dragon ball god saiyan

Chapter 852 Sunbula: Mistress, someone bullied me!

Chapter 852 Sunbula: Mistress, someone bullied me!

On the Antarctic continent, after fierce battles, the icy polar region has become a hell.

Hot magma flows on the ground, thousands of miles of snowfields are covered with a thick layer of volcanic ash, soaring flames spurt from the ground, the cruel blood dyes the entire sky red, and lava flows into the sea along the corners of the continent , Immediately "chi chi chi" made a boiling sound.

In mid-air, Sun Wukong and Luo Fei struggled to maintain their Super Saiyan form, their tired bodies trembling, sweat dripping from their cheeks.

"Uncle Wukong, how long can you hold on?" Luo Fei panted, his eyelids were too tired to open.

The power of the God Sequence was more terrifying than he had imagined, and only after the fight did he realize that Sephilia and the others had been showing mercy to him before.

If you really want to fight, a blow from the God Sequence can instantly incapacitate yourself.

"It's almost reached the limit." Sun Wukong smiled wryly.

Looking at Sunbula beside her, her condition is not much better, the light of the Super Saiyan has become dim, and the lightning on her body no longer flickers.

Are you going to lose to Mommonman?

Luo Fei couldn't help sighing, feeling an indescribable sense of frustration in his heart, maybe because he was protected so well by Luo Lan after birth, his growth has been relatively smooth, and he hasn't encountered too many setbacks.

Momenman's appearance seemed like a slap in the face, making him feel powerless.

Just at this time--

There was a sudden tremor in the air.

Momenman's icy face appeared in front of his eyes, and in this ten-thousandth of a second, Luo Fei's side surface felt a little chilly, and Momenman sneered, and he clenched his fists to attack him come over.

When Luo Fei saw this, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he quickly pushed Sun Bra away beside him, then shouted desperately, and swung his fist vigorously.

Bang, hit hard.

Luo Fei turned around and withdrew from Kilometer.

After a short visual lingering, the air suddenly trembled, cracking crystal fragments.

Suddenly, Momoman's figure stepped forward again, and the terrifying attack appeared again. Luo Fei immediately put his hands on his chest, and used all his energy to resist the attack of the powerful enemy.


The scene in front of him quickly jumped forward.

After Luo Fei received a heavy blow from Mommonman, his body left a dazzling trail in the void like a cannonball.

It hit the ground with a bang, and with a deafening roar, the ground exploded, and a huge mushroom cloud rose up. The terrible shock wave spread along the impact point in all directions. Looking from space, the entire planet lit up brightly. flares.

After the smoke dissipated, a huge ring-shaped crater with a diameter of one kilometer appeared on the ground, and the surrounding broken zone stretched for hundreds of kilometers.

If the core of the earth hadn't been strengthened by the dragon balls, the blow just now would be enough to destroy the entire planet.

"Ahem!" Luo Fei crawled out from the impact with difficulty, coughed lightly, and a smear of blood came out of his mouth.

"Cousin, are you alright?" Sun Bra came to Luo Fei's side with a pale face, and handed him a fairy bean.

"Cough, it's okay."

Luo Fei looked at Momoman with a heavy face, Momoman's blow injured him again, and the Super Saiyan's strength could no longer be maintained.

If Mommonman wanted to kill them now, they wouldn't even have the ability to resist at all.

Just when Luo Fei and the others were at their wit's end, a familiar force suddenly came from the distant sky. Feeling that force, Luo Fei's eyes lit up suddenly, and some blood color returned to his pale cheeks.

"Cousin, it's Aunt Emma's breath." Sun Bra excitedly grabbed Luo Fei's hand and shouted loudly.

"Well, the reinforcements have finally arrived."

Exhaling a foul breath, Luo Fei heaved a sigh of relief.

It was the breath of the demon Emma, ​​and the breaths of Askali and Little Cell also appeared one by one.

At this time, there was a movement on the top of the head, and the tiny Sharu emerged from the golden hair, grabbed a few strands of hair and fell in front of Luo Fei, "Lord Luo Fei, besides the master, Lord Sephilia and Melu Lady Leah is here too."

Are they here too?

Luo Fei was stunned for a moment, with a look of surprise on his face.

The God of the Super Saiyan belongs to the Realm God, he can't sense the breath, but since the tiny Cell said so, then it must be coming.

The lineup of reinforcements this time is quite huge. Two super Saiyan gods of the second-level sequence, plus a demon Emma who is infinitely approaching the second-level sequence. No matter how strong Momoman is, it is definitely not Sephilia. their opponents.

"Uncle Wukong, Bra, hold on for a while, Auntie and the others have already arrived on Earth."

"Great." Hearing this, Sun Wukong's expression relaxed a lot.

