I can see the finals

Chapter 23 Heroine?master?No, still lyb!

Chapter 23 Heroine?master?No, still lyb!

Ding Wen naturally heard the sound of the motorcycle, and the sound was louder. The driver didn't hesitate to speed up and drive in without any hesitation about whether there was anyone in the zoo.

"Could it be you."

When it comes to motorcycles, Ding Wen not only thinks of the female car thief.

I heard it, but Ding Wen has no intention of looking out. Right now, there are still many safe areas. Except for himself, no one can be sure where the final finals will be, so he is hiding here at this point in time. It's very safe, the player who drives the motorcycle will definitely not come to investigate.

She doesn't take the initiative to look for her. It's good for the two of them to be a 'neighbor'. If there is danger, she can attract firepower for herself and distract the enemy's attention. It's not so good!
But having said that, that player's intuition is very keen. There are so many safe zones left, and she was able to find them accurately. Like Ding Wen, if he doesn't have the ability to predict the finals, how can he easily identify a position? Dive in.

It can only be said that this suspected 'acquaintance' player has a strong sixth sense, or he is very lucky, because this is really the final round.

"The remaining players in this field - 30 people!"

"A new monster is about to appear, please evacuate in time..."

Ding Wen glanced at the map and found that most of the entire map had been grayed out, and the Tiantian Zoo, which had not been mentioned until now, was in the center of the remaining safe area.

Any player with a bit of game common sense will undoubtedly rush here immediately after seeing the map.

"Not bad luck."

A very obvious female voice came from a very close position outside the cave.

She was talking to herself, but because of surprise, she couldn't control the volume well, and because she was very close to the entrance of the cave, Ding Wen could hear it clearly.

Until then, he didn't know that the new player had sneaked up the tree, but he hadn't heard it yet, thinking that she had been hiding in the hut since she drove the car.

"As expected of a lyb, there is no one next to him, and he is still walking with his footsteps pressed down."

Ding Wen thought silently, but based on her actions, she could also judge some of her psychology at this time.

If there is a house waiting to run to a high point, it obviously shows that this person... wants to get elimination points!

She didn't want to just hang on, just for the rankings to mix up points.

This is a lyb with ideals.

But Ding Wen is exactly the opposite of her.

Even though he heard the woman's voice, he still pretended not to hear it, motionless as a mountain, curled up in the cave, as if it didn't exist at all.

The quiet time is always so short. Ten seconds later, a few rapid gunshots sounded faintly in the distance. From the sound, it seemed to be in a zoo.

Player No.3 appeared.

He's already in, right in the middle of the zoo, not at the gate or outside.But because the zoo is very large, Ding Wen can only roughly guess the direction of the player who fired the gun based on the gunshots, but cannot judge the exact location.

"Player Yin Haze eliminated Qin Yu with the ion cannon and got triple kills!"

As the gunfire ended, the system broadcast followed.

The player who was killed by Ding Wen K also came to the zoo, and his occupation is still an imperial mercenary.

Of course, this is reasonable. After all, it is a medium-to-large map with a wide area, and players with long-distance occupations will be larger. Even Ding Wen, the unlucky guy, can accompany imperial mercenaries, let alone other people.

"3+3 ion cannon, luck is fine."

After hearing the news of the elimination, Ding Wen couldn't help being a little envious. To get such a good weapon, it seems that the haze has already made a deal with the devil, but he...

Hmm... That's the price of bad points. Since he chooses, he has to accept the fact that he can't get more advanced equipment.

"It should be the direction of the main entrance in the north. He is sniping other players who come in from there."

It's okay to be idle, Ding Wen was also guessing in his heart, but unexpectedly, a new voice appeared again!
This time it was not a gunshot, but a very strange sound of breaking through the air, as if something was gliding in the air, and it was continuous.

The location where the voice came from was very close, right on the tree where Ding Wen heard the voice.

Another player has come close!
And that female lyb finally... made a move!

"Yeming Scimitar!"

With Ding Wen's hearing ability, he could immediately identify which profession this strange sound came from.

"Her remote occupation is Eastern Walker!"

Dongfang Walker is a class with a medium and long range. The attack range is not that far, about tens of meters to 100 meters. The weapons of this class are very special, a bit like the blood drops in some martial arts novels. The thin line can circle back to the hand after being thrown, and the visual effect is full.

But cool is cool, and difficult is really difficult. Eastwalker is another profession that dissuades most players.

What to choose for a remote career?
Of course they are imperial mercenaries!
No matter what age, hot weapons must be better than cold weapons!
Firearms are simple, direct and effective, which point is not better than a knife?
This is the true thought of many people, including Ding Wen.

After all, he couldn't even play a job that required quick on-the-spot reactions.

Or not eligible to play.

He didn't expect that the female player outside was playing...it turned out to be this extremely difficult profession!

It was only when Ding Wen had this thought in his mind that the elimination message sounded right after him.

"Player Idiot kills Little Tiger with Yeming Scimitar and gets his first kill!"

"A master..."

Ding Wen was really shocked. He never expected that this lyb player whom he regarded as a fellow player turned out to be a master?
The Yeming Scimitar is the 2+2 weapon of [Oriental Walker]. Theoretically, it cannot take away the player with a critical strike, but with the blessing of the Eastern Walker's passive skill, it can kill the player with one blow.

So, in this game, she didn't get a random job... but she unlocked it by herself!
Only when you are extremely proficient in a certain profession and have sufficient confidence, will you take the initiative to exchange it in the new district just one day after it opened.

Apparently, this female player named 'Stupid' is an old player who is very proficient in [Oriental Walker].

"However...how could a woman give herself such an ID?"

Ding Wen didn't want to understand this, and it was difficult for him to understand.

Generally speaking, don't female players always give themselves some cute titles, no matter how bad they are, they will develop in a domineering direction, but such a funny ID...it feels strange no matter how they sound.

Perhaps, this is the master.

If their thinking is the same as that of ordinary players, can they still be called masters?

Ding Wen nodded thoughtfully, remained still, and listened to the next move of 'Stupid'.

But... no further steps.

'Stupid' succeeded in one blow, just like Ding Wen now, as if he had settled down, and never made any movement again.


Ding Wen was a little dazed and rubbed his ears, but he still didn't hear her move.

"Master, don't you lick the bag?"

(End of this chapter)

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