I can see the finals

Chapter 235? ? ?

Chapter 235? ? ?

In the arena, the stalemate at the bridgehead continued.Jiuchi Roulin used up the only explosive kite, and could no longer cause any damage to Wushuang hiding behind the bunker.

If there is no third-party intervention, or circle factors, I am afraid that the two sides will still be at a stalemate for a long time.

I can't say I'm afraid, I'm sure!

While the stalemate continued, the circle was shrinking at the same time, the preparation time for the second stage was gradually exhausted, and the team that should leave in Area B was almost gone. Soon, only the dark fairy tales on the east coast were left. .

As Bai Mu said, Ding Wen did choose not to move for the weak side.

However, the two commentators were not very optimistic about their actions.

Regarding the issue of the weak side, they didn't understand it at first, but as the teams in Zone B gradually left, they now also discovered Ding Wen's intentions.

Cycling was a little worried and puzzled: "Is the goal the weak side... But the weak side in the danger zone is different from the weak side in the safe zone. Why is Ding Wen so smart, but he didn't take this into consideration?"

Qingyu also sighed: "Yes, the weak side of the danger zone is not very useful, and the dark fairy tales will always enter the circle. And there is not much preparation time left for them in the second stage."

Cycling looked at the panorama and carefully analyzed: "Then there is only one way for them to go. Go straight to Area E. They can't go around from the north anymore. Time does not allow."

"Hey!" At this time, Qingyu seemed to have discovered something, and drew a line on the screen with a marker pen, firstly for his partner to see, and secondly for the audience to have a clearer and more intuitive impression.

"How about this straight line?" After finishing the drawing, she asked the bicycle beside her.

The latter took a closer look and found that the direct line she drew was really good: "Perfect! If Ding Wen walks along this line, they can pass behind Qiaotou Wushuang and enter Area E very safely."

But the route is marked, but the problem is that Ding Wen in the game...can he find it?

After all, the commentary is from the perspective of God. He can see the situation on the field and the distribution of the teams at a glance, and can easily find a safe route. However, Ding Wen is in the game, and many things are unknown.

Except for the two teams at the known bridgehead, they don't know where there are people and where there are no people in the rest of the area.

So despite having such a safe route, the two commentators couldn't help feeling worried for Ding Wen.

Without God's perspective, can Ding Wen really find this safe route?

Ding Wen couldn't find it.

Or rather, he didn't look for it at all.

This is something that no one watching the game would have thought of.

Precisely pinching the preparation time, Ding Wen finally made the players move.

It was totally different from the route drawn by the commentator, he didn't take it along that route, but let Li Huo and Jiang San go straight, starting due west from the bank, and came directly to...the bottom of the bridge.

Of course, the bottom of the bridge is not full of water. There is a large piece of reef near the bridge head, but the terrain is very steep and very steep. If you are not careful, you will roll into the river.

What is even more shocking is that the two team members who were unable to get to the bottom of the bridge...did not drive!
They are under the bridge to walk to!
Under normal circumstances, if they don't drive, they will definitely die on the empty halfway.But because the two branches at the head of the bridge restrain each other, no one can spare time to look at the shore, let alone look under the bridge.

So there was no sound from the vehicles, and the two walked to the bottom of the bridge without a sound. None of the two teams above noticed... There were two more people under their feet.

No one could understand what Ding Wen was doing, and no one could guess what he was thinking.

The same is true even for commentary audiences who have God's perspective and a panoramic map.

Bicycle: "This... do you have anything to say?"

Qingyu has never seen such a scene in his commentary career, and he was a little dazed at the moment: "No, I don't know what to say. Hmm... I can only say that Ding Wen is very good at taking advantage of the mutual constraints of other teams to create opportunities for himself .but this opportunity..."

She didn't go on, but she understood everything.

Cycling's tone was very heavy: "This opportunity is too bad. It directly changed the dark fairy tale from the most favorable team... to the one with the worst position among the three teams! Now it is the second stage, and only two players have been refreshed. A large district, if District E is swept away, how do they get out from under the bridge?"

Yes, originally the two teams restricted each other, and the dark fairy tale was the free side, but Ding Wen seemed crazy and even let his own team join it.

No, it should be said... They are actually not qualified to restrict the team above.

Ding Wen's decision seemed more like he was forced to go to the safe area under the bridge to hide and shelter when he had nowhere to go.

But the problem is... they are not passive!

They came to the bottom of the bridge on their own initiative!

This is beyond comprehension...

However, this is only the beginning.

The bicycle's heavy expression retreated a bit, and the chat was a little more relaxed: "The good news is that the other two teams didn't find them. Maybe the two sides will fight in a while, and the dark fairy tale below can take the opportunity to find an opportunity to stir up the muddy water. Hmm... ...By the way, what about the other three?"

There were only two people going to the bottom of the bridge, and the remaining three, Ding Wen, remained on the shore, calmly, as if they were not in a hurry.

The two commentators looked at each other in blank dismay. Although they had already collected enough information about Ding Wen before the commentary, and had a certain understanding of the latter, when they arrived at the scene, they realized...these so-called information was far from enough!

How to explain it?
The two of them never imagined that one day they would face this 'problem' that was not a problem.

Ding Wen is too strange, his behavior, so that the two commentators can't find any logic to explain, and there is no way to make sense.

As a result, the commentary stand was silent for a few seconds, and finally the circle approached, forcing Ding Wen and the others to move. Only then did the two commentators find the topic.

Bicycle secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and his voice returned to the high voice of the commentary: "Okay, we can see that because of the monsters, the remaining three people in the dark fairy tale are very dangerous! They started to move the car and head to... Wait!"

He stopped abruptly, looked at the screen blankly, and then shouted in disbelief: "They chose to charge?"

Qingyu also seemed to be stunned: "It's...really charging? The direction they drove was towards the Wushuang team members!"


Even the commentary was stunned, let alone the audience who were watching the game.

There were three question marks in everyone's heart, and they looked at the dark fairy tale with only three people in astonishment, with an indomitable and courageous momentum, the route was straight... towards Wushuang!
This jaw-dropping 'brain-damaged' operation made people even forget to shout.

what is this?
(End of this chapter)

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