dragon ball god saiyan

Chapter 3 Sephilia

Chapter 3 Sephilia
In the following days, while exploring the potential of his body, Luo Lan thought about ways to leave Planet Vegeta, but after much deliberation, he finally decided to restore his identity first, and then randomly accept a task to leave Planet Vegeta most convenient.

After leaving Planet Vegeta and disconnecting the communicator, who cares about the situation on Planet Vegeta.

Whether the Saiyan is dead or alive has nothing to do with him.

Wouldn't it be extremely enjoyable to travel around the universe in a cool and unrestrained way, do small fights, kill a few cosmic people, and find a planet with abundant supplies for recreation when you are tired.

By the way, you can still go to the earth, where you will be absolutely invincible, maybe you can even tease the heroines in the original book, and some such and such things will happen.

Luo Lan thought happily, feeling that the future is full of bright...

Sure enough, life on the other side of the earth is more suitable for me.

Wait, he suddenly woke up and remembered a very important thing. What if there are still many years before the start of the plot, or when he arrives on the earth and finds that it is still in ancient times, what should he do?
It's not impossible.

Cold sweat broke out all of a sudden, and Luo Lan suddenly realized that he seemed to have been ignoring a certain possibility.Who guarantees that his time travel must be close to the beginning of the plot, if it comes decades or hundreds of years earlier, by the time the plot begins, he will not even have ashes left.

My luck will never be so bad...

"No, shouldn't all traversers fit the plot? This is the basic operation!"

Smiling and wiping his head, Luo Lan himself began to feel unsure, after all, such things as time travel had happened, so who could be sure about the others.

I remember a novel written like this, telling the story of an aboriginal protagonist who had not had a good life since he was a child, but accidentally took a risk to get a note left by an ancient time traveler, from which he discovered a different prospect and began to flourish.It can be seen that the senior traveler is not necessarily the protagonist, but may also be a golden finger arranged for the protagonist.

Thinking about it this way, Luo Lan felt even more uneasy.

This wave seems a little unstable.

Ma Dan, what are you still doing here, hurry back to the gathering place to confirm!If you don't go, the status of the protagonist will be lost.

A tangle appeared on Luo Lan's immature face. He had to go back no matter what. He frowned and thought for a while. Fortunately, he still had the memory of his predecessor in his brain. After confirming the position, Luo Lan's small body began to float , and then flew towards the nearby Saiyan gathering place.

Although Saiyans don't know breath sensing, they have qigong waves and flying skills at their fingertips.

A gust of cold wind blew on his face, Luo Lan shuddered, secretly said that it was so cold, his body couldn't stand it, just thinking about slowing down a little, the energy in his body reacted, fiery energy It began to boil, forming a protective film on the surface of his body, and the cold feeling disappeared without a trace.

That is to say, they are already able to fly, so there is no reason why they cannot resist the cold.

Although the life forms in the universe don't understand what qi is, nor can they perceive qi, they use energy in a comprehensive way.When Luo Lan covered his body with energy, his ears, eyes, and other five sense organs became particularly sensitive. It seemed that energy really helped improve the body's senses.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that the cosmic people have developed the habit of watching with naked eyes and exploring with energy detectors.

Only in the harsh "low martial arts" environment of the earth, due to the pitifully low energy value, can the martial arts skills of using Qi induction be developed

Because for the people on earth, every trace of energy comes from a difficult source. It may take decades of hard work for a trace of energy, and it is impossible to spend it squandering, so a very rigorous system has naturally been formed.

When Sun Wukong and Kelin first learned qigong waves in the early days, they were just like the outsiders in the universe. They only knew the release method of qigong waves, but did not know the specific connotation.For the earthlings with only over 100 points of combat power, qigong wave is more like a status symbol of senior martial arts masters. It is not good to use in actual combat, because the loss of destroying the enemy is large, the preparation time is long, and the effect is far inferior to that of fists and kicks. It is effective, so more often warriors are used to fighting with fists and kicks.

This is true for Monkey King and Gui Xianren.

Only after going through the practice of the temple and raising the level, the superiority of the "Qi" of the earth people is gradually reflected.

Luo Lan doesn't know this yet, he just uses energy waves habitually based on his memory.

This practice must be changed, otherwise if you develop a habit and want to learn how to use "Qi", you will create some more obstacles out of thin air, and learning will only get twice the result with half the effort.


The night was dark, like a pair of giant hands holding the sky upside down.

The closest Saiyan gathering place to Luo Lan is only more than 100 kilometers away. With Luo Lan's flying speed, he can get there in ten minutes.

A hazy light appeared in front of my eyes.

