Chapter 877 Mind Gem!

What the hell is this?

A trace of confusion flashed in Domamu's eyes, but then he sneered and said, "Stupid! Do you think that a few more heads and arms can deal with my billions of demon god clones?"

Domamu sneered, and the phantoms surrounding Lin Yi suddenly changed.

All the ghosts that were driven back by the holy golden light became transparent, and a pair of black flame swords intersected and stood towards Lin Yi. There was no collision volume between them, only when they touched Lin Yi. From virtual to real, it turned into a violent attack that seamlessly connects like a storm.

In the blink of an eye, millions of black flame blades struck from all directions, covering the space around Lin Yi in all directions without any dead ends.

Such a dense attack, not to mention four extra arms, even if Lin Yi turned into Avalokitesvara on the spot, it might not help.

There was a ferocious smile on Domamu's face, and he immediately parted his mind and landed on the dozens of ghosts in front of Lin Yi, wanting to see how surprised his expression would be, but what he didn't expect was that, Facing the ability he deliberately concealed, Lin Yi not only did not have the slightest shock in his eyes, but even faintly revealed a hint of sarcasm.

In the next moment, the tall and holy golden angel waved the lightsaber in his hand, and the dark void hundreds of miles away actually lit up with bright golden light at the same time as he swung the sword, which then turned into countless golden sword auras. The momentum of the piercing sword formation surrounded the dense dark phantoms in front of it, and then strangled towards the center of the sword formation in an instant.

"Extreme · Excalibur · Breaking through the sky!"


Countless golden sword lights shuttled back and forth, raging wildly within the range of the Pokong Sword Formation.

Thunder, flame, freezing, piercing, phantom...all kinds of custom special effects are superimposed on it, not only instantly strangling the phantoms in the sword array into slag, but even tearing the dark void, disintegrating the phantoms. The dark energy devours everything.

Everything happened in an instant. Dormammu's consciousness had just arrived, and before he could sneer, he was twisted into fly ash by the piercing sword array and golden sword energy.

Lin Yi also took this opportunity to flash into the gap torn open by the Pokong Sword Formation like a teleportation, and at the same time, four lights of different colors appeared behind him in an instant, turning into four colors: one silver, one blue, one purple, one brass. The big sword sank into the four empty palms.

Domamu was startled for a moment, then furiously opened his eyes in the void above Lin Yi's head.

The giant dark purple eyes hang high in the sky, and the flaming pupils in the pupils are burning fiercely, which is daunting.

But Domamu obviously didn't intend to scare Lin Yi to death with these star-like eyes. The moment these eyes opened, a strange dark purple light illuminated the entire dark void.

In an instant, countless strange and seductive bewitching voices rang in Lin Yi's ears.

Seeing this scene, a trace of worry flashed in Gu Yi's heart in the distance.

After all, she has experienced Dormammu's bewitching magic voice many times, and she knows its power. Even when she was unprepared back then, she almost gave up resistance and dedicated her body to the Lord of the Dark Dimension.

Although Lin Yi is powerful and has practiced in the parallel world for many years, he is still too young after all, and his mind is still at the stage of youthful vigor. If he hastily endured such a powerful spiritual attack, it is very likely that he will be pried open. Then, Domamu, who had been addicted to adultery in this way for a long time, took advantage of it.

However, such worries only appeared in Gu Yi's mind for a moment.

Because she soon discovered that her worries were completely unnecessary.

Lin Yi turned a deaf ear to the bewitching voices around his body, in his ears, and even from the depths of his heart. The silver-purple sword held in his right arm swung upwards, cutting out a crystal-clear and clear sword aura and flying into the sky Dark purple giant eyes.

Dormammu didn't take it seriously at first, but after the clear sword energy approached, he was shocked to find out what kind of outrageous power was hidden in it.

That's right, it's arrogance, as if he, the ancestor of darkness, met those black magicians who claim to be the strongest. The purity of the dark energy alone can arbitrarily break the black magic that the other party is proud of, and then joke Watching them fall into sluggishness and collapse, and finally forced them to willingly integrate into the dark dimension and become puppets in their hands.

Of course, this last step is naturally unnecessary for Lin Yi.

On the contrary, the previous process is indeed similar, the only difference is that the identities of the two parties have been reversed.

Dormammu stared in astonishment at the clear sword energy that pierced the giant dark purple flame eyes, and his heart was shocked beyond measure. He never thought that the power of his mind, which he had honed for millions of years, would appear in front of this sword energy. Without even a moment of stalemate, it collapsed like a dam bursting, and it was like a flood.

How can this be? !
Dormammu was extremely shocked, but then, he thought of a very reasonable explanation.

"It's the soul gem!"

Domamu stared at the silver-purple sword in Lin Yi's hand, his eyes were extremely hot.

