Chapter 873 Famous Scene

"Give up, you can't beat what is bound to happen!"

Casillas walked slowly, but his eyes were always fixed on the dark vortex in the sky, and he opened his arms frantically and said: "Look up and take a look, look at the time and space full of darkness, as long as you enter it, including you Everyone including me will transcend time, transcend life and death, is there anything more wonderful than this in the world?!"

"Of course there is..."

Steve hit the ground with his shield in his right arm, stood up abruptly, and said angrily: "For example, kill you, then drive that dark guy in the sky out of the earth, and finally go to the food street next door to have a good meal." A dinner!"

Bucky shrugged: "It does sound a little more attractive than immortality..."

Falcon, Wanda and the others had a smile on their faces, and they also began to talk about what to eat later. Bucky thought that we should try authentic Hong Kong food, but Wanda disagreed. For two years, I often went to Lin Yi's house to find Liya for dinner, and I was deeply impressed by their copper hot pot. Since I have the opportunity to come to Huaxia this time, I naturally want to try the authentic hot pot.

Strange just got up from the ground and found that the Avengers had already started discussing the topic of food, and he was surprised.

But then, Strange raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and his heavy heart was quietly relieved. It seemed that with such a group of people by his side, even if the end of the world would be the next second, it would not be a big deal.

"Is this the Avenger? Interesting..."

Unlike Strange, who had a smile on his face, Casillas' eyes were full of cold murderous intent and anger.

What he regards as a treasure is actually not worth mentioning in the eyes of the other party, and even discarded, how can he bear it!
"It's really obsessive!" Casillas sneered, and stepped forward with a twisted sharp blade in his right hand, followed by the dark believers who had recovered their fighting ability.

The smile on Steve's face faded, he held the shield in his right hand, and condensed a golden whip in his left hand, and he greeted him calmly.

The other Avengers also returned to the fighting state one after another, preparing for another battle in this world where time stood still.

At this moment, Strange suddenly thought of something, and quickly raised his head to look at the sky.

I saw that the pitch-black vortex was the same as the scene around him, frozen there by the still time, but if one looked into the dark space through the pitch-black vortex, one would find that the things inside were still rotating, as if they were completely unaffected by time. The impact of stillness!

Strange thought for a moment.

Although he has not systematically studied the law of time, he can boldly guess after seeing this situation - the time in the dark space and the time on the earth should not communicate with each other!

The time manipulation technique performed on the earth cannot affect the dark space.

...But what if I enter the dark space?
Strange's eyes became brighter and brighter, and he seemed to have thought of a way to deal with the situation in front of him.

The next second, Strange soared into the sky, said "stop them" and entered the dark space.

Casillas was taken aback by this act of 'throwing himself into the net', and when he came back to his senses, he couldn't help curling up his lips, looked at Steve and the others with pity, and said, "Look, even Strange has abandoned him. You, under the power of Dormammu, why do you have to support it so hard, you know, he is the next Supreme appointed by Gu Yi himself..."


The golden shield slammed heavily on Casillas' chest, knocking him flying and bounced back. Steve, who was covered in golden light, grabbed him and responded indifferently.

"Stop talking nonsense, fight if you want!"


Casillas, who fell to the ground after being smashed into the air, became furious and rushed towards Steve with a roar.

The two groups fought together again.

Taking this opportunity, Strange flew into the dark dimension without any hindrance. At this moment, he was standing on a planet covered with metal spikes and dark purple energy lines, fine-tuning his wrist with the help of the Eye of Agomotto. time array.

At the same time, the souls of Lin Yi and Gu Yi are residing in the Samsara Pavilion in the Sword Realm. With the help of the dimensional projection vortex of [Extreme · Divine Sword Art · Meteor Fall], they quietly spy on Strange in the dark space. every move.

Looking at the picture in the vortex, Gu Yi couldn't help sighing, and said with a look of hatred: "It's too young, how can it mobilize the power of time under the nose of Domamu? Hasn't he thought about it? What if Dormammu finds out about his actions and kills him before he starts the time loop!"

"No." Lin Yi shook his head, "Dormammu is stupid and arrogant, he doesn't look down on anyone except you, even if Strange is your designated heir, he will never Will be as wary of him as I am of you."

"That's what I said." Gu Yi paused, glanced at Lin Yi, and sighed, "But I'm not afraid of ten thousand, just in case!"

"..." Lin Yi finally came to his senses, immediately rolled his eyes, and said angrily, "If you want me to help take care of you, just say so, don't beat around the bush!"

As he said that, a brass-colored gear phantom appeared behind Lin Yi, and the invisible power of time condensed beside the vortex, ready to save Strange when Dormammu made a move.

But fortunately, the development of the matter was exactly the same as Lin Yi's guess.

Dormammu didn't care about this ant that rashly broke into the dark space. Even though he had discovered Strange's trail long ago, he didn't stop him. Instead, he took some time to gather strength and set a good time for Strange Circulating the magic circle, when flying deeper into the dark space, a star-like pair of eyes suddenly opened in the void.


Dark purple flames blazed from the pupils, and a pair of ferocious giant faces comparable to stars emerged from the darkness, looking down on Strange, who was as small as dust on the planet.


Strange swallowed his saliva, touched the time cycle circle on his wrist, and then he was sure, looking at the hideous giant face above his head full of contempt and indifference, he shouted his lines.

