A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 878 Storm Sword Formation, Open!

Chapter 878 Storm Sword Formation, Open!

But conceit is conceit, with Domamu's cautious and suspicious character, he still inevitably noticed the five great swords in Lin Yi's hand.

"This is... the power of rules?"

Domamu frowned. Although due to the influence of the All-Seeing One, he could not use methods such as distorting reality on Lin Yi and Gu Yi, but simple element manipulation and rule utilization were still possible.

Just like when the battle just started, Dormammu closed all the countless portals opened by Gu Yi with only one thought.

But the same method has no effect in front of the space crack that Lin Yi cut out, and even can only use dimensional black magic to eliminate the impact of the space crack like outside the dark dimension.

If that was the case, Dormammu wouldn't be so worried.

But the problem is that what is beyond His control is not only the space crack cut by the sword of space, but also the purple light of the sword of soul, the golden sword energy of the sword of holy light, and even the thunder of the sword of sky!

This is very frightening to the devil!
Especially the last Thunder...

After all, the holy light belongs to the light, and it restrains the darkness. The blade of the mind has infinite gems as a support, so it will not be controlled by him, and the space belongs to the top rules, and it is barely understandable that it is beyond his control.

Only the thunder released by the sword of the sky, Dormammu can't figure it out no matter what!
In addition to the power of the All-Seeing One, there are so many rules beyond his control in this dark dimension.

Sure enough, this guy is the one who gave Gu Yi the confidence to make me fall...

The coldness in Dormammu's dark purple eyes was even stronger, and the dark energy as vast as the sea surged like waves, instantly engulfing Lin Yi's angelic body and all the surrounding ghosts, forming a black giant covering a hundred miles around. shell.

In the next second, a golden gap appeared on the black giant shell.


Dazzling holy golden light burst out from it, spreading to other parts of the black giant shell like a chain reaction, bursting out dense golden cracks, and finally exploded from the inside of the black shell.

Lin Yi waved the great sword of holy light in his hand, and the golden light tore through the darkness and illuminated the void.

Looking at the body of an angel standing proudly with a sword in the dark void, with a sacred and cold face, Domamu snorted coldly, and the dark phantom who had been waiting around swung his sword again.

A little further away, hundreds of decaying planets pierced through the void, attacking at an unstoppable speed.

Meteorites ignited high-temperature red film all over the sky, and all the planets blocking the way were smashed to pieces. After the shattered meteorites remained undiminished, they still flew all the way towards the center of the battlefield.

When Lin Yi noticed the movement outside the circle surrounded by the phantom, hundreds of planets had already arrived.

These planets are asteroids specially selected by Dormammu. In terms of size and mass, they are only a circle smaller than the moon. Hundreds of various dark magics are attached to them, and ordinary attacks cannot break through their defenses.

A cold light flashed in Lin Yi's eyes, and the silver sword split a phantom, and the tip of the sword spread out a ten-mile-long space crack, separating himself from the surrounding dark phantoms, then turned around and attacked the meteor in a posture of drawing a knife.

"Break the sky—draw your sword and chop!"

The golden horse escaped from the great sword of holy light, and slashed toward the void in a half-arc shape of a crescent moon.

In an instant, golden horses flew past the dense cluster of meteorites, and all the planets blooming with shining purple light froze for a moment, and then golden light burst out from the inside of the planets, exploding loudly in this dark void.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!!"

The successive explosions illuminated the surrounding darkness, and from a distance, it looked like the most dazzling fireworks in the world.

Dormammu's eyes widened, looking in disbelief at the golden sword light that cut off the planet and disappeared into the deeper void, shouting in his heart how this is possible.

Taking advantage of the opportunity that Domamu's mind had seized, Gu Yi opened dozens of portals in an instant, and suddenly pushed her palms to the sides, and dozens of sword shadows shot out from her sleeves and entered the portal. The dimension portal just opened.

"It's now!"

Gu Yi shouted without hesitation, the sound became louder and louder, echoing in the dark void.

Domamu was awakened by Gu Yi's voice immediately, but when he realized something was wrong and hurriedly erased Gu Yi's voice, Lin Yi had already received the message, and grinned as he looked at the countless densely packed phantoms around him.

