I can see the finals

Chapter 273 Steel Castle (1)

Chapter 273 Steel Castle ([-])

What the hell!

what happened? ? ?
All the viewers and commentators were shocked by the sudden screen swiping information. When no one noticed, Ding Wen Pinocchio's ID maxed out on the big screen. In an instant, nothing but his ID was seen on it. Nobody's anymore.

Of course, the ID of the victim YAM is also there.

But it's better not to be here...

Following the loss of Beiqiaotou in the city last time, YAM once again acted as the background board of the dark fairy tale, and it was all members.

The only difference is that this time the object of the background board has become only Ding Wen.

Throughout the entire Survivor League, the World Championship, the regional regular season, and a series of big or small events, there has never been a situation where a certain player can kill an opponent with 1 team and 5 teams. Before the camera cuts to the dark fairy tale In front of Xinyang City, no one knew exactly what happened there, so the two commentators could only speculate on the battle that happened just now based on the information given by the elimination list.

It can also be said to be a tragedy.

Qingyu couldn't hide her shock: "YAM's death all came from traps, didn't they... did they accidentally break into the trap formation?"

Liu Meng pondered: "It should be. After all, only Ding Wenwen and his own traps were included in the elimination information, and the other members of the dark fairy tale did not appear. YAM probably wanted to gather all the strength to attack a certain gate of Xinyang City, but there was no one. Thinking of their bad luck, the direction of the attack happened to be the heavy defense area where Ding Wen set up a trap, and then no one was seen, so they were all eliminated by stepping on the thunder."

Qingyu: "I was thinking, how many traps are there to destroy a full formation in one second...?"

Liu Meng shook her head: "I don't know... hey, the angle of view has been cut, look quickly."

While speaking, the angle of view of the camera even gave Xinyang City.

But when it arrived, the rain was too heavy, and the blood on the ground was washed away. What everyone saw was a box on the ground. There were no more than five YAMs, and they were neatly spread out at the entrance of the west entrance of Xinyang City. place, exceptionally neat.

In addition to the box, with the help of the convenience given to the audience by the game official, even in the dark night, the audience can clearly see all kinds of traps that have been used around the box.

The shattered 'falling rock', the 'rain of arrows' inserted straight into the soil, and the 'blast knife' embedded in the stone wall of the nearby city wall, etc.

But almost all the occupations of trap experts can be seen in the small Xichengkou.

"It's so fat."

Seeing this scene, the audience commentators couldn't help being surprised by Ding Wen's rich reserve of traps.

There are so many traps, probably the limit for two people's backpacks... Oh no, to be precise, it's for three people.

God knows how rich the resources of Dark Fairy Tale are. The traps used at Xichengkou alone account for almost a quarter of the supplies in Xinyang City, not including other city entrances.

That's right, other city gates.

If the west entrance surprised everyone, then as the camera cut again and passed the other three entrances, the surprise of the audience commentators... must have become dull!

The three entry points of Dongchengkou, Nanchengkou and Beichengkou were all buried by Ding Wen...the same number of traps as Xichengkou!

They evacuated the entire city and used all the supplies here!

Qingyu couldn't help rubbing her eyes, thinking that she had read it wrong: "It's so crazy, among all professions, only trap experts can do it, right?"

Among the 24 occupations of survivors, some occupations can turn waste materials into treasures, such as chessboards for octagonal chess players, paper figures for psychics, etc., but these occupations cannot use resources without limit.

The octagonal player's board requires the user to be nearby, and they cannot be placed beyond a certain distance; the psychic medium's paper figurines have an upper limit, and they can only be replenished when they lose some; only trap experts do not have these restrictions, as long as the user looks for it If he reaches a certain point and has enough resources, he can keep going.

Today's Ding Wen undoubtedly showed this to everyone very well. When the elimination message appeared, when the camera cut to the past, there was no one from the dark fairy tale at Xichengkou.

In other words, on the premise that no players intervene, relying on traps alone, they easily and freely extinguished the impact of a full formation, which is very exaggerated.

It is also unlucky for YAM. Xinyang City, as the largest city in the rainy night, has appeared many times in the history of the game, and it is the key point for the coach to study before the game.Under normal circumstances, Xinyang City is relatively easy to enter. After all, the city is too big. Even if there is a full team inside, it cannot guard all the city entrances. It is easy for other teams to fish in troubled waters and enter the city.

The best example is that Li Huo sneaked in quietly before being discovered by Daji and the others.

Another point is that if you are forced to do nothing, or when the finals are in the city, very few teams will actually choose to enter the city, because it is easy to enter the city and it is difficult to leave the city.As an aborigine of Xinyang City, Jiuchi Roulin had three out of them, leaving only two in the city, part of the reason for this.

But no one could have imagined that the final round of this game was actually held in Xinyang City. They didn't know about it in the first few stages, but in the fourth stage, they can definitely judge that the central E area is the last safe area.

And Xinyang City is the center point of District E. If you don't consider the corner cutting, this is indeed a very good location.

So YAM is unlucky, there is nothing wrong with their approach, it is all taught by the coach, and when Dacheng is in a good position in the safety zone, he has to play like this.

In fact, they have succeeded many times before, and this time they followed the 'most correct way of playing', but unfortunately...the team in the city is a dark fairy tale.

Of course, the more important thing is Ding Wen who is insane.

They began to collect materials and set up traps in the first stage, gathering the resources of a city. The number of traps set by Ding Wen was unimaginable, and it was too many to be scary.

In the face of so many traps, it is reasonable for YAM to be wiped out.



If someone is looking at the first-person perspective, they will see Ding Wen's expression in the special way of 1 wearing 5... at this time.

After accomplishing a feat, he didn't even feel excited at all, and even sighed.

"How can there be such an impatient team, the fourth stage began to rush to the city..."

Ding Wen came to Xichengkou, looking at the used traps on the ground, feeling distressed.

Yes, he is distressed.

Because in the predetermined concept, there will be no team attacking Xinyang City in the fourth stage, but unexpectedly, YAM, who is impatient, does not follow the routine and plans to enter the city ahead of schedule.

Indeed, the trap played a key role. All five people died, and Ding Wen also got their 500 points. No matter how you look at it, Ding Wen should not feel distressed.

Many people may be confused.

"It's not that the trap is useless, it's working. Why do you feel bad?"

That’s why many people look at phenomena only on the surface.

You know, the trap at Xichengkou represents a quarter of the supplies in Xinyang City, and if they are used up now, it means that in the later stage of defense... the firepower here is not enough.

It seems that both early use and late use have been used, and they have killed people and played an effect, but in fact there is an essential difference.

How could a team's supplies compare with a quarter of a city? Even if Ding Wen scoured their trophies, he still couldn't fill the gap at the entrance of the west city.

Although he could still set up some more traps, the number of these traps would certainly not be comparable to the first time. Later, he would have to rely on traps and people to defend Xichengkou.

Ding Wen felt it was a waste to kill only one not very strong YAM, but there was nothing he could do about it. He sighed regretfully and said helplessly, "Xiao Fang, Xiao Jiang, come to me. Fill in."

(End of this chapter)

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