Chapter 62

"Jack, can you fix the spaceship?"

"To repair the spaceship, it will take about 1000 million air gold. Of course, it would be better if there is Xijin, and I can directly exchange for a spaceship." Jake stared at his golden eyes.

"Where is there a spaceship that can be exchanged in this kind of icy and snowy place..."

"That's it. You also know that it's icy and snowy here. How can I repair the spaceship well. This patrolman was killed by you. I hope that the people at the headquarters can find out that our spaceship crashed early, and then send someone to rescue us."

"I knew you were unreliable a long time ago. Hmph, I have already contacted my good friend, and he will definitely come to rescue us." Taisi showed off the wrist watch communicator with her raised arm, with a proud look Look at Jake.

"Do you still have friends in the universe?" Jake asked strangely.

"Yes, my friend is Luo Lan, I met a long time ago."

Jiake thought for a while, but still didn't know when Tais knew the people in the universe, so he leaned over his body and asked Tais in a flattering way: "Are you sure your friend will come to rescue us? Did you tell him?" We are being hunted down by people from Frieza's army? Didn't tell him, you must not tell him, otherwise no one will come to rescue us."

Hearing what he said, Taisi pushed Jacques away unhappily, "I already told him that someone is hunting us down."

"Ah, how can you say that, if the other party knows that they are going to face someone from Frieza's army, maybe they won't come." Jake yelled, looking at Taisi very dissatisfied.

"I won't be as deceitful as you, and Luo Lan is a Saiyan, no matter it's Frieza Legion or not, he will definitely come." Taisi curled her lips.

"What, the people you call are Saiyans, haven't they been wiped out?"

"Luo Lan escaped when his home planet was destroyed." Taisi gave Jake a blank look.

Jac stood up abruptly, pointing at Tais with trembling fingers.He remembered that he went to Earth to perform a mission under the order of the Galaxy King three years ago, in order to kill a Saiyan who fled to Earth. If he let the other party know that he had targeted his people before, he wondered if he would cause trouble for him. ?

Cold sweat broke out all of a sudden, Jiake asked in a low voice: "You won't tell him about my past, will you?"

"Oh, I told you a little bit." Taisi remembered that she had talked about Jake when she was chatting with Luo Lan before.

"Idiot, I'm going to be killed by you."

Jacques immediately became restless when he heard the words, and then asked the other party if he was serious. When he learned that Luo Lan was only nine years old, Jacques suddenly became energetic again and regained his confidence as a policeman of the Galaxy Patrol.Haha, a nine-year-old Saiyan can be as powerful as he is!That bullying appearance made Taisi scornful.

"By the way, is that Frieza very powerful?" Taisi asked curiously.

Jacques said: "Didn't I tell you before, Frieza is the most evil guy in the entire northern galaxy, countless planets have been destroyed by him, he is a complete villain, even the Saiyans before they exterminated , are all soldiers under his command."

"Oh oh oh..." Taisi couldn't help nodding, wishing she could take out a pen and paper and write it down.

"Hahaha, I haven't seen Taisi for so long, you still haven't changed much! If it wasn't for the positioning function of the communicator, I wouldn't have been able to find you." At this moment, a chuckle suddenly came from the entrance of the cave. , Luo Lan's slender figure walked in.

"Luo Lan!!"

Raising her head and seeing a figure appearing at the entrance of the cave, Taisi yelled happily, then got up and hugged him.

"Woooo, you really came, my sister is so happy."

Letting Taisi hug her, Luo Lan narrowed his eyes in enjoyment, and then looked at another person in the cave - purple skin, a round head, a pair of golden eyes, wearing a The costume of the Galactic Patrol Organization, he is the Galactic Patrol Constable Jake.

"Jack!" A light flashed in Luo Lan's eyes.

When Luo Lan looked at Jake, Jake was also observing Luo Lan: "Sure enough, it's a Saiyan, but why is the energy in this Saiyan so weird... It's peaceful and violent, it's too contradictory."

"Luo Lan, why hasn't your height changed at all?"

After releasing Luo Lan, Taisi asked strangely, when she met Luo Lan four years ago, he was already this tall, but four years later, she was still only one meter tall.

"This is because the Saiyans have a very long childhood and adolescence in order to adapt to the combat situation, but don't underestimate each other because of this. The height of the Saiyan is just a disguise. In fact, the body is already close to that of a teenager." Jiake was beside him Explain that he has always been wary of Saiyans.

"You are the Galactic Patrolman Jacques that Tais mentioned." Roland smiled lightly at Jacques.

"Hmph, don't try to have a good relationship with this patrolman."

Luo Lan chuckled, but he didn't care about Jake's attitude, or just ignored him. He asked Taisi: "How can you be attacked by the aliens?"

Taisi shrank her neck and quickly explained: "We didn't provoke it first. The other party started to attack when they saw our spaceship. I heard it was from Frieza's army."

"Frieza Army?"

His expression changed a little, Luo Lan was startled for a moment, and then chuckled, "It seems that the enemy's road is narrow, I have bumped into them several times. By the way, have you been seen by the other party? If you are seen It’s more troublesome, the people of Frieza’s army are a bunch of bloodthirsty wolves, and they will never let go when they catch their prey.”

"Probably not..." Taisi was a little uncertain.

Luo Lan nodded: "Whether there are these guys or not, I can't let them go. I'll kill them."

Jak reminded: "The combat power of these Frieza troops is at least 1000."

"Ah, isn't that stronger than Luo Lan?"

Taisi's face turned pale. Having traveled in the universe for a while, she already knew the meaning of 1000 combat power, which is the watershed between low-level planets and mid-level planets. A planet with high-end combat power above 1000 is a mid-level planet.For example, the earth she lived on since she was a child is just a low-level planet, and the most powerful gods and others on it have only a few hundred combat power.

Luo Lan laughed, and said with disdain: "You are scared like this with a mere 1000 combat power. Don't worry, they are definitely not my opponents."

The thoughts spread out, and Luo Lan quickly discovered more than a dozen energies with a combat power of more than 1000, and the most powerful one had a combat power of about 1500.

"I'll come as I go, you stay here."

"Wait!" Taisi just wanted to stop her, but Luo Lan's figure had already turned into a flash of light and disappeared.

"He's going to be all right, the other party is a master!" Taisi's face was anxious, if something happened to Luo Lan because he came to rescue her, she would feel very sorry.

At this time, Jiake was looking at the cave exit with a serious face. The snow was flying outside, and his vision was blurred. However, in Jiake's perception, he found that the powerful energy on this planet was decreasing one by one.After only a while, the few members of Frieza's army who he regarded as the enemy completely disappeared.

"No, it's is that Saiyan kid so powerful?!" Jake said in disbelief.

"What's wrong with you, Jake!"

"Taisi, how did you know that powerful kid? I sensed a powerful force just now, and then... those members of the Frieza Legion disappeared one by one."

(End of this chapter)

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