In the next moment, the three-headed and six-armed angel's body burst apart, and infinite golden light shot out from the angel's body, turning a hundred miles around into a golden ocean.

The dark phantom disappeared quickly, like ice and snow under the scorching sun without causing any waves.

And in the very center of this sea of ​​golden light, a silver figure that looked extremely small compared to the body of an angel opened his eyes, and raised the pale arm with the silver phantom towards the front.

"Storm Sword Formation—Open!"

In an instant, the countless sword shadows thrown into the portal by Gu Yi suddenly shook.

Immediately afterwards, the invisible energy field wrapped on the surface of the sword shadow shattered, revealing its original appearance——

It was Fang Fang, Red Jade, King Slayer, Dragon Flame Fang, Cold Light Sword, Granary, Scorching Sun Judgment and all the swords that accompanied Lin Yi and bloomed in his palms!
Dozens of sword shadows are centered on the void where Lin Yi and Gu Yi are located, arranged in all directions of the dark dimension, half of them are suspended in the upper part of the dark dimension, covering Domamu's open dark purple eyes, and the other side is inserted in the dark dimension. On the scattered decaying planets around, the positions correspond to all the swords in the upper part.

In the next moment, all the blades vibrated together, emitting endless silver light, and quickly linked together at an incomprehensible speed for Dormammu, dyeing the entire dark void with silvery white.

The familiar authority returned to his body, and the smile on Lin Yi's face could no longer be suppressed.

With the wisdom of him and Gu Yi, how could it be so stupid to discuss countermeasures in the dark dimension of Dormammu? The false and real deception made him think that he was the most critical formation, so he put all his attention on himself.

But the person who actually arranged the sword formation was actually Gu Yi who seemed to have been dragged back!

Long before entering the dark dimension, Lin Yi discussed the division of labor with Mage Gu Yi, and handed over all the weapons that had accompanied her for many years to her, and she determined the time and place for the sword array to be arranged by herself during the battle.

Although Lin Yi could also choose to use the sword of rules to set up a storm sword array, but the sword of rules is too strong after all. If it is manifested in advance and handed over to Gu Yi, it is very likely that Dormammu will find it.

Instead of taking such a big risk, it would be better to hand over the blades of weapons that have not been used for a long time to Gu Yi, and then wrap them with an energy field that can shield the breath.

In this way, as long as Dormammu didn't perceive them carefully, they would definitely not be able to find them in a short time.

Of course, a plan is just a plan after all, and no one can guarantee that there will be no accidents during the implementation process. Therefore, in order to ensure the smooth implementation of the plan, the two discussed more than a dozen backup plans.

And Gu Yi's yell to inform Lin Yi was actually a cover-up in the backup plan.

After all, Lin Yi is the majestic sword god who controls thousands of swords. Even ordinary long swords that he has never touched before are invisible in his eyes, not to mention those sword blades that have been with him for many years and are almost connected to each other.
If he just sensed the positions of all the blades, Lin Yi didn't need Gu Yi's reminder at all.

And the reason why Gu Yi yelled that sound was actually to attract Domamu's attention, so that he could subconsciously erase his reminder sound after recovering, so as to ignore the dozens of shielding energy-wrapped weapons. sword.

It turns out that their plan did succeed.

Because of this, Dormammu missed the last chance to destroy the sword array.


The infinite sword intent soared straight to the sky, and the bright silver light shone in the realm.

Seeing the scene in front of him, a trace of panic finally appeared in Dormammu's eyes.

After the silver light spread into pieces, covering and imprisoning the surrounding space, he found that his connection with the dark dimension became inseparable, and it seemed that he came from the dark dimension to another completely strange space in an instant.

A faint smile appeared on Lin Yi's face, and his silver-white pupils flicked across the countless ghosts outside the golden ocean one by one.

After being contacted by Lin Yi's eyes, all the phantoms disappeared without warning like pencil drawings erased by an eraser, and finally completely disappeared in this silver-white world.

After doing this, Lin Yi turned his attention to Gu Yi again, and did the same, obliterating all the phantoms she faced.

Gu Yi breathed a sigh of relief, quickly put away the phantom of Agamotto's eye behind him, then turned around and stepped into the yellow spark portal, coming in front of Lin Yi.

"How about it, have you captured Dormammu's noumenon mind?"


