dragon ball god saiyan

Chapter 61 Recommend 1 book!

Chapter 61 Recommend a book!

【Realistic Demon Sealing Game】

Retrospectively, all things began a new round of evolution, and the grotesque creatures that originally existed in the miscellaneous notes of wild history are no longer just legends. They are collectively called "demon souls" by the world.

At the same time, a group of human beings who seal the demon formation with handprints, and claim to be demon masters, walked into the world. They rode the fire and the wind, subdued the sealed "demon soul", and envoyed the powerful "demon soul", tempered the magic weapon, and stood proudly in the world. .

This book is a cool article, the mainstream regains demon souls, cultivates demon souls, and fights with demon souls. Book friends who like monsters may wish to read it.

[The author of this book is very good, everyone who is interested can read it, maybe there will be surprises! ]
(End of this chapter)

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