In front is the gathering place where Luo Lan used to live. The scale of the gathering place is not very large, so the living conditions are not very good, and it cannot be compared with the big cities and kings of the Saiyans.This kind of gathering place was initially established by some Saiyan teams for the convenience of carrying out tasks. Later, after development, with the increase of personnel, it gradually formed a market-like scale.

After slowing down, Luo Lan landed with one foot.

The gathering place at night is very quiet, and the buildings that look like stones hollowed out from the center are neatly arranged in several rows.

There is a square in the center of the gathering place, which is the place where Saiyans temporarily park their aircraft. Even at night, there are adult Saiyans to handle it, so even though he is extremely greedy for those aircrafts, Luo Lan's rationality still tells him not to approach them.

"My home should be in the southeast of the gathering place." According to the memory in his mind, Luo Lan avoided the pedestrians on the street and walked in front of a low stone house.

It was the house left by Luo Lan's parents.

"Huh?" Suddenly the dim lights in front caught his attention, and the lights in his home were actually on.

Being robbed was the first reaction in Luo Lan's mind, then he shook his head, Saiyans are not that vulgar.

Those gangsters won't take my house back!
Various thoughts kept flashing through his mind, Luo Lan cursed and tiptoed towards his hut, leaning his head on the window to look inside.

The window is open, so you can easily see the furnishings inside. The inner door is closed tightly, and the furnishings in the room have not been moved, but there seems to be a figure walking around inside.

When Luo Lan was about to investigate, the people inside had already spotted him.

"Who?" A clear female voice was cold but nice.

Luo Lan's heart tightened, and he reflexively wanted to run away, but at this moment a gust of cold wind blew, and a faint fragrance entered his nostrils. Luo Lan lightened his feet, and someone picked up his young body.

The other party was a very beautiful girl, who looked about sixteen or seventeen years old, tall and well-proportioned, with inner aura, soft hair falling down her shoulders, fair and smooth skin, but the expression on her face was very cold.

Luo Lan and the girl stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

"Who are you, why are you in my house?" Luo Lan was held by the neck, struggling with all four limbs, but the opponent was very strong, Luo Lan was not his opponent.

"Your home?"

The girl stared at Luo Lan, "You are Luo Lan, aren't you dead?"

Luo Lan's black eyes widened: "Of course I'm not dead."

The girl threw Luo Lan to the ground, quickly realized, and said with a cold face: "The bastards in the treatment center told me you were dead."

"Who are you?" Luo Lan rubbed his buttocks and stood up. Judging from the scene in front of him, the other party didn't seem to have any malicious intentions.

The girl on the opposite side was silent for a while, then said coldly: "My name is Sephilia, I'm your older sister."


Luo Lan blurted out a surprised voice, his dark eyes fixed on the girl in front of him, why did he never know that he had a sister.

"What are you talking about?" Sephilia frowned.

"Oh, I was surprised by your identity." Luo Lan carefully looked at the girl who claimed to be her sister, she was really pretty.

In order to make better use of the advantages of the fighting nation, the Saiyans often have a particularly long puberty. Relatively speaking, in order to make a disguise, the infant status will continue until adulthood, and then grow up rapidly when they are almost adulthood.The young girl in front of me is delicate and beautiful, and I am afraid that she is not far from becoming an adult.

But beautiful is beautiful, and her personality seems very cold.

"I am your sister, there is no doubt about this identity."

So, Sephilia began to tell her own background. It turns out that Sephilia's mother and Luo Lan's mother are sisters. In other words, she is Luo Lan's cousin, 14 years older than Luo Lan, and a Saiyan. A rare high-level fighter in China.Five years ago, she followed her parents and the main force to perform a large-scale mission, and only recently returned to Planet Vegeta. As for the specific mission, Sefilia did not talk about it. It seems that although the last mission has been completed, But the damage looks serious.

"So you are really my sister?" Luo Lan confirmed again.


"A superior fighter?"

"That's right." Sefilia didn't say much, and looked very indifferent.

"What's your fighting strength?" Luo Lan asked with great concern.

Sephilia glanced at Luo Lan lightly, "4200 combat power!"

Hiss, Luo Lan didn't catch his breath, he couldn't breathe as he clutched his chest, he felt his heart hurt so badly!Compared with the chick in front of him, he felt a deep sense of frustration.

This girl is an absolute genius.

"Are you okay?" Sephilia lightly compared the temperature with her hand on Luo Lan's forehead.

"It's okay, it hurts a little."

Your hands are so cold.

Luo Lan slowly took in a breath, then let it out slowly, adjusted his emotions, and a look of admiration appeared on his young face.

He hugged Sefilia's beautiful thigh.

(End of this chapter)

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