I can see the finals

Chapter 272 Five kills in one second!

Chapter 272 Five kills in one second!

The Dark Fairy Tale in this game has made adjustments in the selection, of course, it is a big adjustment.

In the first round, Li Hei, who chose Medicine King in every round, changed his one-handed support job to a psychic medium according to Ding Wen's request.And Ding Wen himself is still a meteorologist plus a trap expert.

In terms of long-distance, the team didn't have a single gun. Fang Luoqing returned to her old job again and played Eastern Walker, while Yanjuan chose Windchaser who had suffered under the Western Regions in the first round.

It is not difficult to see from their occupation configuration, this Ding Wen gave up the extremely long-distance combat, but chose some more concealed occupations in line with the rainy night.

Since it is dark and rainy night, whether it is a trap expert, a psychic, or even a wind chaser, they can give full play to their maximum value.

Among all the maps, Lost in the Rainy Night is the best one to transfer. Except for the possibility of getting caught by some old people after reaching the point, it is very safe to transfer midway, and basically you will not be kicked off from a long distance.

In fact, with the addition of vehicles, the utilization rate of horses has become very low. If you drive, the transfer will be more convenient and safe.

However, since the birth point of this dark fairy tale is very close to Xinyang City, which belongs to the circle of destiny favored by luck, they don't have to spend time and effort to transfer, just keep the city well.

Entering Xinyang City, Ding Wen started to set up the traps, and the others scoured Dajishen Gongbao's loot, plus the previous King Zhou's, and instantly filled up the equipment in each position.Unused equipment fully synthesized traps, and handed over to Ding Wen for trap layout.

And not only that, Xinyang City itself is very big, and there are only five people in Jiuchi Roulin. Cheap for them.

This is Ding Wen's richest and richest trap resource in history.

It is difficult for a team to defend the huge Xinyang City, but as long as there are enough traps, it is not a problem for them to defend as a team.

Now is the second stage, and it is very far away from the final round. Dark Fairytale and the others have enough time to search and synthesize traps. I believe that when the final round comes, the number of traps... will definitely surprise everyone!

Outside the game, Qingyu was still reminiscing about the tactics just now: "Daji was completely played by Ding Wen, and was led away the whole way, which led to such a big Xinyang City being easily missed. To be honest, I can't even imagine it."

The other commentator, Liu Meng, was the first to explain the Dark Fairy Tale competition, and it was also the first time he saw his magic with his own eyes. After hearing Qingyu's words, he couldn't help but echoed: "Yes, although we come from the perspective of God Look, player Ding Wen's tactics are not brilliant, but the Jiuchi Roulin players in the game are from the first-person perspective, and for them, this is the deadliest tactic!"

"We all know that Daji is a well-known player for a long time, and her commanding skills are also top-notch, but even she, who is experienced, was tricked when facing Ding Wen, and she was completely defeated. She was deceived from the beginning to the end. .”

Speaking of this, he suddenly stopped, as if thinking about something, and after a few seconds, he smiled again: "Didn't you find anything?"

Qingyu: "Huh?"

Liu Meng: "Since Ding Wen participated in PGK, he seems to have never lost to anyone in terms of strategic calculations."

Qingyu: "Did you remember wrongly, there was a time when the flower of the other side..."

As she said that, she seemed to realize something, smiled embarrassedly, and changed her words in time: "Sorry, I misremembered, the time that Bi'anhua played was in the PGL secondary league."

Liu Meng: "But even that time, Qiqi and the others got a good score in the end, and they are not counted."

The loss of nothing is called being counted, but the loss of earning a lot of money... definitely not.

Of course, strictly speaking, it still counts. After all, the game that Qiqi should have won, but he didn't win, Huang Quan picked up the advantage and won the first place.

So Qingyu teased in a joking tone: "Then if Ding Wen continues to win later on, wouldn't Bi'anhua be the only player who counts on Ding Wen's success?"

Liu Meng didn't even think about it, then shook her head: "Impossible, there is Bai Mu, not to mention him, the ancient civilized Wen Yan is also a top conductor. Although Ding Wen is very strong, but facing them, he will always lose several times."

He seeks truth from facts and does not over-mythologize Ding Wen. After all, human beings are human beings, not machines, so no matter how clever their brains are, there are bound to be times when they make mistakes.

So for Qingyu's teasing words, just listen to it, it's really impossible.

Going back to the game, Jiuchi Roulin was the only team that lost players in the early stage. Since they withdrew and stopped fighting Diablo Fairy Tale, the camera won't stay in Xinyang City for a long time.

After passing through the calm period of the first three stages, in the fourth stage, another team finally suffered casualties.

Youmi Video Game encountered Wushuang in the middle of the map. The former was an aborigine, and the latter came to hit the housing area.

The area controlled by sub-stepping is large, but you must also be prepared for the risk of being washed away.

After some hand-to-hand combat, Wushuang Wushang, who was gathered together and had a greater number of advantages, eliminated the two players from Youmi Video Game. The remaining three players gave up the point of stepping before they had time to support.

Wushuang's collision point seems to be the beginning. After all, it is the fourth stage, and everyone knows which region to go to.After Youmi video game was hit, the Rainbow Girls on the other side also ushered in the impact of other teams.

However, their luck is better than that of Youmi Video Games. In addition, the attacking team is Riyantang, which is the most out of state in this group. Not to mention that they did not attack the point, and they were even counter-killed by three, so that the scene appeared There were voices like "received money" and "cracking down on fake matches".

It's outrageous, are they really a mid-range team in PGK?

This is too much to eat, right?
Send a child!
Even the fierce lion of PGL would not be so bad!

The audience chatted.

Regarding the anti-counterfeit competition, whoever wins who ranks first, and how many kills are not easy to buy or control, but the bottom one can be controlled.

The first round of Riyantang was all sleepwalking, and the ranking was at the bottom. At that time, some people actually felt that something was wrong, but these people were in the minority. More people would think that Riyantang just performed poorly in the first round, so go back and review it to adjust The state, the second round will be better to catch up with some points.

But they were still sleepwalking in the second round, especially when the points were given to the special team Rainbow Girls, so it's no wonder that the calls for 'cracking down on fake matches' are getting louder.

Of course, the commentators will not take the initiative to mention this matter. For the battle just now, the two commentators still review and explain from the perspective of the game.

"I don't think—"

Unexpectedly, Liu Meng just opened his mouth, and the elimination information on the big screen suddenly scrolled frantically, and the screen was swiped quickly, forcing him to hold back his words.

"Player Dark Fairy Tale丨Pinocchio knocks down YAM丨003 with a falling rock!"

"Player Dark Fairy Tale丨Pinocchio knocks down YAM丨001 with a bullet knife!"

"Player Dark Fairy Tale丨Pinocchio knocks down YAM丨004 with a rain of arrows!"

"Player Dark Fairy Tale丨Pinocchio knocks down YAM丨002 with a rain of arrows!"

"Player Dark Fairy Tale丨Pinocchio eliminated YAM丨005 with a hidden trap!"

"YAM is finally eliminated..."

(End of this chapter)

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