dragon ball god saiyan

Chapter 2 Good talent

Chapter 2 Good talent
Star Vegeta in the last period is a very dangerous place, and the well-known "planet seller" Frieza may have already set his sights on it.

Luo Lan knew in his heart that the most important thing now was to figure out the time period he was in, and then hurry up and leave Planet Vegeta, but then he saw his short arms and legs, and he knew that his thoughts were about to go to waste for the time being.

The child's body was really troublesome, and he was sitting on the ground cursing. The only thing that gave him a little comfort was that his life would probably not be in danger now.

As soon as it comes, let it go, Luo Lan reflexively wanted to press the energy detector next to his ear, but he couldn't touch anything.

Only then did he realize that his energy detector had also been recovered, and there was nothing left on him except a small battle suit.

"In this case, I don't even know how much combat power I have."

It would be great if I could sense the breath of people on Earth. Vegeta can learn the sense of breath without a teacher through observation. Luo Lan also wanted to try it, but it took a long time to work, and he didn't even do anything. clear.

It seems that I am far from a genius!
Luo Lan cocked his mouth and chirped. After all, there are not many geniuses like Vegeta in the entire Planet Vegeta. If you can easily learn the tricks of the people on Earth, the aliens in the universe will not all use energy detection. device.

The sense of breath must be very profound.

Luo Lan comforted herself, never thinking that her talent was not enough.

But in fact, Luo Lan's talent is still very good. He was judged as a mid-level fighter when he was born, which is already quite remarkable.Among Saiyan newborns, those born with a combat power of less than 50 are considered low-level fighters, those with a combat power between 50 and 100 are mid-level fighters, and those with more than 100 are geniuses among Saiyans and are judged as high-level fighters.

In all Saiyan ethnic groups, the number of high-level fighters is very small, and there may not be one newborn in a hundred. Every high-level fighter is a talent who has been closely watched and cultivated. Things like entering the training group will definitely not When it is their turn, even if they are orphans, the ethnic group will give them the best care.

Below the upper-level fighters, there are intermediate-level fighters, who are also the mainstay of the ethnic group in the future. The number accounts for 90.00% or 1000% of the newborns, and the number is not large.The remaining [-]% are all low-level fighters, including more than half of non-combatants who cannot break through [-] combat power throughout their lives.

Generally speaking, the birth of a Saiyan largely determines the strength that can be achieved in the future. Even if a low-level fighter is well-trained, the combat power after growth is generally below 2000, while an intermediate fighter is between 2000 and 5000. Only high-level fighters can reach or exceed 5000 combat power.

Therefore, the superior fighters have a particularly honorable status among the Saiyans. They are the famous families of the entire Saiyan family and the highest combat effectiveness of the Saiyans.

At present, there are no more than 10000 high-level fighters with a combat power of more than 5 in the entire Planet Vegeta, and they are all outstanding among the Saiyans without exception.

"According to my memory, my body originally had a combat power of 134, and it was a little over three years old to reach this level. It is already very impressive. It can reach at least 3000 combat power when I am an adult. Unfortunately, due to insufficient nutrient solution supplementation, life and death were delayed a lot. cut."

Thinking of the worldly practices of the treatment center, Luo Lan hated it.

If he is given top-level nutrient solution, he can guarantee that his current combat power can definitely reach 180!

But then again, if the strength of the predecessor is so strong, there will be no chance for him to cross the body.

"Hmph, I don't understand something as profound as breath sensing, but energy waves should be able to, let me think about it, I seem to have used it in my memory, it's like this..." Run the energy in the body according to the memory, Soon a cluster of dazzling light suddenly formed in the palm of the hand, and then turned into a bright blue energy ball.

"It's risen, the energy ball." Luo Lan shouted excitedly.

But in the next second, the violent movement affected the injury of his body, Luo Lan staggered, and threw the energy ball in his hand.

A spherical object glowing with blue light suddenly flew out like a bullet ejected from the chamber, and instantly hit the forest hundreds of meters away. There was a violent "rumbling" sound, and the energy bomb exploded with terrifying energy at the moment of impact. Countless sand and gravel filled the sky, quickly making the sight blurred.

The energy erupted from the energy bomb instantly destroyed a large area of ​​the forest, and a strong shock wave spread from the center of the explosion to the surroundings. Countless tall trees were bent to the ground, and entire trees were uprooted.

When the smoke composed of sand and dust dissipated, what appeared in front of us was the bare sand and rocks that had become unrecognizable and nearly [-] meters square.

Luo Lan stared dumbfounded, shocked by the damage he caused.

"This power is too strong, it's like being hit by a missile."

This kind of destructive power is definitely more than 134 combat power. The near-death time really stimulated the potential of his body, no, it should be said that the potential provided by the previous nutrient solution was stimulated.

Luo Lan smiled foolishly, as if a flame was burning in his heart, at this moment, Frieza and Majin Buu were nothing, and he could easily defeat them.

"Hey, what are you dreaming about, I have nothing to do to provoke them!"

Luo Lan slapped himself. It was really nothing to look for. Now the most important thing is to save his life. Well, he must find a way to leave Planet Vegeta as soon as possible. It is too dangerous to stay here.

With this idea in mind, Luo Lan began to think about how to get a flying machine. He couldn't grab it, so he had to steal it, but even if he stole it, he wouldn't know how to use it!What an annoyance!
Well, it's better to improve your own strength first. If your strength is high, everything will be easy to handle.

Luo Lan's heart is so stubborn.

The Dragon Ball world follows the law of the weak and the strong, and strength is the first priority. Since you have become a Saiyan, if you don't make good use of your talents, wouldn't it be a waste of time?
So in the following days, Luo Lan lived alone in the forest. Fortunately, this forest was only more than 100 kilometers away from the nearest Saiyan gathering place. The more powerful beasts in the forest had long been cleared away by the Saiyans. Staying here, Luo Lan can get acquainted with his own power very well.


"Today is the 135th day of crossing. Today I was severely repaired. The opponent is a rabbit with long ears. It's really strange. The rabbits on Planet Vegeta are so powerful. Wait, this one Qiu writes it down first, and waits for me to burn it red."

"I had a beautiful lunch, and my combat power has really improved a lot. I feel that I am now better than the Tianjin rice in the world's number one martial arts meeting. It is worthy of the body of a Saiyan. The physical fitness is too strong. Maybe It won't be long before you can surpass that big devil Piccolo."

"Madan, this is the world of Dragon Ball...can't be proud."

"Just a little longer."

"I'll go back to the gathering place in a few days. I can't afford to waste my time. I must leave Planet Vegeta as soon as possible. But my current identity is a black household. How can I get rid of it!"

"Bathed in the moonlight, I feel full of energy!"

Luo Lan lay on the grass made of broken leaves, recalling the experience of coming to Planet Vegeta for more than 100 days.

The surroundings are chaotic, as if swept by a storm, leaving a messy appearance.Looking at the condition of this body, it is almost three and a half years old. Fortunately, even if there is not enough nutrient solution, the growth is still not slowed down. This is because of the daily exercise.

Luo Lan was very happy.

All in all, he's talented.

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(End of this chapter)

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