Chapter 9
That's right, a nuclear bomb level attack is no joke. Looking at the damage he caused with satisfaction, Luo Lan continued to shout down, and the detector directly converted his language into the universal language.

"Hurry up and hand over your spaceship, otherwise I don't guarantee that the next attack will fall on your city."

"My lord, we really don't have a spaceship here." A Mapa star with the appearance of an officer said tremblingly with a mournful face.

Luo Lan narrowed his eyes, and a ray of coldness flashed through his pupils, "No?"

The officer's face turned pale, and he looked at Luo Lan in horror: "Yes... Yes, but it's just a cargo spaceship. We Mapa people rarely come into contact with people from other planets, so there are no high-end spaceships in small cities."

"Cargo spacecraft is also fine, can it carry out interstellar travel?"

The other party said bitterly: "Yes."

"Yeah." Luo Lan looked indifferent, but he was already happy in his heart. As long as he could go on an interstellar voyage, he would have long wanted to get rid of the surveillance of Frieza's forces.

"Is there an energy detector?" Luo Lan asked again.

Maybe it was a broken pot, but the other party was much more straightforward this time: "Our detectors are not very accurate."

"Bring me one, and take me to check the spaceship you mentioned. Don't play tricks. You know the consequences. Although you Mapa people do not lack powerful weapons, I don't think there are any in this city. Yes, I can completely destroy you before your reinforcements arrive."

The Mapa star who looked like an officer said with a suffocated face, "Please come with me."

Led by the officer, Luo Lan came to a medium-sized spaceship. The spaceship was more than 30 meters long and [-] meters high. It was in the shape of an ellipsoid as a whole, and because it was used for freight, it had a huge warehouse space inside.

"My lord, this is the spaceship. It is the only interstellar vehicle here."

Roland felt satisfied when he saw it. He didn't care about the shape and performance of the spaceship, as long as he could leave the planet. "Remove all the positioning functions on the spaceship. I don't like being monitored."

The officer said: "The spaceship facilities are all controlled by the core computer, and you can choose to turn off the positioning function."

After getting a general understanding of the performance of the spaceship, and taking a simple energy detector from the other party, Luo Lan waved his hand to disperse the Mapa Stars in front of him, then boarded the spaceship and started the operating system of the spaceship, and soon the core computer With the assistance, the cargo spacecraft lifted off slowly.

Afterwards, the officers of the Mapa Stars left the city of the Mapa Stars quickly while sighing.

In fact, these Mapa people are considered lucky. If the Saiyans who came to Mapa planet were replaced by other people, the bloody and merciless massacre would have started long ago.

Of course, Luo Lan himself didn't know if Frieza would send another person over after he left to eliminate the Saiyan disaster.


The spaceship soared all the way, and in the blink of an eye, it returned to the place where Luo Lan landed on Planet Mapa.

On the dry river bed, the milky white spherical aircraft is still deeply sunken in the circular impact crater. Because the climate here is dry, even if it has been placed in the open air for more than a month, the surface of the spherical aircraft is only contaminated with a little dust, which has not affected the interior. usage of.

The information of all the planets was copied from the spherical aircraft, including the coordinates of the earth, and all the data was transferred to the cargo spacecraft. This busy work actually took more than half a day.

It was getting late, and stars began to appear in the quiet night sky.

Luo Lan lay comfortably on the flat land like an African prairie, and a bonfire was lit beside him, and a carnivore that had just been caught was driving on the fire.He already has the spaceship, food, and the location of the next destination, and now only the final preparations are left, so that he can escape the pursuit of Frieza's forces.

Thinking about it this way, life is really full of hope. The sense of urgency that I had just come to the world of Dragon Ball and found out that I was on Planet Vegeta finally disappeared.

"The cabin space of this cargo spacecraft is huge. If it contains food, it can hold a lot of food. I will prepare food tomorrow and fill up all these spaces."

With such a plan in mind, Luo Lan jumped onto the top of the spaceship, leaning back and supporting it with both hands.

Looking up at the starry sky, in the vast sea of ​​stars, the veil-like Milky Way rushes down from the northeast to the southwest. The stars are brilliant and glittering. The stars, big and small, are dotted in the night, shining like diamonds.


Luo Lan smiled, lay down on the cargo spaceship, and soon fell asleep.

The next day.

The sun is shining and the climate is pleasant.

The warm sun shone on his body, and Luo Lan woke up with a little warmth. After a simple breakfast, Luo Lan started to collect enough food. He kept flying back and forth on the prairie. Carrying a beast several times larger than the body.

Fortunately, there is no one else here, otherwise he would have been intimidated by his divine power.

After a while of busy work, the spacious cargo compartment has been filled with edible meat and vegetables, and then stored in different rooms. Of course, drinking water is also essential.After clapping his palms, Luo Lan happily looked at his results, and then pressed the operation button to let the core computer control the temperature inside.

After finishing all this, Luo Lan took a deep breath, looked at Star Vegeta's aircraft with a complicated expression, and then released an energy wave at the inside of the aircraft, and after the aircraft was completely destroyed with a bang, he squeezed his hand again. energy detectors.

This can be regarded as a break with Vegeta Star!

No one will be able to find him in the future.

Arriving at the main cockpit of the cargo spaceship, Luo Lan gave an order to the computer vigorously: "Spaceship, take off immediately and head to the destination—Earth."


"Accepting the instruction, the 'Earth' coordinates are being retrieved from the database, the coordinates have been confirmed, and the flight mission begins."

"The destination of this flight is the southern star field of the northern Milky Way, the solar system, and the earth! The estimated flight time is six months."

"Whether to go!"

"set off!"

Giving the order boldly, Luo Lan leaned back on the seat and looked ahead.

But seeing the spaceship lift off slowly, and then pass through the atmosphere of Planet Mapa with a swish, a downward force suddenly pressed against him, and the blue star of Planet Mapa gradually moved away in the next second.

After a while, the hazy light and shadow completely disappeared from sight.

At this time, a smile appeared on the corner of Luo Lan's mouth, looking forward to the beginning of the journey to the earth.


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