Chapter 197

Two minutes later, Ding Wen and the others stopped searching, found three cars near the birth point, and killed two horses by the way.

The number of horse refreshes is related to the players who choose Templar in a single round. It seems that the new version has just been released, and many passers-by players still choose this profession.

However, it is estimated that after a period of time, after the new version adapts, the selection rate of this profession will gradually decrease.

Leaving the birth point, a message came from Cigarette, who placed the order and was in charge of the exploration point ahead: "No. [-] punctuation point, there are two teams fighting on the scheduled route."

He did not continue the style of dividing the previous paragraph into two paragraphs, but spoke out the whole sentence concisely and clearly.

Haze: "Can you persuade me?"

Cigarette: "Yes."

Yin Haze was overjoyed: "Then what are you waiting for, we will be there soon!"

Unexpectedly, Ding Wen suddenly said: "Don't persuade me, just follow the planned route."

Haze was puzzled: "Why?"

Ding Wen: "What's the use of killing so many people on the road? Remember, we are here to study transfer operations."

Yin Ha felt a little pity, but she didn't insist on persuading her: "Okay, then let's go normally."


The transfer operation Ding Wen mentioned does not include the finals, which cannot be practiced in the road row, because the birth points of the teams on the field are random, so no matter how powerful Ding Wen is, he will never know that these enemies appear where.

If you want to practice this, you can only do it in the training game. It's just a road row, and the conditions do not support the straight-through tactics.

What he plans to study is the edge push, which is the theme of the new version, and it will often happen in the future.

"Well, the last big area is the E area, the final circle is the 4S street, and our position is the upper left corner... If we advance from the edge of the circle, which direction should be the most suitable?"

Ding Wen was on the way to transfer, thinking about this question silently in his heart.

Area E is the middle of the map, connected to the large areas in four directions. It seems that there are the most routes, and it is the best circle to play.But it’s actually not the case. Whether it’s road platoons or competitions, the middle of the map is always the most popular area, and there must be a lot of people here, so even if there are many directions to choose to enter, there is no guarantee that you will not encounter enemies.

"Then... what about the circle from the previous stage?"

Ding Wen suddenly thought of something, his eyes lit up, then he opened the map and glanced at the circle in the fourth stage.

At this stage, there are still two large areas, one is E area and the other is D area.

Area D is the lower right corner of the map. When the fifth stage comes, this area will be wiped away.

However, except for Ding Wen, other people must not know whether D area will be wiped away, so if Ding Wen arrives at the edge of the connection between D area and E area a little earlier, or even a few stages earlier, at the fifth stage, they can all stepping circle.

To be more precise, Ding Wen must do this at least two stages in advance, so as to leave a lot of time for the team to observe information. After entering the circle, he can not only avoid known enemies, but also immediately move to the next step.

Of course, this is on the premise that it is impossible to go straight to the finals. If you can go straight, it will definitely not be so troublesome.

Even though Ding Wen was able to stab straight, he didn't do that. He just treated it as if he couldn't come to fight, and planned for what might happen in the future.

So Ding Wen began to build a 3D model map of the lost city in his mind. The map looked down from above. Although it was not so standard, it was roughly a square.

Suppose, for the first operation route, District E is the middle part, and District D is the lower right corner. Considering the bridge that exists on the map, Ding Wen wants to enter from the edge of District D to the east edge of District E. They can only take a boat. First turn east to cross the river, then turn north to cross the bridge, step by step to 4S street.

This is an earlier route, but it is troublesome and unsafe. After all, Lost City is different from his other maps. There is a bridge in the middle. Although the last large area can be entered, it will not be easy to transfer later.

In the sixth and seventh stages, the safety zone will be randomly indented from four directions. In layman's terms, it is a circle-shaped cut corner, which can leave some opportunities for the teams around the circle.

But Ding Wen can see the final circle, so he doesn’t need to consider the corner cutting problem. He knows that 4S Street is the final final circle, so he has to take two steps in advance. He can’t enter the circle from the edge of D zone, but in the third stage, From the edge of Area B to Area D, there is no need to cross the river.

This is the second operating route, which is safer and simpler than the first.

The only question is whether there are any teams on the edge of Area B and Area D.

If it is a game, this is not a problem, because Ding Wen can calculate it, but now it is an ordinary game, so Ding Wen has to find a weak side edge that even passers-by players will not go to, so that he can enter the circle later.

The route he initially drew for Haze and the others was not long. After reaching the scheduled point, Ding Wen marked an uneven line and led them across to Area B. After several transfers, the reserved time before the first stage After passing, they successfully came to a certain edge adjacent to Area B and Area D.

Times Garden Plaza.

Go west one step through this, and you will enter Zone D.

It's big and empty here, lacking bunkers. It is estimated that no team will choose this as a station except for them.

"Not enough, try other routes and locations."

They didn't move too slowly, so when they came here, Ding Wen ordered to return to the previous target point, then changed another route, and returned to Times Garden Square.

At this time, the first stage officially began to shrink, and monsters appeared.

However, Yin Ha and the others were stunned by his operation, following the whole process back and forth, as if they had become a driving simulator.

But they don't know that this is just the beginning.

For the rest of the time, before the fifth stage, Ding Wen didn't step into Zone D, and kept going in and out of the area around it.

Even sometimes, when Haze couldn't help asking questions, he would point to an empty building and say, "There are people here, we can't go from here."

He played road platoon, but he simulated the team in the PGK game.

To be honest, not only the haze, but even the smoked cigarettes who have been fighting for many years... have never seen Ding Wen's command.

He didn't watch the video or analyze it on the screen. He completely relied on fiction to simulate how the other 99 teams would choose in the game.

Although it is said that the birth points of many teams are repeated, but... it is still too exaggerated.

How much calculation is required for this, what a terrifying memory ability!
The more time he spends with Ding Wen, the more he can feel how terrifying Ding Wen is.

But after all, it is a road row. Sometimes there are people on the route that Ding Wen made. If they can drive away safely, they will leave. If they can't, they need Cigarette and Fang Luoqing to solve the problem.

They are not only responsible for driving, but also responsible for dealing with these unexpected enemies.

But until the end of the game, Ding Wen didn't let them enter Zone D. In the fifth stage, after the last route transfer, all of them were killed by system monsters.

"It's over." Haze let out a long sigh of relief. He has never played such a boring game in his life. Even a special driving simulator is more fun than this, because at least he can experience the fun of driving different vehicles.

After driving for almost 10 minutes, there were always cars, and he really vomited.

But Ding Wen didn't seem to notice his miserable expression. After thinking quietly for a while, he seemed to think of something, and became even more excited: "Come again!"

"Ah... come again..." Yin Haze and Li Zhenpi couldn't help crying, and looked at him beggingly: "Let's find you two people to accompany you, let us go."

"Hurry up!" Although Ding Wen was answering, his attention was on the other side. His mind was full of maps, buildings and various routes. He had a hunch that he should be about to grasp that point.

"Crazy." Yin Haze looked at him in astonishment, then shook his head, quickly put down the USB, and ran out of the training room in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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