Gu Yi also thought of the same explanation, looked at Lin Yi complicatedly, and then had to turn his head to deal with the violent elemental attack in front of him like a storm.

Domamu gave the order to stop the demon god distracted who was besieging Gu Yi desperately, and then put all his attention on Lin Yi's side.

That is the most powerful infinite stone in the universe!
Dormammu has never actively searched for the Infinity Stones, but since one of them came to the dark dimension by itself, how could he let it go willingly?
If it is not granted by God, it will be blamed instead. For this infinite gem that can manipulate, read, modify, and create minds, Dormammu believes that no one in this world is more qualified than him to master it!

Because of this, Domamu never wanted to kill Lin Yi more than now.

Endless phantoms swarmed in, almost instantly filling the gaps cut by the piercing sword array, and the evil and strange sounds that had been broken by the soul blade resounded in this void again, not seeking to bewitch, just Seek harassment.

Lin Yi's expression was still ice-cold, and his three heads and six arms were shaking in all directions.

Its original arms held the sword of holy light, and responded with the most restrained sacred power of darkness, and the other four arms held the remaining four regular swords respectively.


The silver sword of space split the phantom in front of it, and also tore a hole in the dark void. The crack in the pitch-black space started from the sword mark and spread rapidly to the extreme distance, killing all the phantoms and dark energy that passed by. To tear and devour.

The cyan sky sword collided with the black flame sword, and countless thunders spread across the sword in an instant, overcoming thorns and thorns in the dark energy frenzy with a violent force, engulfing many ghosts behind.

As for the silver-purple soul sword, as long as it hit those phantoms, these puppets who only knew how to fight would stagnate stiffly in the void, be swallowed by the spreading cracks in space, or be torn to pieces by golden light and thunder.

Not only that, but if part of the mind of Domam descended in the phantom clone, the sword of the soul will light up with purple light, and then sink into the body of these phantoms, and after that, these phantoms will turn against each other without hesitation He raised the black flame sword and slashed at other phantoms.

Although every time something like this happens, Dormammu will immediately disintegrate it into dark energy, but if there are too many times, there will always be some enemies who can kill a lot of enemies for Lin Yi. When he discovered the characteristics of the defected phantom, a very considerable small part of his mind was missing.

There is no doubt that Dormammu was extremely annoyed, but no matter how angry he was, he might no longer come to his mind to be controlled by Lin Yi.

Regarding this, Lin Yi was quite sorry. With his current attainments in the power of the mind, unless he entered the realm of the sword, he would definitely not be able to control the minds of dimensional demon gods like Dormammu with the sword of the mind.

But there is indeed a soul gem hidden in the soul sword that can't stand him.

With the blessing of infinite gems, even in the dark dimension, Lin Yi can use the sword of the soul to the extreme.

It's a pity that Dormammu's soul and mind have been integrated with the dark dimension. As long as the dark dimension is not destroyed, his soul will live forever.

Lin Yi looked calm and full of fighting spirit. The body of an angel with three heads and six arms was invincible in the dark void. The four regular swords of holy light, space, mind and sky also bloomed with their own light. Only the brass-colored sword The Sword of Time is little-known, and it seems that it has no other peculiarities other than its hardness.

But only Lin Yi knew in his heart that the reason why he was able to show such an invincible posture in fighting against all directions was due to the continuous energy backtracking of the sword of time, otherwise, his angelic body would have been completely dissipated due to lack of energy up.

It was also for this reason that Lin Yi did not use the systematic sword skills frequently.

After all, the system's skills already consume a lot, and it becomes extremely exaggerated after being magnified by the body of the angel. If the energy consumption is too obvious after a few more times, Dormammu will definitely see the clues.

Thinking of this, a trace of regret flashed in Lin Yi's heart.

To be honest, if possible, he still wants to be transformed into thousands of people, and use the way of the other to return to the other body, but unfortunately the energy of the angel's body is limited, and the body of the angel can crush the opponent, but if it is separated, it will inevitably fall into a trap. hard fight.

I can still delay it for a while...

Lin Yi thought so in his heart, but the movements of his hands didn't stop at all.

In the face of an unprecedentedly powerful enemy, Lin Yi's long-suppressed fighting spirit finally got a complete vent.

With full combat power, the three heads of the body of the angel stared in all directions, frantically collecting all the information that might be used in the battle, holding five large swords in six arms, and slashed countless afterimages, cutting off countless With a million-level head, it pierced through tens of millions of hearts.

But no matter how he killed, the phantoms around him still did not decrease.

In the dark void far away, there are still many phantoms gathering rapidly, waiting to join the battle.

Because of this, although Lin Yi's performance made Domamu startled, it was nothing more than a shock to the sky.

After all, Dormammu is still the Lord of the Dark Dimension. Even if he simply uses the infinite ocean of dark energy to fight against the enemy, he is confident that he can completely drown these two!
(End of this chapter)

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