Chapter 240
The bridgeheads, which had been confronting each other from the first stage, finally returned to their silence at the end of the third stage.

Ding Wen used the early layout and some small tactics to become the final winner of the three-party team, and also replaced Wushuang to take over the control of Beiqiaotou.

However, their elimination points were not many. When Jiang San and Li Huo made their move, Wushuang and Jiuchi Roulin had almost consumed each other's head points. Earl was killed by God of War, Shen Gongbao was killed by Zhulu, and Zhulu was eliminated by Daji In the end, the two only got the points of God of War and Daji, plus the previous Li Wang, only 300 points.

As for Wushuang's last flank mowing remotely, he drove away before Yanjian and Ding Wen arrived, all the way west, and soon disappeared.

Of course, the situation created by Ding Wen's painstaking efforts is definitely not just for the few hundred points, but for the ownership of Beiqiaotou. This is the most valuable and meaningful!

The fourth stage is coming soon, and the next big area that chooses one of the two will appear soon. At that time, all the teams in the E area will go to the C area.

And for these teams to cross the bridge, there are undoubtedly only two options.

Either cross the bridge or cross the river.

However, the number of ships is limited, not including some teams who have already done this, and boarded the boat in advance before the third stage, so there are even fewer ships available in the fourth stage.

The boat could not be found, and the remaining team had to cross the bridge.

In e-sports mode, although the big catfish in the river will not respawn, players cannot fall into the water, otherwise they will be drowned, just like Commander Wushuang died like that.

Unable to swim, the dark fairy tale that took over the bridge naturally has the right to cross the bridge for these teams.

Then they'll break the bridge, kill the teams, clear the 'butt', and then automatically become the weak side.

Note that it is the weak side of the safe zone, not the weak side of the dangerous zone in the eyes of the previous two commentators.

Except for Bai Mu, who was watching the game off the court, almost no one had such a long-term vision. As early as the first stage, they had already guessed Ding Wen's intentions.

As long as he doesn't give up his mind and looks for Ding Wen like looking for a lover, no one else cares, then the number one commander of the Baimu Seventh District is still worthy of the name.

Cycling enthusiastically explained the battle just now, and his voice was a little dry, but his enthusiasm never retreated, and he was full of praise for Ding Wen's performance: "Ding Wen is really great! This way , they have become the only team at Qiaotou, and they can fight regardless of whether they are in C or E! Oh no, they all have an advantage!"

Defeat those opponents who are stronger than yourself with the least cost and the easiest way, and win regional battles. This is... the value of the existence of command!
In the first game, Ding Wen proved to everyone how important command is with his amazing performance.

Qingyu was not as excited as he was, and had recovered from the battle just now. It was also because there were not many battle scenes in the early stage, and the final outcome of the three parties at the bridgehead was also fully captured by the camera, allowing everyone to see Ding Wen's performance.

She smiled and said, "Although the Dark Fairy Tale is currently at the junction of the two districts and is on the edge, why do I feel that they are going to take the first place?"

The mood of the bike settled down a bit: "Look again, there are still more than ten seconds left in the fourth stage, and the circle will come out soon."


"Okay, the circle has come out!" The two kept staring at the countdown on the screen, and when they saw the circle came out, they couldn't help shouting in unison: "It's area C! The last big area is area C! "

All the teams in Area E are about to leave, whether to cross the river or cross the bridge, it is up to them to decide.

The perspective of the big screen was switched, and it came to the other teams in the E area.

It's not just Ding Wen who hates Lost City, many teams do, especially the team in Zone E of this game, who complained even more after seeing the circle.

No one saw the "three-way melee" at the bridgehead, but it is not difficult to analyze the location of their battle from the elimination information.

Wushuang is a team that likes to block bridges, and they died at the head of the bridge, so there must be people at the head of the bridge now, and it is still full of formations. The difficulty and cost of crossing the bridge will undoubtedly be higher.

But there is not necessarily a boat to cross the river, and if there is a boat, it will be driven away by the team closer to the shore, so how can it be left for them.

In this dilemma, the commander needs to make a choice.


"Captain, let's cross the bridge! Judging from the information just now, the last surviving team at the bridgehead is the new team. We have a good chance!"

"Can't pass, they have trap experts."

Clever command often kills the players who are eager to try with a single sentence.

Those who are not smart, or those who are more confident in the strength of the team, made the opposite choice.

"That's right. They are a new team and they are playing in the PGK League for the first time. They may not have enough experience and strength. Let's go across the bridge and see if we can eat them!"


After 30 seconds, a large list of elimination messages appeared.

"The player's dark fairy tale丨The old boy selling cigarettes knocked down YAM丨003 with pear blossom nails!"

"Player Dark Fairy Tale 丨 Allah defeated YAM 丨 001 with a heavy sniper!"

"Player's Dark Fairy Tale丨The tailor takes..."


Bicycle was a little dumbfounded: "YAM is... up?"

Qingyu was also shocked by YAM's suicide attack: "Don't they know there is someone at the bridge?"

Bicycle: "They chose to cross the bridge because they knew it..."

Qingyu suddenly smiled wryly: "They really don't think that the teams from the secondary league are all bad...weak people?"

Bicycle: "What were you going to say just now?"

Sapphire: "Ah..."

Cycling did not have as many concerns as hers, but the words were changed to a more euphemistic way: "It can only be said that YAM was too careless and did not calm down to analyze it. Even Wushuang and Jiuchi Roulin are gone. How could a dark fairy tale be Where's the baby team?"

PGL has the Baby Team, which is the Lions, and PGK also has it.But no matter how you rank it, you can't rank it on the dark fairy tale, right?
In the four secondary leagues, the team with the highest overall score is far must not be the Baby Team!

YAM made a mistake that many teams have, thinking that these teams from the secondary leagues are not very good, so they disappeared from the bridge in less than ten seconds.

And they seem to have forgotten the eternal truth that 'the defense is always better than the offense'.

What's more, on this defensive side... there are trap experts.

With the changes in the new version, such players are no longer limited to the use of traps, and can use them anywhere and at any time, without worrying about taking them back.

Therefore, there are terrain advantages, circle advantages, and trap advantages. It is also reasonable for YAM to quickly destroy the group.

They were the first, but they won't be the only ones.

Because the ships are really, really... so few.

The teams on the shore may not need to consider this issue, but the teams in the middle and north of Area E can't find a boat at all.

So, 20 seconds later, the second team quietly appeared near the North Bridge.

But they are smarter than YAM, knowing that only one team can't cross the bridge, so they are waiting for a new team to appear to see if they can find an opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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