I can see the finals

Chapter 234 The Person Who Knows Best

Chapter 234 The Person Who Knows Best

The people in the wine pool and meat forest where the vehicles on the bridge were destroyed were ashen-faced, and they cursed this word in an angry voice.

Although they don't know which team the third party is, obviously no matter who the opponent is...they can no longer move.

Of course, you can walk, but if you can walk, how can Wushuang, who has been eyeing the bridge, let them go?
What's even more exasperating is that this team left after the fight, not greedy or nostalgic, well-trained like an army, and still left the battlefield to them and Wushuang.

What are you going for!

Stay here, don't you all want to take the head share?
Jiuchi Roulin naturally hoped that the chaos here would be as good as possible, so that even if they didn't have a car, they would still have a chance to sneak away. Unfortunately, this unknown third-party team was too decisive and really didn't give it a chance.

What should I do?
The smoke hadn't dissipated yet, and as the conductor, 'Daji' hid behind the car, worrying about countermeasures.

They don't want to fight, but they can't leave, so they can only live awkwardly with Wushuang here.

If the other teams are okay, but they are Wushuang, the most powerful team in PGK, they can lose in a group, but they must not lose in momentum, so Daji has reason to believe that Wushuang will never take the initiative to back down!What's more, if your own vehicle can't move yet, then you won't let it go.


At this time, Daji's eyes suddenly lit up, if the next lap wipes away Area E, then Wushuang and the others... have to leave?

Be more optimistic, if Area B is also swiped away, then they will become the favorable party instead, and they will enter the circle against Card Wushuang!

This is the only way Daji can think of to deal with it, um... It can't be said to be a response, it can be said to be a thought, or a chance to continue playing.

Outside the game, the camera has been cutting on Jiuchi Roulin, and the two commentators are always paying attention to their movements.

Cycling sighed: "It's not easy to walk in Jiuchi Roulin. I still have the same question as before. Why do they still have to cross the bridge in the first stage when they can guess that Wushuang is blocking the bridge?"

Qingyu had the same question as him: "Yes, their birth point is near the head of the South Bridge, which belongs to Area C. The first stage is just to wipe out Area D. They are still in the safe area, so there is no need to rush across the bridge. What if In the second stage, Area C was not wiped away, so wouldn't they be at a big loss?"

Speaking of the second stage, during the time when Jiuchi Roulin and Wushuang were fighting each other, the second area that was wiped out had already appeared.

After Area C, Area B became the second large area to be wiped away, that is to say, the right half of the map was completely gone, and it became a dangerous area.

Bicycle had such an expression as expected: "Look, Area C is still there. I'm afraid I will regret it to death after going to Jiuchi Roulin."

Because the two teams have been in a stalemate, and no one has made a move, the topic of the commentary has also shifted to the dark fairy tale that suddenly appeared just now.

The bicycle glanced at the panoramic map: "I'm curious, none of us noticed, when did the dark fairy tale come over, it's like a ghost."

Qingyu laughed: "Your analogy is too vivid. To be honest, when Allabin shot just now, I was startled. I said that Wushuang and the others were lying on their stomachs. Where did the gunshot come from? "

Cycling couldn't help sighing: "You see, they are not greedy, and they seem to know in advance that Wushuang will block the bridge, and leave after the fight. The execution ability of the team members is too strong!"

Qingyu smiled and said: "This is the style of player Ding Wen. According to big data statistics, he is PGL's favorite commander of abortion. He is exactly the same as Bai Mu. Shooting people first shoot horses, hitting people first taxis, their kind of commander always He has an extraordinary obsession with 'tools' other than players."

Biche also laughed: "But obsession is indeed useful. No, Jiuchi Roulin is disgusting. There are three big killers in the team, but they don't even have a chance to play, and they are trapped on the bridge."

The two sides still didn't fight, when the camera turned and came to Diablo Fairy Tale.

What is surprising is that the two teams didn't fight, and they didn't leave. They seemed to retreat, but they were still staying on the east coast, but they were far away from the bridge, and they were in an absolutely safe position where no one could fight. .

