dragon ball god saiyan

Chapter 71 Heavenly God

Chapter 71 Heavenly God
Kailyn Holy Land.

When he came here again, Luo Lan's mood was completely different.When I came last time, because I was just a small character with a little bit of strength, and I was thinking about things on Planet Vegeta, so I didn't have time to appreciate the surrounding scenery.

Now that several years have passed, Luo Lan, who is known for his strength, has no pressure on him, and when he looks around, he suddenly feels different.

I saw that the huge basin where Kailin Holy Land is located is sunken downwards, protected by the surrounding towering mountains that stretch for hundreds of miles. The wide basin is covered with lush and towering trees. Interlaced with each other, the area of ​​more than 100 kilometers is like a fluctuating green ocean, full of vigorous vitality and spring.

Luo Lan accelerated his speed against the strong wind. At this time, he did not use teleportation, but savored the feeling of merging with nature.

At this moment, he found that his state of mind had actually improved a little.

Soon, a line connecting the sky and the earth appeared in the distance, and Kailin Tower appeared in front of my eyes.

A smile appeared on the corner of Luo Lan's mouth. Luo Lan squinted his eyes and straightened his body upwards. A few whirlwinds blew up in the air, and the white clouds were instantly washed away. That leaf figure quickly disappeared into the blue sky. among.

On the top of Kailin Tower, the Cat Immortal was sleeping on a bench when suddenly a strong breath woke it up.

The Cat Immortal jumped up, and saw a young figure appearing in front of his eyes.

"Hey, long time no see, you slept peacefully!" Luo Lan greeted the cat fairy.

The Cat Immortal raised his eyelids, and when he saw clearly that it was Luo Lan, the hair all over his body instantly stood up, and he said with a mournful face, "It's you, why are you here again?"

Luo Lan said lightly: "Why, I'm not welcome."


The cat fairy opened his mouth, but did not speak.It was already a little scared when it saw Luo Lan. Last time, it was this kid who robbed it of its fairy beans, causing it to plant fairy beans for a long time. This time it came again, so it must be because of his something. something? !
Luo Lan saw that the Cat Immortal looked panic-stricken, as if he was facing an enemy, and secretly thought that he was already on the other party's blacklist.But it doesn't matter, he doesn't care about it at all.

"How many fairy beans have you planted in the past few years?" Luo Lan walked around, but couldn't find a place to plant fairy beans.

The cat fairy said vigilantly: "I will not give you the fairy beans again."

Luo Lan chuckled, and said seriously: "You will be willing to grow fairy beans."

"Huh?" The Cat Fairy looked suspiciously.

Luo Lan didn't mean to explain to the cat fairy, and pointed to the sky: "The two people above have been observing me for a long time, and they should be able to decide the future direction of the earth."

When the cat fairy heard this, his heart skipped a beat, and his face suddenly became tense, "He really knows about the affairs of the gods."

The God of Heaven is the pinnacle of the entire earth, which is related to the future peace of the earth. Once an accident happens to the God of Heaven, the earth will lose its helm and fall into chaos without jurisdiction, so he must not have any accidents.

As if seeing the tension in the cat fairy's heart, Luo Lan laughed, grabbed the cat fairy and jumped out of Kailin Tower, and then a whirlwind burst out from the bottom of his feet, and Luo Lan led the cat fairy towards the Kailin Tower. fly up.

"Hey, what are you going to do?" the cat fairy struggled.

"I don't mean anything else, I just want to cooperate with your gods for a while. Of course, whether we can cooperate in the end depends on your intentions. I hope you are all smart people." Luo Lan narrowed his eyes and speeded up in an instant.

Puffy, passing through the thick thunder and lightning area, the vast blue sky suddenly appeared in front of him.

In fact, the area where the gods live has been separated from the earth's dimension and is in the subspace.

Not far away, a hemispherical majestic building with a bright red color floated leisurely in midair. This color was particularly conspicuous in the vast and clear sky.The surface of the temple is engraved with complex and weird patterns. There is a golden protrusion at the bottom, which is used to connect with the Kailin Tower below. Along the golden protrusion, there is a narrow ladder for climbing. .

Of course Luo Lan didn't need to climb the ladder, he leaped forward and landed on the spacious temple square with the cat fairy.

There, the god has been waiting for a long time on crutches.

"Welcome, guest from afar, I have been waiting for you for a long time." The old voice of the god sounded beside him.

The god felt very helpless about Luo Lan's arrival. He thought that the other party would never come back after leaving the earth, but he didn't expect that in just four years, the child came again.

"I know you, God."

Luo Lan glanced at Tianshen calmly. This Namekian was already very old. The long years had left deep marks on his cheeks and at the same time worn away the sharpness of his body. At this moment, he looked like a rotten tree. old tree.

And standing next to the god was the steward of the temple—Bobo, a strange guy who was so dark that he couldn't describe it. His clothes looked a bit like an Arab's, and he was staring at the front with godless eyes like copper coins.

"Child, who are you?" The god couldn't help asking.

Luo Lan said: "Luo Lan, one of the fighting race Saiyans."

"Saiyan?" God repeated the name, his wrinkled forehead furrowed deeply.

"The Saiyans are a well-known fighting nation in the universe. They once made all races fearful by selling planets. Of course, this was all in the past. Now we don't do that anymore."

"Why did you come to the earth?" the god asked worriedly.

"Don't worry about me playing with the earth. To be honest, the earth is very inconspicuous in the universe. Even if you sell it, you can't sell it for a lot of money. In fact, the location of the earth has long been exposed by the overlord of the universe named Frieza. In my eyes, it was only because there was no use value that I never made a move."

Luo Lan had a slightly disdainful expression on his face, not sure if it was towards Frieza or Earth.

It was the first time for Heavenly God to hear such a thing. When he learned that the position of the earth had been exposed, his expression suddenly became dignified. This is definitely not good news for the earth.

The same is true for Maoxianren and Bobo, their expressions have changed.

"In this case, what attracts you to come to Earth many times?" A trace of worry flashed in the eyes of the god, there should be something on the earth that attracts the other party's fancy.

"Because of the fairy beans!"

Luo Lan didn't beat around the bush, and his eyes were shining brightly: "According to the division of the universe, the earth is just a low-level planet, and there are no resources. Generally speaking, there will be no aliens to patronize. But everything is unexpected, once other cosmonauts Entering the earth, then with the defense capabilities of the earth... it must be irresistible."

"And I just found out that the fairy beans here are very miraculous, and they can instantly recover from injuries. They are rare healing medicines. So we can make a deal. I will provide proper protection for your earth, and in exchange, you will pay every year. A certain amount of fairy beans, what do you think?"

Speaking of this, Luo Lan paused for a moment, staring at the god with piercing eyes, and a majestic aura faintly exuded from his body.

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(End of this chapter)

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