I can see the finals

Chapter 241 The famous scene in the midst of aggrieved

Chapter 241 The famous scene in the midst of aggrieved
The new team appeared half a minute later. Maybe they also had the same idea. They came to the bridge and stopped immediately to make the first step of observation.

Through binoculars and scopes, the north bridgehead is silent. If it weren't for the boxes lying on the ground, and those scrapped vehicles emitting thick smoke, the bridgehead really didn't look like there were people.

"Isn't the dark fairy tale going?"

The new team is Bingyu Dao, which was officially rated as the last team in the Mayan Jungle Division before the game.

Commanding Farewell Knife held the binoculars. Although his brows were not wrinkled, his complexion was deep, which was enough to show how worried he was at the moment.

Bingyudao was promoted from another secondary league, No.3 in the division, so they are not ranked high in the group.And because they are weak teams, they will be more cautious than those old teams, and they will walk on thin ice every step of the way, extremely careful.

The last large area came out, and they were still fully staffed. It was because they were cautious, hiding as much as they could, and trying not to conflict with other teams, so they survived alone and survived safely until now.

But because of the circle shape, they couldn't hide anymore, and they couldn't find the boat in order, so they were forced to come to the bridge.

But even here, Commander Farewell Knife still tried to avoid the battle, calmed down and observed the movement on the bridge: "Beiqiaotou is not in the circle, do you have to be stuck here?"

He was very helpless, he looked calm on the surface, but he was very anxious in his heart.

Judging from the actions of the dark fairy tale, their intentions are very obvious, and the parting knife can understand it.But the problem is that you are not in the circle, do you have to get to the point where both sides suffer?
This kind of action of not taking ranking points but only taking elimination points is very realistic and very infuriating.

Dark fairy tales don't want to enter the circle, but they want to!

Elimination points require the team itself to have a certain strength, or it is not so easy to get it for persuading fights or long-distance shooting.For weak teams, ranking points are the easiest points to get.

So the parting knife at this time is very difficult, very humble standing on the high point in the distance, praying secretly to the empty bridgehead.

Pray that the dark fairy tale can be a little ideal, and take a long-term view, and don't just limit yourself to the elimination points in front of you.

Well... yes, there is nothing else to do with the Farewell Knife other than a humble prayer.

Because when he was looking at the bridgehead with the binoculars, he turned around a little and immediately saw another team.

The latter is also waiting and watching, maybe he also saw the Bingyu knife later.

One dark fairy tale is enough to cause headaches for Bingyu Dao, let alone a second one nearby.

Considering the advantages and disadvantages of the circle shape, they are the team farthest from the safety zone, and they are shrinking behind the circle. They are also the first to be attacked by monsters, and they have a huge disadvantage!
Just like a vehicle on a one-way track, if the first one doesn't go, the second one can't go either, and the third one depends not only on the face of the first one, but also on the second one.

"Is there any way?"

Everyone in Bingyudao fell into deep thought, hoping to find a way to break the situation.

And the team that came before, seeing that the Bingyu Saber did not move, they also became anxious.

what are you doing!
You act quickly!

You are the first ones to eat damage from monsters, let me see which of us can beat the other!

On the commentary stage, the two commentators found it very interesting.

Cycling smiled and said, "This is a big traffic jam, no one can move. I seem to understand... why land cars are replaced by flying cars in reality."

Qingyu followed suit: "Yes, there are not so many obstacles in the sky, and there is no need to consider bridges, rivers and so on. If they are blocked together and no one moves, the dark fairy tale will definitely be the biggest winner again."

Cycling: "I like the word you."

While talking, a new team has arrived near the North Bridge in the game, making this area even more lively.

Of course... more crowded too.

The third team came from the west, and it was no match for the first team, but it was on the same level as Bingyu Dao, so no one had a better position.When the monsters came, they were attacked from the west, and Bingyudao was attacked from the north, and everyone was suffering.

After watching for a while, seeing that the four teams had been 'coexisting peacefully', and no one took the lead in making trouble, Biche suddenly asked: "What do you think is the most critical factor that caused this situation to occur...?"

Qingyu thought for a while and replied: "One is the terrain and circle shape, and the other...maybe reason."

It may seem that rationality and the scene are somewhat contradictory, but in fact it is true. It is precisely because of rationality that no one has acted rashly. After all, everyone knows very well what the end of disorderly movement will be.

For them, the current situation is not to say that they are close to death, but it is probably about the same.Diablo Fairy Tale is like an 'Old Lai', squatting at the bridge head with a stern face, and refuses to leave, so they really have nothing to do.

As long as any team dares to rush over the bridge rashly, it is a trivial matter to die, but other teams will immediately find an opportunity to cross the bridge while taking advantage of the chaos.

I was quite brave, but I became cannon fodder and made other teams cheap.

Anyway, it's death no matter what, why should I take advantage of you?Make wedding dresses for you?
You have entered the circle, but what about us?
Let's all die together!

You have zero points, and I have zero points. Everyone is still on the same starting line.

After all, the game needs to look at the score, and my opponent is 19 teams.So it doesn't matter if you don't get points when you die, the important thing is that you don't get points either, which is acceptable.

Anyway, this is not a game where you must win the first place, and there is not only one promotion place, teams with the same score...the more the better.The more, it means that I still have a chance, as long as I surpass these teams in the next game, then I will be stable.

Except for Dark Fairy Tale, the other three teams at the bridgehead on the field were all holding this idea, and no one moved, they were all waiting for the opponent to make a mistake first.

There is one requirement that all coaches are amazingly consistent with.

That is, if it is a fatal situation and there is no chance to find any more, they require the players to give the points to the system monsters, and never give them to the enemies on the field!
Let's go back to the previous topic: scores!
The number of ranking points is limited, and the number of players is also fixed. The 20 teams need to divide these limited points based on their strength.

Everyone can get the same points, and no one can get points, but I can't have zero eggs, and you have more than me, otherwise the gap between them will widen.

I can't control the mortal situation I face, but I can control the way of my death!
Of course, the most important thing... is to control your score!

So, when everyone in the three teams had such an idea, since the start of the PGK match, it took two groups to match the third group, the first famous scene... was born!

The three teams waited until the monster approached... still no one moved.

It is certain to be aggrieved, but what can be done.

The dark fairy tale is as determined as it is, and it will not go away.Perhaps, when the monster came to them, they would leave.

But the problem is... these three teams can't wait for that time.

Dark Fairy was closer to the safe zone than they were, and was the last one to be attacked by monsters.

Bingyu Dao was the first to eliminate all members and was killed by monsters.

Soon, the team to the west followed in their footsteps.

Then came the third team that was attacked, and at this time, the 'Lao Lai', Diablo Fairy Tale... finally moved.

Unfortunately, everything is too late.

Everyone in the third team angrily and helplessly watched all members of Dark Fairy Tale get into the car, watched them drive to the bridge, and were finally surrounded by monsters, regretting to be out.

There was no conflict, no fighting, three teams of 15 people just sent 1500 points to the system, and left the game one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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