A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 874 The real battle has just begun

Chapter 874 The real battle has just begun

Under the threat of an infinite time loop, Dormammu was forced to negotiate terms with Strange.

Strange wanted him to leave the earth with his followers, stop devouring the earth, and never return.

Although Dormammu agreed wholeheartedly, he secretly thought of a countermeasure. As long as Strange withdraws the time loop, he will kill Strange in an instant, and then continue to devour the earth, completely turning this world into darkness part of the space.

Although Strange also took this into consideration and prudently asked Dormammu to sign a magic contract, he didn't know that for a powerhouse of Dormammu's level, unless he was the God of Contract or someone like Mephisto Such an expert old thief who is proficient in devil's contract will personally act, otherwise any oath or contract magic will be invalid.

Sure enough, it's still too tender...

Gu Yi sighed softly, and stepped into the dark space.

At the same time, Strange also signed a contract with Dormammu, and after he kept his promise and took Casillas and his group of dark believers into the dark space, he released the time loop law. Formation, one side turned his back to the dark space, and flew towards the earth opposite the pitch-black vortex.

Behind him, Dormammu's eyes were filled with dark purple flames, and he stared coldly at Strange's back. When he completely broke the time loop, he shot two dark purple flame pillars without hesitation, blasting towards Strange. Strange's tiny body.


A dark purple flame column as thick as a planet burst out, but was intercepted by a yellow mana shield as large as the sky.

Dormammu was stunned for a moment, and looked over with a frown, only to find that the familiar figure in the yellow monk robe was standing behind the shield as big as the sky, looking at him calmly.

"Next, your opponent is us."

A faint voice came out from the void, and then echoed continuously in the pitch-black dark space, becoming louder and louder, and finally almost resounded throughout the entire dark space, making Dormammu, who was as tall as a star, couldn't help but look sideways.

I saw a white robe stepping out of the void, flicking the sleeves in the direction Strange flew away.

In an instant, a bright silver glow lit up from behind the man in white, condensing into a phantom of a great sword piercing the sky, completely cutting off the space link between the dark dimension and the earth.

The pitch-black vortex was forced to spin and shrink, and finally disappeared completely, turning into a dark cloud projection that shrouded Hong Kong.

Because of this, Strange didn't notice the movement of Gu Yi stopping the dark purple flame pillar, nor did he hear Lin Yi's arrogant shout that resounded through the dark space. Return to everyone as quickly as possible, and share with them the good news that Dormammu was forced to leave...

Suddenly, Strange was slightly taken aback, and a throbbing in the dark made him unable to bear turning his head.

It's a pity that when he looked back at the sky, the dark vortex had already closed, and the only thing remaining in the sky was the thick dark cloud covering the entire Hong Kong.

"...moving so fast? Is the time gem's deterrent effect so great?"

Strange was a little surprised, but after thinking about it, he couldn't find a better reason. He could only shake his head in confusion, and then flew back to Wang, Steve and other Avengers.

"Strange, they all flew away!"

"I know."

"The dark vortex is also closed!"

"I know too."

"How on earth did you do it?"

Wang finally couldn't help asking out the doubts in his heart.

Strange smiled lightly: "It doesn't matter how we did it, the important thing is that we did it!"

Wang was slightly taken aback, then looked at the still streets around him and sighed softly: "Yes, we did it..."

Steve frowned, and the golden light on his body gradually faded away. Looking at the surrounding scene, he wondered, "It's that simple?"

"Easy?" Strange couldn't hold back the indifferent expression on his face immediately, he stared at Steve with wide eyes and said, "Do you know how dangerous my experience was there? In order to dissuade Dormammu , I literally died thousands of times!"

Falcon honestly raised his hand and asked in doubt: "Is that a thousand times or ten thousand times?"

Strange said angrily: "How do I know, I haven't transcended time, how can I retain the memory from the previous time loop?"

"Time loop?!"

Wang frowned suddenly: "You created the time loop?"

Strange laughed dryly: "It's not important, at least the earth has been saved, isn't it!"

"Also." Strange quickly changed the subject, turned his head to look at Steve, Bucky and the others with a slight smile, "Captain and everyone from the Avengers, I guess, you came here in a hurry, you should find something suitable place to settle down?"

Steve and the others looked at each other, and they were vaguely aware of Strange's intentions.

Sure enough, Strange said with a smile: "Kama Taj still has a lot of vacant rooms. If everyone is willing, I want to do my best as a landlord. It shouldn't be a problem?"

