dragon ball god saiyan

Chapter 851 A Huge Reinforcement Army

Chapter 851 A Huge Reinforcement Army

"Miss Sephilia!" Seeing Sephilia and the others, Kiki finally relaxed her frown and revealed a relieved smile.

"It's finally here." Piccolo also breathed a sigh of relief.

The support staff finally arrived.

Then he looked at Sephilia and the others, his face stunned for a moment, because he found that the images of Sephilia and Melulia had undergone earth-shaking changes compared with before. Not only did Lan turn red, but even the aura on his body disappeared completely.

Ordinary people can't feel the breath of the gods. In Piccolo's eyes, Sephilia has become extremely ordinary. Her red hair is shining with luster, but it gives people an extremely profound feeling.

"Sure enough, the red Super Saiyan is also a transformation, and it is a very profound state." Piccolo muttered in his heart, confirming that the red Super Saiyan is not Luo Lan's unique form.

When he looked at Mellia again, he frowned.

If the red Super Saiyan can be explained as Luo Lan's state, but what is the blue Super Saiyan?
From the perspective of charm, the blue Super Saiyan is no worse than the red Super Saiyan.

Is it also a kind of profound realm?

Piccolo found that there are too many transformations of Super Saiyans, the regular black-haired Saiyans and blond-haired Super Saiyans are fine, and now there are red-haired and blue-haired Super Saiyans, In addition, there are mutant Super Saiyans who can transform into green grass on the planet Sharada.

There are already five known so far, who knows if there are others in the future.


After the group of Sephilia and Melulia arrived, they glanced at the people in the hall, nodded, and soon sensed the power erupting from the southern part of the earth. Sensing a little, Sephilia's cold face flashed A little surprised, the energy on the Antarctic continent is quite impressive.

But it seems that Luo Fei and Bra can't hold on anymore.

At this time, with a crisp sound in the ear, the two children, Fei Ya and Noah, flew over.

"Mom! Mom!" Seeing their mother appear, the two children shouted happily, and Ruyan threw herself into the arms of Sephilia and the devil Emma like returning home.

Sephilia caught Fiya who was flying towards her, pinched her fair little face, and then handed it over to Mellia, who immediately hugged the child lovingly and looked at Fia carefully. , um, grew up a lot and gained weight.

Sefilia said: "The people on the Antarctic continent are Momomen? The strength is not bad, and they have reached the rank of gods."

Melulia followed: "The power has not reached the second level sequence."

Demon Emma pouted: "It's really different after dying once, but how did he come back to life? His strength has also become stronger."

It was obvious that he had been absorbed at the beginning, but now that he has been resurrected, he has even been upgraded to a higher level.

"Cough, I know this." The King of the Northern Realm coughed lightly, "Momenman will become stronger because he has absorbed the evil aura that has accumulated in hell for many years."

"You know it's an evil breath, why don't you deal with it?" the demon Emma asked strangely.

"Uh... I didn't find out before..."

The King of the Northern Realm wiped off his cold sweat, and was speechless immediately. Under normal circumstances, the staff of the underworld would often patrol the hell, but the conditions in the hell are too bad, the workload is already heavy, and there are so many evil prisoners to manage , It also caused a shortage of manpower, ignoring those evil spirits.

If it wasn't for the reverse investigation after the Momoman incident happened this time, the King of the Northern Realm would not have known that so much evil energy had accumulated unknowingly in hell.

Dereliction of duty!
But it's too late to say these things now. Since Mommonman has been resurrected, the top priority is to get rid of him first, and we'll talk about the investigation later.

Speaking of it, this is also due to the lack of hell work in the North Galaxy.

"The King of the Realm has a lot of things to deal with every day, and it is impossible to cover everything, and there will inevitably be some omissions." Seeing the King of the Northern Realm in embarrassment, Piccolo quickly changed the subject, "Miss Sephilia, the great crisis of the earth still needs to trouble you to take action."

"Yeah, Brother Wukong and the others are no match, only Ms. Sephilia and you can deal with Momenman." Qiqi also sincerely asked Sephilia. As the goddess of the earth, she cares about the safety of the earth first. .

"Don't worry, Momoman is nothing to worry about."

