I can see the finals

Chapter 286 The same look (thanks to Xiaofei's wallet brother for the reward)

Chapter 286 Exactly the same (thanks to Xiaofei's wallet brother for the reward)
The general team will basically not move when they see themselves in the circle. If they want to move, they will not make a large-scale transfer. They will only expand outward near their birth point and wait for the next circle to refresh.

This is the safest approach and cannot be said to be bad.But Ding Wen's request to Diablo Fairy Tale is... In the first stage, even if you are in the circle, you have to move, go to the edge of the two large areas, and use a style of play similar to "two boats with two feet" and "grass on top of the wall".

No way, they couldn't see the circle, and Ding Wen didn't want to gamble with the system. Although this method is not as stable as "stand still and wait for the circle", it is the best choice after Ding Wen's precise planning of the route.

The other teams were afraid of losing people in the middle of the chaos. Ding Wen was not particularly afraid. On the contrary, he encouraged the players to transfer. According to the established route, he believed that even if they lost people, they would not lose many people, at most one or two.

Each stage of the new version is divided into preparation time and circle brushing time. The preparation time of the first stage of Dark Fairy Tale starts long-distance transfer at about 7 minutes.

Because it is the D area that was swiped away, the direction they go can be the connection of AB, or the connection of BE, whichever is fine.

As time passed, Ding Wen watched, and his slightly uneasy heart gradually relaxed.

Watching people play is really different from playing in person. He even feels that he is more nervous off the court than the players on the court.

But fortunately, everything went smoothly. The other teams didn't do anything wrong, change jumping points or the like. Han Gedan strictly followed one of Ding Wen's routes and led the Diablo Fairy Tale team to the junction of AB area.

Still the same sentence, AB connection and BE connection are optional, and whichever one is used can be used.

For the AB area, there are three corresponding tactics. The next step is to see how to brush the next circle, just apply the tactics directly.

I don't know if Ding Wen's absence has taken away some "luck" or "bad luck". This Jiuchi Roulin finally ushered in the Destiny Circle after a long absence.

It wasn't obvious in the first stage, but in the second stage, there was a sign of a "Destiny Circle" in the C area where they stayed.

In addition, it may be due to Ding Wen's departure. Many teams on the field suddenly became active. Whether it was transferring or splitting, they all became much bolder.

Their actions and behaviors undoubtedly made Ding Wen look stupid. The visions shown by these people were never seen by him when he was on the field. Now that he has just left, those teams seem to be liberated. Be 'abnormally free'.

Of course, this must be directly related to Ding Wen's random choice of birth point. With him, the other teams on the field must always be careful to prevent him from suddenly jumping out of a corner and messing with them.

But after replacing Han Gedan, the worry of being intercepted by a sneak attack disappeared.

The three substitutes of Diablo Fairy Tale haven't played much in the training game, but they still played to some extent. Although it's not much, it's only two or three days in total, but as long as they play, they will definitely leave data.

Ding Wen can play wildly and go wherever he wants, but not with three substitutes.

Through the data, it is not difficult for those conscientious data analysts to know where their birth point will be when the dark fairy tale comes off the bench.

With the information of the birth point, everything is easy to handle. At least they know where the other party is and whether they are far away from themselves. Don't say they are afraid of being attacked by surprise, they can even counter-attack the other party based on the information.

And on the other hand, it’s okay to be ambushed, as long as Ding Wen is not around, the tactics of ambushes in the dark fairy tale will definitely not be much better. It’s not that Han Gedan is underestimated. She has only learned the knowledge of commanding fur, and she hasn’t fought for a long time. Suddenly playing, there is no need to worry!
But since everyone is so active, the friction in the first stage is much higher than before.

It’s hard to say how big the team battle was, but after summarizing it scatteredly, in the second stage, there were only 87 people left on the field, that is to say, in the peaceful and quiet first stage, 13 people were eliminated , is no longer the only single digit in the previous games.

The big area cut off in the second stage is Area B. The dark fairy tale on the edge of AB entered the circle and came to Area A.

On the surface, they are currently located on the east side of Zone A, and the large-scale transfer has basically come to an end. Assuming that Zone A is wiped out in the next circle, they can't be in a hurry, they can only be forced to follow other teams slowly Go until you enter Zone E.

But how could Ding Wen not have thought of this, so according to the countermeasures he formulated for different circle shapes, after Han Gedan entered Area A, he didn't stop, immediately stuck to the eastern edge of Area A, went straight south, and finally came At the junction of the AE area.

Of course, their journey was not smooth sailing. During the period, they almost encountered enemies several times, but they were avoided one by one.Ding Wen once marked several key points in the route, where there may be people in this circle and at this stage.

That is to say, the new version, the first five stages are regular, if it is changed to the old version, Ding Wen will definitely not be able to play, and it is impossible to exaggerate to give the route in advance, and then let Han Gedan go.

In the second stage, 10 more people will die on the field.

In the third stage, Area A was wiped away because the dark fairy tales were transferred in advance. At this time, they grabbed the pick of the team in Area A, and after entering Area E, they became the side of the card.

In the third stage, the operation is really coming to an end, and there are fewer and fewer choices left for the dark fairy tales. It is good that the E area is not wiped out in the next stage. Once it is wiped out, they will have to fight slowly.

There are many large areas ahead and few teams. They can be bold and use the route given by Ding Wen to enter blindly. However, as the safe area continues to shrink and the enemy team gradually concentrates, it will be very dangerous to choose to go that way at this time.

It's time to test Han Gedan, and now she needs to make her own judgment based on the situation on the field.

Ding Wen didn't speak, just watched silently in front of the screen. Facing the circle, Han Gedan chose a safe style of play. He first blocked the enemies around the circle to ensure that he was the only team on the northeast edge of the E area. Wait for the circle.

"Very good, no mistakes."

Ding Wen couldn't help but nodded. His requirements were not high, as long as he didn't make mistakes. When he didn't get a pick, the most taboo thing was to be anxious and want to grab another team's pick.

It's the fourth stage soon, a team on the fringes of a large area must definitely, don't do such stupid things.

Unless you have to.

Obviously, the current dark fairy tale has not yet reached that time, and the fourth stage has not yet arrived. It is hard to say whether the last big area is C or E.

He watched the game silently on one side, and on the other side of the commentary stand, Qingyu had a feeling of deja vu from the operation of the dark fairy tale.

"Stand straight in the first stage, and the same in the second stage, and it's a large-scale transfer, without losing people on the way... Uh, isn't this Ding Wen, where is the ponytail of a different person, it is almost carved out of the same mold."

 Thank you for the 400 rewards of Nixgula Beast and Don't Kill the Sheep, the 500 rewards of An Yehuang and Absurd Drinking Dreams, and the rewards of the little brother who got drunk and gave a chance to be abnormal.

  Let's save it together, thank you again.

(End of this chapter)

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