"Of course there is no problem, but is the Supreme Mage willing?" Steve asked subconsciously, but then his tone froze, he sighed and shook his head, "Sorry, I forgot, the Supreme Mage has passed away... ..."

Strange smiled and shook his head: "Don't worry, death is just another beginning. Come on, I can't wait to discuss with you the future defense of the earth!"


Steve and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling that Strange's words had already begun to sound old-fashioned.

It's just... future Earth defense matters?

Facing the puzzled eyes of Steve and others, Strange sighed: "I did persuade Dormammu, but at the same time I broke the natural rules of time and space, time stands still, time goes backwards, time loops...you really Do you think that all of this is priceless? As the so-called karmic cycle, retribution is not good, all actions will have a corresponding price, at most it is the difference between being early or late!"

"..." Steve frowned tightly, and after thinking about it for a while, nodded and said, "If that's the case, then we won't bother you."

"It should be so." Strange nodded, summoned a yellow spark portal with his hanging ring, then slightly raised his hand sideways, signaling for Steve and others to enter first.

After everyone entered, Strange opened the Eye of Agamotto again, used the power of the time gem to reverse time and space, and restored the street to the appearance that the Hong Kong Temple had not been blown up. Then he clapped his hands lightly and turned around. Step into the portal.

In an instant, time resumed its flow. Pedestrians came and went on the street, and there was a lot of traffic, without any trace of being destroyed.

Indeed, in Hong Kong on Earth, the battle is over, but in the dark space of Dormammu, the real battle has just begun.

"Ancient One!!"

The angry roar echoed continuously in the dark space.

An evil, dark, cold, and decaying aura rushed towards the face, filling the entire dark space. Immediately afterwards, countless black flames gushed out from the surrounding dark purple void, continuously condensing towards Dormammu, and finally in that picture Underneath the star-like giant face was combined into an even larger and exaggerated body.

From a distance, it looks like a stalwart giant standing in the starry sky, the surrounding planets are just playthings in his hands, and the dangerous and deadly cosmic storm is just an ordinary breath between his mouth and nose.

If an ordinary mage who knows a little about the dark nature sees Domamu's stalwart body at this moment, he will definitely be shocked by both vision and mind immediately, and finally lose his mind under the erosion and bewitchment of the dark power, and completely become Domamu. Mu and the puppet of the dark dimension.

But Lin Yi and Gu Yi were obviously not influenced by Domamu.

Gu Yi took a step forward with a calm expression, and the countless layers of magic circles between his hands unfolded in an instant, forming a huge phantom eye pupil purely composed of yellow spark magic circles behind her.

Looking closely, it seems to be exactly the shape of the Eye of Agamotto.

...Wait, the Eye of Agamotto?

Lin Yi was surprised, and quietly looked at the phantom behind Gu Yi, wondering if she might have quietly taken away the real Eye of Agamotto and left Strange with a fake one that only contained the time gem.

After all, in the comics, the Eye of Agamotto has nothing to do with the Time Stone.

Although the movie universe links the two together, it can also show that the Time Gem is the Eye of Agamotto, but it does not prove that the Eye of Agamotto is the Time Gem...

In fact, the moment Lin Yi discovered that Gu Yi had not taken away the Time Gem from Strange, Lin Yi suspected that there were actually two Eyes of Agamotto in this world. The Power of the All-Seeing One's supernatural power, the other, the one in Strange's hand, is just a container for the Time Stone.

If this is the case, then Gu Yi's behavior of going to the appointment empty-handed and fighting Dormammu would make sense.

After all, the power of the All-Seeing One is pure and flawless, without any impurities. It is the pinnacle of the power of white magic, symbolizing pure and absolute light. It can be said to be the nemesis of all dark forces. , demon gods, and those with impure hearts can cause great damage, and Dormammu, the Lord of the Dark Dimension, is naturally included.


Gu Yi's voice came out mightily, and the phantom of that huge eye pupil also emitted boundless mighty power, dispelling all the dark mist that engulfed and eroded from the surroundings, and even eroded in the opposite direction, illuminating the relationship between her and Lin. This void where Yi stands.

This power, it is confirmed, is definitely the power of the legendary All-Seeing One!
Lin Yi showed determination, listening to Gu Yi continue to make a declaration to Domamu righteously.

"Put away your silly tricks!"

"No matter how you struggle, today will become the day of your downfall!"

(End of this chapter)

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