Sephilia's voice was flat, but her tone was unquestionable, "Melulia and Emma will go with me, Askali and No. 18, you haven't reached the order of gods, so stay in the temple."

"Okay." Number 18 replied, unwilling to cause trouble.

Although Ascari was about to make a move, she knew that she was so weak, and it was not certain who would beat who after she went up, and Ascari was unwilling to do things that would make her suffer, so she had no choice but to nod without petition.

Mellia chuckled and handed Fia to Ascari.

"Askali, take good care of your sister."

Ascari hummed, and hugged Fia who was a few years old. At this time, Emma also handed Noya over. The two children seemed to like Ascari's sister very much, and they grabbed her arm and kept going up. Climb, one left and one right like a weight.

Ascari rolled her eyes and let Fia and Noah hold her.

"Let's go, Luo Fei and the others are going to be unable to hold on anymore." Sensing the gradually weakening breath from the Antarctic side, Sefilia said to Melulia and Emma.

Melulia and Emma immediately locked onto Luo Fei's breath, ready to teleport there.

"The safety of the earth is in your hands." Qiqi and Su Nuo said seriously.

"rest assured."

Sefilia waved her hand, a strong coercion could not help rising from her body, and then she and Melulia walked towards Luo Fei's position together.

Phew, a coercion flashed suddenly, and in the eyes of everyone, the three of Sephilia turned into streamers and disappeared.

The Super Saiyan God already has a strong divine pressure. Although I don't know what kind of gods Sephilia and the others are, the powerful pressure is no longer bearable by ordinary gods.

After Sephilia and Mellia left, the King of the Northern Realm wiped off his cold sweat and sighed: "As expected of a strong man who is destroying the cultivation of the God Realm, the coercion on his body can't even stand me, there are a few of them Now, the safety of the earth is no longer a problem.”

With such a huge support lineup, it would only be Mommonman if it were to be a tragedy.

"By the way, Ascari, what is Miss Mellia's form called? It looks the same as Miss Sephilia, but why is the color different?"

Piccolo asked out the doubts in his heart.

Ascari replied bluntly: "They are all in the form of Super Saiyan Gods. As for why Mellia's hair is blue, it is probably because the origin of Super Saiyan Gods is different. In fact, Mei Lulia is not a Saiyan from planet Sharada."

"So it's like this, Super Saiyan God, that's their name." Piccolo was stunned, and thoughtfully said: "So Luo Lan is also the Super Saiyan God?"


Ascari nodded, it's no secret that the Super Saiyan God is on Planet Sharada, only some people on Earth don't know.

"Hey, what kind of god is the Super Saiyan God?" The King of the Northern Realm asked curiously.

"The God of the Super Saiyan is the realm god, to be precise, the realm god of the second-level sequence, which is the state of the Super Saiyan after becoming a god."

"What is a Realm God?" the King of the Northern Realm asked again.

Hearing this, Askali rolled her eyes, "You don't know at all?"

"What should I know?" The Northern Realm King frowned.

Facing the reaction of the King of the Northern Realm, Ascari was a little speechless. Good guy, you are the King of the Realm, how can you not know the division of gods.

Then Ascari remembered that the King of the North Realm was only a god in the galaxy region, and might not know the division of universe-level gods.

Seeing that Askali was silent, the King of the Northern Realm asked again, but Ascari was too lazy to answer, and cast a pitiful look at the King of the Northern Realm.

At this time, the kind-hearted No. 18 stepped forward to popularize the division of the gods of the universe and the levels of the gods. After knowing the division of the gods of the realm, the gods of strength, and the gods of the dimension, the king of the northern realm was dizzy and had some doubts about himself. Is it a god.

I don't know this knowledge at all.

Could it be that my level is too low and I am not qualified to know this?It shouldn't be, the status of the king of the realm is already high enough!

The King of the Northern Realm suddenly fell into doubt.

If Luo Lan was here and knew the confusion of the King of the Northern Realm, he couldn't help laughing, because let alone the King of the Realm, even the Great Realm King of the Milky Way might not know this knowledge.

You must know that in the level of Dimensional Gods, the Great Realm King is only ranked last. As for the Realm King, he really doesn't even have the qualifications to be ranked!
(End of this chapter)

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