Lin Yi nodded, and his silver-white vertical pupils swept towards the giant dark purple eyes in the sky.

In an instant, the dark purple eyes, which were as bright as morning stars, burst apart, and the dark purple streams of fire fell apart, and a figure composed purely of magical flames condensed at the position of the pupil of the right eye.

This figure was about two meters tall, and was dressed in a black robe filled with black mist, revealing only a face burning with flames.

"Faldin's Flame!"

Gu Yi looked at Domamu's face with a complicated expression, and began to explain this mysterious flame to Lin Yi softly.

After merging with the Dark Dimension, Dormammu's body was replaced by a pure magical flame - Faldin's Flame, which is composed of the most primitive mysterious energy, is truly immortal and can be regenerated infinitely The presence.

"So you're saying that even if I pull him into my dimension, there's nothing I can do about him?"

"Theoretically, this is indeed the case." Gu Yi sighed, glanced at Lin Yi and said, "However, Domamu's power is closely related to his dark dimension and many believers. According to my original plan, as long as the Sealing his mind, and then roaming the heavens, gradually eliminating his influence in the multiverse, can completely disintegrate the power of the dark dimension from the root."

As he said that, Gu Yi changed the subject: "But since you want to replace Domamu as the Lord of the Dark Dimension, you can no longer use this plan—what about Your Excellency Lin Mo? Is there any way for him?"


Lin Yi rubbed the center of his brows, waved his hand to the side, and a silver-white crack opened immediately.

The little black cat jumped out of it and landed on Lin Yi's shoulder. Its big icy blue eyes looked left and right excitedly, and finally locked onto the flame figure in the sky in black robe.

"Brother, is that Dormammu, the Lord of the Dark Dimension?"

"He is right!"

A voice suppressing excitement and excitement came from the silver-white crack, and a long knife with purple patterns flew out of it, and the blade trembled and floated in front of Lin Yi and Gu Yi.

"Lin Yi, for the sake of such a great gift you gave me, I won't bother with you about the seal for so many years!"

"Who said it was for you?"

Lin Yi frowned tightly, grasped the hilt of the purple-patterned long knife, raised his finger and flicked the knife, and warned: "Don't say I didn't warn you in advance, the position of the Lord of the Dark Dimension must belong to Xiaomo , you can only get a small part, if I find out that you have evil intentions, I will definitely bring your real body to this world."

"By that time... Heh heh, it's not certain who's calling the shots!"

"I know I know!"

Plath's apologetic laugh came from the purple-patterned long knife, but it quickly changed from an apologetic laugh to an extremely obscene laugh.

Lin Yi couldn't bear his obscene laughter, rolled his eyes, and flicked the knife again.

Plath quickly put away his face, and explained with a trembling blade: "Don't worry, Lin Yi, the guy you caught only partially overlaps with my authority, and at most it can only be used as a temporary choice during the transition period. The darkness, or the guy you mentioned called Galactus is more in line with my appetite."

Lin Yi raised his eyebrows: "Are you planning to use small things to make big gains, and use your incomplete dark authority to defeat Tun Xing?"

Plath smiled, and said confidently: "As long as the so-called Galactus uses power as rough as this guy in front of me, I'm more than [-]% sure that I can seize the power in his hands!"

Gu Yi frowned, and couldn't help but ask: "Dormammu's use of authority is rough?"

Plath didn't answer Gu Yi's words, or in other words, he never talked to any ants—all existences that were not at the same level as him were ants in his eyes.

Gu Yi is no exception.

In fact, even if it was the little black cat, Plath didn't bother to pay attention to it at first. The reason why he can lower his identity and talk to the little black cat calmly is because the little black cat is about to become the new dark dimension with his help. Lord.

Therefore, when Ancient One asked for the first time, Plath turned a deaf ear, as if he didn't see and hear Ancient One's words at all.

Gu Yi frowned and asked again, but was also ignored by Plath.

Gu Yi was full of black lines, and finally realized that this guy didn't take himself seriously at all, so he had no choice but to activate the Eye of Agamotto, and the purest light energy in the multiverse suddenly bloomed.

Plath finally deflected the blade and let out a surprised cry.

"This kind of power...Lin Yi, who is she?"

(End of this chapter)

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