basically didn't choose support, and often the third position was just a trick, one support and one combat class.

Therefore, the reason why Li Zhichuan blushed was naturally not because imitation was involved, but...

The simple fisherman was a little anxious: "Can't you?"

Li Zhichuan coughed lightly: "Yes, yes, but..."

"But what?"

Li Zhichuan said truthfully: "It will be very troublesome, and it will also... be very tiring."

Hearing this, the simple fishermen didn't even think about it, and blurted out: "It's okay, we are not afraid of trouble, let alone tired! Anyway, we don't have a command now, why don't we try, at least we won't lose people in the early stage."

"No, you misunderstood." Li Zhichuan was a little embarrassed: "I mean... I will be very tired."

"Ah..." The simple fisherman didn't expect him to say that, and he froze on the spot.

"You are less than, you are not a coach, you don't know how hard it is to do this." Li Zhichuan said earnestly: "I'm not complaining, let's take a look at the pros and cons and start from logic. Let's not talk about how much time it takes, It’s not that it’s too late, it’s just the opponent we’re facing.”

"Think about it, 100 teams will play three stages of competition. The opponents in each stage are different. The route can be formulated, but it may be wasted. After all, we don't know which teams will advance. You Say it right."

He explained the reason very clearly, and it is not difficult for simple fishermen to understand, but he still feels a little unwilling: "How about...we just study the routes of the opponents in the final? There are only twenty teams, and the number is not too many. In terms of time, Even more in time..."

"This is fine." Li Zhichuan let out a sigh of relief in his heart, and said with a smile, "Leave it to me. But the premise...is that you must advance to the finals."

(End of this chapter)

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