dragon ball god saiyan

Chapter 10 Reaching Earth

Chapter 10 Reaching Earth
Time passed, and soon Luo Lan's spaceship had sailed in space for more than five months, and it would arrive at its destination after a while.

In the spacious spaceship, a certain room made a dull sound of bang bang bang, as if there was a violent impact, and the pendant on the wall of the spaceship was affected and kept shaking from side to side.

After a while, the sound gradually weakened. When entering the room, a child less than one meter tall was seen standing on his head, supporting the weight of his entire body with the strength of one finger.

The black hair fell naturally due to the gravity, and the crystal sweat slid across the cheeks and dripped on the floor. The room was in a mess, and the walls made of solid materials seemed to have been hit by some kind of huge force, showing a large bump Uneven curved shape.


After changing another finger and continuing to support it for a long time, Luo Lan bounced his body lightly, stood up, and then picked up a wet towel to wipe the sweat off his body.

The world of Dragon Ball is an extremely competitive world. If you can't keep up with the rhythm, you will quickly become a trick. Therefore, even during interstellar travel, Luo Lan didn't waste any time.

Just imagine, when the protagonist in the original book is working hard to become stronger, but you can only stand still, what kind of feeling is this?Especially knowing that there will be more terrifying enemies in the future, this kind of loss is even more unacceptable.

Luo Lan absolutely didn't want to be reduced to a trick like Kelin.

"The next time is to meditate."

Naturally, Luo Lan didn't know the cultivation methods of martial arts masters on earth, but according to his past life memory, this is how Monkey King practiced in the temple in the original book.Meditation is a method of calming the mind. It can improve the spiritual level of the human body through meditation. He guessed that this method can also improve his understanding of Qi, so no matter whether it works or not, Luo Lan will set aside a period of time every day to meditate.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground quietly, the breathing gradually became longer, and after a while, the thinking in the head became blank.

Luo Lan stared blankly ahead, wondering what he was thinking.

Sure enough, without a certain foundation of martial arts, meditation is no different from being in a daze.

Still can't figure it out... Luo Lan couldn't help feeling that it was such a laborious and fruitless thing to figure out without anyone pointing it out.

Although the energy on Luo Lan's body has been increasing during this period of time, it's because the body of the Saiyan is growing.I remember that in the original book, Ricklin and Sun Wuhan had a "consciousness battle" experience on the way to Namek, which is probably a higher level of meditation. If he can master that method, his strength will definitely have a rapid improvement. leap.

For Luo Lan, who didn't even figure out what meditation was, now he was only envious.

"Ka" picked up the water bottle and entered the cab, Luo Lan drank the water and sat on the soft seat.

Staring at the control screen of the spacecraft, it shows the distance between the spacecraft and the destination, and he can reach the earth in about a month.

But now he is facing a very embarrassing problem, the food in the spaceship is almost running out.

It's still not thoughtful enough before departure, the food in a spaceship full may not be able to support him to reach the earth.

"If you save a little food, you can probably support the earth."

Luo Lan scratched his head, feeling a little troubled.

What's more terrible is that this cargo spaceship does not have a dormancy function... There is no dormancy system for the interstellar voyage, who knows how he spent the past five months.If you continue to stay in this small space, your brain will go crazy.


The spaceship continued to advance along the planned route, with a steady speed, and the planets along the way continued to turn into streamers and pass by the sides of the spaceship... In the following days, due to the lack of food, Luo Lan could only reduce his physical consumption as much as possible, and cultivated Things are also put aside for the time being.

"Why is there not enough food? I should have saved some food earlier."

"I don't need this kind of spaceship anymore. I can't live with this kind of life." He raised his head and wailed, the feeling of hunger stimulated his brain, Luo Lan glanced at the gradually dwindling food in the cargo hold, smacked his mouth, and suppressed the thought The idea of ​​going to feast on.

The food kept decreasing, and in the last few days Luo Lan was so pitiful that he could only drink a little broth for each meal.Affected by this, his body has lost a lot of weight, and if he continues like this, he will become malnourished.


Are you afraid that you will become the first Saiyan to be starved to death?

Lying flat on the deck of the spaceship, Luo Lan was in a daze.

Fortunately, when Luo Lan was about to run out of ammunition and food, the cold voice of the spaceship's core computer finally rang out, and it fell into Luo Lan's ears at this moment, it was so kind.

"Hey, the destination is about to arrive, and the current location is: the southern star field of the northern Milky Way, the solar system, and the earth! This voyage took six months and nine days, and the spacecraft is about to land!"

The computer automatically switches the data to Earth standards.

"finally reached!!"

Luo Lan cheered up, and quickly climbed to the front of the spaceship porthole, looking through the solid transparent glass cover in front.On the orbit of the third planet in the solar system, a blue planet turns around in a naive manner, followed by a smaller satellite—the moon.

At this moment, Luo Lan almost burst into tears.

Haha, I finally arrived.

Whoosh, whoosh, finished all the remaining food in one go, Luo Lan's stomach, which had been hungry for an unknown period of time, finally felt a little full, and his whole body was full of strength again.

Gradually approaching the earth, the cargo spaceship sailed into the earth's atmosphere, and as a force of gravity different from that inside the spaceship came in, a smile appeared on Luo Lan's small face.

"Hey, the spaceship is landing."

"The spaceship landed smoothly. This voyage is over. Welcome to continue the ride next time."

There is another time for ghosts, and I almost starved to death.

Will never use you again.

Luo Lan complained inwardly, and then straightened his clothes. He didn't continue to put on Planet Vegeta's combat uniform, but changed into the costumes of the Mapa people in the cargo spaceship.Mapa Star is short in stature, and Luo Lan's clothes are just right for adults. Although the style is a bit different, they look good.

With a bang, the cabin door of the spaceship opened.

Without further ado, Luo Lan jumped off the spaceship, took a breath of the fresh air on Earth, immediately felt refreshed, and squinted his eyes intoxicated, this is the taste of nature!
The place where the cargo spaceship landed was probably on a plateau, so what Luo Lan saw was a relatively desolate scene, the surrounding was not flat, there were deep canyons in the distance, several hills protruding upwards, and trees on the hillside It is not high, and it is scattered with some green vegetation to decorate the surrounding environment.

Earth's gravity is only one-tenth of that of Planet Vegeta, and a little less than that of Planet Mapa. ​​Luo Lan seems to be flying on Earth.

I took out the energy detector of Planet Mapa and took a photo, and the data appeared on the screen one by one.

"1", "5", "4", "2"...

A series of pitifully low stats flickered, jumping back and forth with just a few numbers, and few of them had more than 5 points of combat power.Even if there are occasional flashes of a few higher data, they are quickly overwhelmed by the huge data.


A slag with only 5 fighting power!
The corners of Luo Lan's mouth rose, and he said that classic line with disdain.

(End of this chapter)

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