I can see the finals

Chapter 22 Everyone is Lyb

Chapter 22 Everyone is Lyb
"Player Ronin was killed by system forces!"

The mist does not belong to the attacking player, so the player who was eliminated by the giant catfish was not counted on Ding Wen. Of course, the head was not his, and Ding Wen didn't think it was a pity. Feel the urgency of time.

From the north to the south of the map, there is only one road, the bridge. Right now, he has encountered players who are transferring. If he doesn't hurry up, more players will come later.

Fortunately, the car didn't stop when the fog was thrown just now, so he didn't need to restart it, and continued to pull up the speed, heading straight to the south!

The journey was very smooth. The 2000-meter-long bridge was about to reach its end. What Ding Wen was worried about did not happen. He originally thought that there would be players blocking the bridge and robbing him, but he didn’t see any other players on the road except him.

In fact, think about it. After all, it is only the first stage. The players may not have all the equipment. Few of them have the conditions to come to the bridge and shoot down the speeding players from the car.

There are three roads at the end of the bridge, and the middle is still a flat and spacious road. On the left is a house along the street, and on the right is a food processing factory.

A1-B-256 is at the bottom right of the map. Ding Wen goes from north to south, and the food processing factory is on his left, so even though the road is winding and narrow, he can only go here.


As soon as Ding Wen crossed the bridge and turned a corner, a bullet suddenly flew from the house next to the street!
But because the vehicle was in a moving state, the flight trajectory of the bullet was obviously deviated, and it didn't even hit the vehicle, sticking to the vehicle body and shooting into the stone pillar next to the bridge.

The place Ding Wen was going to was opposite to the location where he attacked the player, so he ignored it. After turning the corner, he drove towards the food processing factory without looking back!
"If you really want to rob, you have to go to the bridge. If you want to block people and keep yourself safe, how can there be such a good thing."

Ding Wen muttered, considering the terrain, the speed of the car slowed down a little, and it was no longer as fast as before.

He managed to get away from an attack, but he didn't relax his vigilance. While driving, he glanced at the food processing factory next to him.

People didn't see it, but instead he saw a 'thing' that made him somewhat familiar - that motorcycle!
The stolen motorcycle was thrown at the gate of the food processing factory at this time, and the woman who drove it may have entered the factory and disappeared.

"Damn car thief!"

Ding Wen couldn't help feeling uncomfortable again, but it was impossible for him to stop and go inside to find the female player to settle accounts, let alone steal the motorcycle back quietly without thinking carefully.

Who knows if that woman hid on purpose, hiding in an unknown corner, just waiting for the player to take the bait for the vehicle.

Lyb has always been the scariest creature in this game. It is obviously a competitive game, but it is like a horror game in their hands.

They may suddenly appear in corners, pits, or even cabinets.

They are like ghosts, everywhere.

So even though Ding Wen was very upset, he could only pretend not to see, and drove past the entrance of the food processing factory.

After going through a stumbling journey, Ding Wen finally drove out of this area, out of the dirt road, and in front of him were three completely different fork roads.

[Lost City] Since it is a city, it is unavoidable that there are many roads. Some players will get lost while driving without looking at the map. Mostly.

But no matter what, remembering the map is the foundation of the game. Ding Wen will never have any problems in this regard, and he doesn't need to look at the map to recognize the way.

After getting out of the restraint of the dirt road, he picked up the speed of the vehicle again and drove forward along the left side.

Along the way, he also saw many players. Some of them fired a few symbolic shots and threw a few concealed weapons before letting Ding Wen drive past them.

It is the consensus of most players to avoid fighting as much as possible in the early stage. If they have a place to stay, they will generally stay there honestly.

In the end, Ding Wen didn't encounter too much danger, and finally drove to his destination - Tiantian Zoo.

And now, the only thing he needs to worry about... is whether there is anyone here.

The outer walls of the zoo are towering. Except for [Shadow Cat], it is impossible for other professions to climb the wall to enter. The remaining entrances are the front door and the main entrance.

To be cautious, Ding Wen chose to go through the back door.

For Ding Wen, who knows the location of the finals circle, the means of transportation such as vehicles are not important at this time. He does not need to protect the car. After a certain distance from the zoo, he abandons the car and walks.

Sneaking in quietly through the back door, Ding Wen didn't make a sound. Under the cover of the canopy and weeds, he walked straight to the center of the zoo with low steps... There is a sculpture of a hero about seven or eight meters high.

He remembered that under this sculpture, there was a hole enough for an adult to hide in. The location was relatively hidden, and few players would specifically check this point in single-player mode.

His goal of this game has been achieved, a suitable birth point, a smooth transfer, he came to the final position in the final circle, everything is perfect.

Unsatisfied, he said that he had nothing else to ask for now, not even thinking about searching the zoo again, he just wanted to get a bad score, so he got into the hole without hesitation.

There are two floors in the cave, and there is a small slope. As long as he lowers his head, no one outside will be able to see him.

No way, Ding Wen didn't want to be a lyb, but due to his own limitations, he had to be a lyb.

It is best to get the elimination points, and if you can't get them, you will lose the points. With this goal in mind, Ding Wen quietly huddled in the cave, waiting for the next stage to come.

The next stage actually came very quickly. After all, it took a lot of time for Ding Wen to transfer. After a while, he heard the game voice broadcast.

Not surprisingly, his location number is still not mentioned, and there are still no new players in the zoo.

Of course, as more and more areas are wiped away, more and more people will come here. Ding Wen has already considered it. Unless someone comes to check his point, he will never probe.

The ability to endure loneliness is the measure of a lyb's immaturity.

At this point, Ding Wen did a good job.

He's like a tortoise who hides his head in a deep shell and doesn't care about anything.

Soon, the second stage is over, and the third stage is over. At this time, there are only 40 players left on the field.

Finally in the fourth stage, Tiantian Zoo welcomed a new 'guest'.

Accompanied by an ear-piercing roar, a motorcycle 'flyed in' from the back door of the zoo, a beautiful drift, and turned into the small house next to the statue of Ding Wen.

But after getting off the car, the player didn't hide in the house, but went out with a bent waist, and climbed up... a tree not far away very skillfully.

Then, there was no more sound.

(End of this chapter)

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