dragon ball god saiyan

Chapter 72 Conservation Agreements

Chapter 72 Conservation Agreements
Feeling the bursts of coercion from Luo Lan, the face of the god of heaven couldn't help but become complicated. This is a choice with no choice, and the god of heaven has no choice but to agree.Not to mention the cosmic beings who are far away in the universe and don't know when they will come, even the child in front of him is not easy to dismiss.

Moreover, the majestic aura exuded by the other party intentionally or unintentionally was telling him that he had better agree.

"How did you determine the division of the planets you just mentioned?" Sighing helplessly, the gods took this opportunity to catch up with the common sense in the universe.

"According to the division of life body energy on the planet, the planet with the highest combat power below 1000 is a low-level planet, the one with a combat power between 1000 and 5000 is an intermediate planet, and the one with a combat power above 5000 is a high-level planet. There are very few high-level planets in the universe. There are not many mid-level planets, most of them are low-level planets."

"Then combat power..." was another unfamiliar word.

Before the gods could finish their words, Luo Lan took out an energy detector from another dimension and threw it out, "This is an energy detector, which can detect the energy contained in a living body, just press the button on it to automatically Identify combat power."

Glancing at the lens-type energy detector in his hand, Tianshen pressed the button on it hesitantly, and a "beep beep" sounded, and numbers began to appear on the lens.

Point the detector at yourself, and the words "280" immediately appeared on it.

Luo Lan said: "Your combat power is 280. Of course, this is a normal situation. The detector can only detect the energy released by living things, and based on intelligent analysis, supplement the state when holding a weapon. The hidden power cannot be detected. "

What Luo Lan said was not difficult to understand.The god nodded after listening, and slightly strengthened the energy on his body. Sure enough, the data on the detector also changed.But no matter how it changes, it still only has a few hundred combat power.

According to the division method mentioned by the Saiyan in front of him, the earth is just a low-level planet.

God suddenly became more nervous. What if the earth is really discovered by aliens... No, the location of the earth has actually been exposed. It is only because of insufficient resources that it has not attracted the prying eyes of the cosmic people.But it is absolutely a stupid idea to pin one's own safety on the cosmic people's indifference to oneself.

There was silence for a while, as if weighing the gains and losses in his heart.After all, it is related to the life and death of the entire earth, and the gods must be cautious.

"You just said that as long as we take out the fairy beans, we can exchange for your protection, but do you have the strength to protect us?" The cloudy eyes of the gods suddenly lit up.

Luo Lan was stunned for a moment, and then glanced at the god with cold eyes. Those dark and cold eyes made the god's hair stand on end, and he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

"Of course, the Saiyans are born to fight. I alone can protect you." Luo Lan looked proud and confident.

In an instant, an impassioned energy poured out like a dam bursting. The overwhelming energy centered on Luo Lan quickly swept across the entire temple. A wall of air crushed it, and the calm sky burst suddenly. The temple It started shaking violently.

At the same time, the energy detector in the hands of the gods was beating wildly, and the value kept going up.

The value quickly freezes at 13700.

Feeling the overwhelming aura at close range, as if turning into reality in an instant, both the gods, the cat fairy and Bobo around him felt cold all over their bodies, as if a huge mountain was pressing on their bodies, and the blood in the blood vessels stopped flowing , his face suddenly turned pale.

"Enough...enough, quickly restrain your breath!" Tianshen's face was stiff, and he was able to stand still by supporting his body with a wooden stick.

Seeing this, Luo Lan nodded in satisfaction, and then restrained her momentum.

"How, do you believe in my strength?"

"It's horrible, obviously he wasn't that great four years ago." Could it be that he has grown so much in four years?The more I thought about it, the more shocked I became. The gods and cat immortals looked at Luo Lan as if they were looking at a monster.

"Are all the masters in the universe like you?" Tianshen had a bitter expression on his face.

"No, the vast majority of life in the universe is still dominated by the weak. After all, there are billions of lives on a planet like the earth, but there are still only a handful of masters who can be counted—the same is true for the entire universe. Naturally, there are not many strong people. My strength should be acceptable in the universe, but I am not considered a top group. You must know that a truly terrifying master can destroy a planet with just one breath or a sneeze. It's not even close."

Luo Lan shook his head very modestly, acting quite self-effacing.But the message revealed in the words made the gods and the others gasp, their eyes full of horror.

"This universe is too dangerous... It's better for the earth to have less contact with those people." The god felt melancholy.

"Okay, let's get down to business, how many celestial beans you can provide in a year, according to the amount of celestial beans, our Saiyan family will determine the strength of protection."

The god heard this, and turned his eyes to the cat fairy, only the cat fairy can grow fairy beans.

Maoxianren swallowed his saliva: "The production of fairy beans is only a few dozen a year. Even if I try my best to plant them, I can only increase to fifty at most."

"This number is indeed a little less." The god's old brows frowned.

"Bobo can help plant them together. If the planting of fairy beans is transferred from Kailin Tower to the temple, the yield can be greatly increased." Bobo said.

"Together with both sides, the output can be increased to 150." Mao Xianren said.

Although the quantity is still very low, this is the maximum production capacity they can provide. You must know that each fairy bean plant will only produce four or five beans, and the yield is very low.If 150 fairy beans can be harvested every year, and some of them are used as seeds, about 120 can be kept.

"I don't know if so many fairy beans are enough?" the god asked.

Luo Lan thought for a while, and said: "The number is really not much, so, as long as you can provide 100 fairy beans every year, then I promise you, as long as the enemy with a combat power below 2500 enters the earth, I will be responsible for helping you eradicate them." .”

"2500 combat power?" The god frowned, hesitating a little.

Originally, he thought that if his side provided the fairy beans, the other side would fully protect the safety of the earth.

"Why is it not enough? You have to know that a cosmic man with 1000 combat power can flatten the entire earth, and 2500 combat power is also a big master in the universe. Of course, if you have other resources, you can also exchange them with me." With a calm expression, Luo Lan said lightly.

The god gritted his teeth and regarded it as paying the protection fee. Compared with before, the immortal bean has not played a big role, and now it is used as a "waste" in exchange.

So the god nodded and agreed: "I understand, we will provide 100 fairy beans every year in the future, please protect the earth when the earth is in crisis."

"Of course." Luo Lan smiled heartily.

Immediately an agreement was made, and Luo Lan did not forget to search again for the fairy beans from the cat fairy.

At this moment, a distortion suddenly occurred in the void of the temple, followed by a flash of brilliance, and a graceful girl with restrained aura came to Luo Lan's side.

It's Sephilia.

"What is this place?" After Sephilia appeared, her eyes fell on Luo Lan. The thin air in the temple made her feel a little uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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