Although he didn't know how powerful Sephilia and the others were, he had seen Emma's power before, and it was much stronger than Momoman.

"The three wives will definitely teach that bastard a lesson."

Sunbula clenched her fist vigorously, waved it happily, and then bared the corner of her mouth. Her violent movements touched the wound on her body, and she immediately calmed down.

"Why do I have an uneasy feeling?"

Different from the joy in Sunbra's heart, when Emma's breath appeared on the earth, Mommenman felt a little uneasy in his heart.

He murmured something softly, even he himself thought it was ridiculous.

"How is it possible? My strength has been improved unprecedentedly. Even the original me is far inferior to the current opponent. How can there be power in the world that scares me."

The figure of the demon Emma flashed in his mind, and Momoman shook his head vigorously. He was very sure that even that strange woman was not his opponent.

It might be an illusion, Mommenman struggled for a while, and thousands of clues flashed in his mind.

Then he looked at Luo Fei and the others with killing intent, and decided to kill them first, "The game is over here, you all disappear with this planet!"

"The game is over, but you should be the one to disappear!"

As soon as Mommenman finished speaking, a cold voice came into the ears of Luo Fei and others.Hearing this voice, everyone's expressions were shocked, and a touch of surprise flashed across their faces.

"who is it?!"

Momoman looked fiercely in the direction of the voice.

But I saw three graceful, graceful and beautiful women floating in mid-air. The one who spoke was one of the women with red hair and red pupils. Beside her stood a woman with blue hair and blue pupils and a woman with radiant hair all over her body. Beautiful woman with pink and white light.

The strange thing is that he only sensed the breath of one of them, but the other two seemed to not exist at all.

"Auntie!" Luo Fei called softly, and stepped forward with relief.

Sun Wukong fixed his eyes on the three of Sephilia, and his eyes lit up.

"There is no trace of aura on the body, and with fiery red hair, Sephilia has become the same as Luo Lan." Then he said excitedly: "Sure enough, there are even more mysterious transformations above the Super Saiyan .”

"But what's going on with Miss Mellia's state?"

A Super Saiyan with blue eyes, Sun Wukong said he had never seen it before.

When he saw the face of the woman exuding pink and white light, Momenman's handsome face became distorted. He had already recognized that the demon Emma was the one who killed him, and said with a sullen expression:

"It's you?!"

"It's me, I didn't expect you to be resurrected." Demon Emma looked at Momoman, with a strong murderous intent on her cold face, "I really want to kill you again!"

"It's not sure who will kill who. I was going to find you, but you came out by yourself, which saved me a lot of searching." Momenman looked at the demon Emma fiercely, his eyes were bloodshot The radiant light and Sen Leng's killing intent formed a wall of blood mist around him.

After speaking, the figure flashed and attacked the demon Emma directly.

He hated the devil Emma to the bone, and wished he could get rid of her quickly.

"Tsk tsk, I'm afraid you won't be able to take revenge!"

Seeing Mormonman attacking her like this, Demon Demon Emma grinned and stretched out her arms very casually, blocking Mormonman's attack as if dusting off the air.

Momenman's body was sent flying thousands of meters by a punch.

The devil Emma smiled contemptuously, not paying attention to him at all.

The resurrected Mommonman is indeed much stronger, and her power has also been raised to the rank of gods, but unfortunately, she only reached the first rank rank not long ago, which is about the same as herself five years ago, and there is no threat to her.

Seeing that his attack was easily blocked by the opponent, Momomanman's face became very ugly. He opened his arms to stabilize his body, and when he looked at the devil Emma again, his pupils constricted suddenly, and his face suddenly became a little more apprehensive.

During the short fight just now, his arm actually felt numb.

This woman is stronger than ever.

Momoman was gloomy for a moment, then shifted his gaze to Sefilia and Mellia.

There was no trace of aura on these two women, standing in front of them as if they didn't exist at all.But on them, Mommenman felt a stronger sense of uneasiness.

"Who are you?"

Sefilia said indifferently: "I am the elder of those two children!"

"Master, you are finally here. I was bullied miserably just now. I vomited a lot of blood and my hands were swollen." The arrival of the elders allowed Sun Bra to find a backer. Her arms were as tender as a lotus root, and her fair skin was a little flushed.

"It's a little swollen." Sefilia glanced at it, "Don't worry, the teacher will avenge you."

Out of the corner of her eye, she glanced at Momoman.

Mommonman, who was in sight, felt the murderous intent from Sephilia and the others for no reason, his eyes popped, and a bad feeling arose spontaneously, realizing that some things had exceeded his expectations.

"These women don't seem to be idle, but why can't I feel their breath?" Momenman's nerves tightened, and he couldn't help but feel uneasy.

What puzzled him even more was when there were so many masters on the earth!

(End of this chapter)

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