The bicycle suddenly said in surprise: "Aren't they leaving yet? The second stage wiped away Area B. Could it be...they are not only interested in tires, but also in people?"

Qingyu was not sure, and analyzed based on her years of experience in commentary: "It should be... no? Although there are teams stuck at the bridgehead, they cannot cross the bridge, but they can go north and enter the AE area. If they don't Let’s go, you may not have a sequence in a while, and it will be difficult to go around when the time comes.”

Cycling agrees very much: "That's right, if they don't want to go around, if they have thoughts about the team near Beiqiaotou, they will become the one with the worst position among the three parties when they shrink the circle. I think Ding Wen's PGL performance, he should He will not make such a low-level mistake, unless he has other considerations, but we did not expect it."

Qingyu pondered: "Any other ideas... what could it be?"

While the two were analyzing and guessing, Wu Zhan, who was watching the game at the Five Elements Club on the other side, also raised a question: "Old Bai, what kind of medicine do you think is sold in Ding Wen's gourd? Why don't you take a detour to enter?" Circle? Or does he really have an idea for the team on the bridge?"

His repeated questions did not stop Bai Mu.

Regarding this, he just asked indifferently: "Why, you didn't see this?"

Wu Zhan was speechless, rolled up his sleeves, and used actions to express what he wanted to say.

"Don't make trouble." Bai Mu nimbly flashed his big hand, and finally showed his serious face, and replied: "Didn't you realize that he has been deliberately putting his team...on the weak side?"

Wu Zhan frowned, a little at a loss: "What do you mean?"

"Sure enough, a martial artist has no brains." A passing by smiled and said, "Even I can see it, why are you still asking, tsk tsk."

Wu Zhan was very unconvinced: "Nonsense, you were teammates with him before, of course you understand. If you are really brains, you are not much different from me!"

Passing by, he immediately became furious: "Fuck you, don't insult me, who has the same IQ as you!"

"Talk about civilization and establish a new style." Bai Mu said quietly.

"Damn!" Passing by looked at him in surprise: "Where did you learn it, is this your line?"

"Okay, okay, be serious." At this moment, Wuxing's coach spoke and stopped them from continuing to talk.

But back to the topic, Wu Zhan still couldn't figure it out: "Old Bai, what do you mean by the weak side... exactly?"

Bai Mu sighed, as if defeated by his IQ: "Let me ask you, is the birth point of the dark fairy tale good?"

Wu Zhan: "Very bad."

Bai Mu asked again: "What about their order?"

Wu Zhan scratched his head: "It depends on which direction they move."

Bai Mu reminded him: "In the first stage, Area D was wiped away."

Wu Zhan seems to have caught something: "They can't cross the river."

Bai Mu: "And then?"

Wu Zhan's eyes gradually lit up: "Then their transfer direction is only to the west or north, because the second stage B area is also brushed away!"

Shiraki smiled: "Without the circle, the teams in Zone B will be transferred, and there are people at the bridgehead. It is not a day or two for Wushuang to block the bridge, especially in the low-intensity anti-group match. So other teams want to transfer , will also go around the north, and if you are bold, you will enter the E area directly from the west."

Wu Zhan's eyes became completely bright: "No matter where these teams go, there is a chance that they will collide with the dark fairy tale, because their routes conflict, so... as long as you let them go and don't move yourself, then there will be a lot of trouble behind." There is no one, and it is in an empty state! In this way, the dark fairy tale will naturally become the weak side without doing anything!"

Bai Mu nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, many problems seem to be complicated, but they are not. It depends on whether you are willing to use your brain to think about it. Just like Ding Wen's choice, is it difficult? It is not difficult at all! My own rank is not difficult. When you are high, don't try to compete with others for the pick, if I guessed correctly..."

Wu Zhan: "Didn't guess wrong? What's next?"

Bai Mu looked at the screen and said with a meaningful smile: "In the next stage, Area A may be wiped away."


"Because he sees more... than I do."

(End of this chapter)

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