I can see the finals

Chapter 198 The experiment was successful, and the trial training was advanced

Chapter 198 The experiment was successful, and the trial training was advanced

For the next whole day, Yanjian was very fortunate... to see how crazy Ding Wen's obsession with certain things has reached.

Of course, I can't say I'm lucky. To be precise, it's...unlucky.

He didn't feel anything at first at the beginning, even if he just drove back and forth, but with his dull personality, he could bear it completely and would not complain.

But when it comes to the second one, the third one... even the tenth one.

Even he couldn't take it anymore.

The indescribable dullness, numbness, and repeated "meaningless tentative" transfers made him feel like vomiting, just like the haze.

He didn't understand why someone could be so patient?
Ding Wen is really like a robot, as if he never gets bored, instead he tirelessly collects these useless and extremely boring 'data' in the eyes of others.

Did the lines he experimented with work?
Can it really be effective in the future?

Cigarette didn't know, because he couldn't understand, and Ding Wen didn't explain the purpose of his research.

However, the advantage of Cigarettes is just like his personality. Even though he is extremely boring and has the mentality of wanting to vomit, he still doesn't say anything, just silently follows Ding Wen, running back and forth in the map, and occasionally acts as a "destroyer" , Solve those enemies who stand in the way one by one.

And the other one who was also silent was Fang Luoqing.

She is not bored.

Because she is different from everyone else, she likes to drive, she just plays a simple racing simulator and enjoys it.

"Another weirdo."

This article and one martial arts, the core of the two dark fairy tales, cigarettes can be regarded as having seen it.

You don't need much contact with this kind of people, you can easily find that they are different from ordinary people.

In fact, cigarettes can be regarded as an outlier. If there is no problem in the trial training later, then the dark fairy tales are the three weirdos.

At present, Ding Wen still has two vacancies for teammates, one for the first position, and one for the fourth and fifth positions. If two more weird people are recruited... Dark Fairy Tale may have all weird people, and none of them will be normal.

At around five o'clock in the afternoon, this 'racing game', which lasted almost a whole day, finally came to an end.

Cigarette took off the USB with a dazed look in his eyes, and lay down on the chair with a plop, with a look of lovelessness on his face, and his melancholy further aggravated.

He calculated carefully that today they played a total of 35 games, each of which involved high-intensity shifting, retracing, and indenting. When he returned to reality, the screen in front of him seemed to be not a screen, but a shaking car. Sedan motorcycle.

Even in the empty room, there seemed to be a slight sound of engine starting, ringing in my ears from time to time.

Playing a game, he actually sees double images of things and hears hallucinations?
So Yanjuan quickly rubbed his eyes. Just as he opened his eyes, the phone rang.

After a glance, the caller was the team leader of the Western Regions. He hesitated for a while, but finally picked up.

"Hello, Brother Zhou."

"Xiaozheng, if you think about it again, I can help you fight for a higher contract!"

"No." Cigarette said lightly, but his tone was firm: "Thank you Xiyu for taking care of me in the past few years, and I am also very grateful to the brothers and sisters in the club... But I want to go to a higher stage, I hope you Understandable."

"Oh, let me tell you what's good about you!" Brother Zhou was very anxious, and his speed of speech accelerated: "Yes, I know that our club's conductor is average, but it's different now, the game version has changed! The conductor doesn't need to be so strong , can also play very well, please believe in the Western Regions, we have top coaches, top data analysts, I dare not say anything else, even if it is compared to Wuxingtiangong in these two... I am afraid it is not much worse Bar?"

He didn't stop, there was no chance for Cigarette to interrupt.

"Also, it's not so easy to find a good commander. It's not Chinese cabbage. You can see it everywhere. If there are those teams, who would be willing to let them go? Oh, that's right!"

Speaking of this, Brother Zhou suddenly slapped his thigh: "I remembered, didn't PGL have a talented conductor this year, and I haven't seen the moves of Seven Seven Club these days. I don't know what his contract is. Go check it out, if it's a short contract, I'll try to get in touch with him to see if I can buy him, what do you think?"

wait wait wait!
You have to wait for everything!

Whenever you pay attention to the genius conductor you speak of, how can you not know that he is no longer Qiqi's?

Cigarette held back the disgust in his heart. Although he didn't talk much, he hated people who had to dawdle in everything. The reasons why he didn't want to stay in the Western Regions were that the team was not strong enough and didn't have a good command, and the other was that The annoying procrastination style of Western Region management.

It is not a matter of a day or two that the Western Regions are not well commanded, but they have been turning a blind eye, unwilling to spend money, and have been slow to take action.If the Western Regions hadn't chosen not to renew the contract this time, I'm afraid they wouldn't have mentioned it.

"No need, brother Zhou... I have my own plan."

Cigarette finally declined politely: "I still have something to do...let's talk about it later."

"Xiaozheng, wait a minute... hello?"

Turning off the phone, Yan Juan stared at the black screen silently for a while, then contacted Ding Wen again.

"Do you want to continue tomorrow?"

Although driving is boring, it is certain that Ding Wen must be researching something, so even though the cigarette feels like throwing up, he did not avoid it on purpose and still asked actively.

"No more." Unexpectedly, Ding Wen's answer surprised him, and the latter seemed very excited: "Come to the club tomorrow, and I will send you the address later."

Go to the club?

So early?
Cigarette froze for a moment, and then asked: "Didn't you say that you have to wait for a while, that... first launch..."

"It's okay, if there are no accidents, we should have all the people together." Ding Wen assured him.

"Okay, then send me the address and time."


Going to the club must be a trial training. Yanjuan thought that Ding Wen would have to study the map for a few more days before choosing a new teammate, but he didn't expect it to be so soon.

So he was very curious, these 35 ordinary games, what is the 'thing' that Ding Wen researched... What exactly is it.


On the other side, the gloomy villa, the dark fairy tale club.

Yin Haze and Li Zhenpi surrounded Ding Wen, watching him turn a page from the thick data and transfer it to the virtual screen.

"This is……"

Looking at it from the two of them, Ding Wen listed a total of thirty players, but most of them were crossed out, leaving only six or seven players.

These are all normal, carefully screened by Ding Wen before they are placed in front of them.

What surprised them was the positions played by these players.

Looking around, behind the IDs of these players, they all have one thing in common... Number one!

"Eh...why are they all number one?" The two were deeply puzzled.

"That's right, they are all number one." Ding Wen explained patiently: "In the future, our style of play will be somewhat different from other teams. Apart from going straight to the finals, after today's experiment, I have also considered A new way of playing."

"What style of play?" Li Zhenpi asked curiously.

"Anti-card edge play."

(End of this chapter)

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