"Dormammu, I'm here to negotiate terms!"

"You are here to die." Dormammu looked down at Strange and said calmly, "Your world is mine!"

After the words fell, Dormammu mobilized his energy without hesitation, and two dark purple flame pillars with a diameter comparable to the moon burst out from his eyes, instantly engulfing Strange and the metal planet under his feet.

In the torrent of dark purple flames, Strange tried his best to prop up a mana shield, but in the end he couldn't hold on even for a breath, and was completely blasted into flying ash by the roaring dark purple flame column.

In an instant, Strange was wiped out, along with the metal planet under his feet.

Dormammu glanced lightly at the void blasted by the dark purple flame column, and his dark purple eyes, which were comparable to stars, gradually retracted.

Just like what Lin Yi said, only Ancient One can be regarded as a difficult opponent on the entire earth, and others are completely insignificant ants to the omnipotent Lord of the Dark Dimension, like Strand Even for a little mage of this level, Domamu was able to give a notice in advance before killing him, which was already a gift from the face of Gu Yi.

Ants are just ants, no matter how many there are, they can't...Huh?

Dormammu was startled suddenly, only feeling the scene in front of him change rapidly, and soon returned to the position just now, and looked down at the dusty mage on the metal planet with those dark purple flame eyes that were majestic like a god.

Hey, why do you think this scene looks familiar?
Before Dormammu could think about it, the little mage below shouted loudly.

"Dormammu, I'm here to negotiate terms!"

"You came to die... eh? What did you do?!"

Dormammu quickly realized that something was wrong. In the dark dimension, his consciousness transcended time and space, and he would not lose the memory during the memory reversal due to time reversal, so he naturally remembered what happened just now.

Strange does not have this ability. Although he knows that he has set up a time loop, since his own soul and consciousness have not transcended time, he will lose the memory just now after turning back time. However, seeing how many No matter how slow Strange was to Mam's obviously wrong reaction, he realized that the time loop he had set should have taken effect.

So Strange was sure, watching Dormammu raised his left arm, pointed at the light green magic circle on it, and said with a light smile, "It's nothing, I just brought you some souvenirs from my world—a short stretch of infinity." It's just a cycle of time!"

"...It's the damn Infinity Stone!"

Dormammu instantly realized the problem, glared at Strange immediately and said, "You can't go on like this forever!"

Strange shrugged: "Actually, I can, just like what we are doing now, anyway, I can't feel the pain of dying last time, the two of us are just so exhausted-oh yes Alright, let me ask you a question, how many times is this the cycle?"


Dormammu roared angrily, and dark purple flames burst out from his eyes again, igniting Strange's body and soul.

Strange once again turned into ashes in pain, but soon, the time loop was triggered, and Strange's figure reappeared at Dormammu's feet, looking up at the giant face in the void and opening his mouth to shout.

But this time, Dormammu didn't give him a chance to yell out, and waved a rotten dark red star from the sky, colliding with the metal planet where Strange was.


Deafening bangs echoed continuously in the dark space.

Two similar planets collided and annihilated each other, triggering a series of violent explosions. Countless broken meteorites shot out in all directions centered on the collision point, forming a circle of broken and spreading meteorite belts around them.

As for Strange, he was crushed into powder the moment the two planets collided with each other.

Soon, the time loop was triggered, and the metal planet and Strange reappeared before Dormammu's eyes, and were torn to pieces by a dark storm almost seamlessly.

"Boom boom boom!"

Dormammu's anger was still in his heart, and while killing Strange in various ways, he roared angrily: "Stupid ant, since you don't want to stop the cycle, it's like suffering countless times like this , and die in pain!"

"That's right, but people on Earth will survive..."

After Strange struggled to finish these words, his limbs were bound by the dark chains stretching from the void, and his body was torn apart.

Seeing this scene in the sword realm, Lin Yi couldn't help but secretly stunned, but turned to look at Gu Yi, only to find that her face was calm, it seemed that the one who was torn apart by chains was not the proud disciple she valued the most.

"Supreme Master, did you go through a similar test when you took over as Supreme Master?"

"No." Gu Yi frowned, wondering, "Why do you ask that?"

Lin Yi glanced at her and said, "Because I suspect that you are deliberately taking revenge!"

Gu Yi heard the sarcasm and dissatisfaction from Lin Yi's tone, and immediately laughed, shook his head and said: "The time loop has been set, no matter what happens at this moment, it will only become a dream in the end, just like a period that never happened A nightmare that never happened...why should I bother with a nightmare that never happened?"

"So you only care about the result, not the process?"

"Yes, and no." Gu Yi said with a light smile, "I know what you care about, but believe me, this experience will not have any negative impact on Strange, and on the contrary, it is Strange's It is a key link for Qi to embark on the path of the supreme mage."

"Really?" Lin Yi was always skeptical.

Gu Yi smiled and did not answer Lin Yi's question.

Strange inherited the Time Gem and the Eye of Agamotto, so he will definitely use the power of time to peek into the future in the future, and among the countless possibilities of the future, there are all kinds of painful and tragic unspeakable things.

Compared with those unbearable things, what is the mere physical pain?

Gu Yi didn't explain it because she knew that Lin Yi would not understand. Although Lin Yi also has the power to manipulate time, but with his extremely confident and present character, he would never use this to spy on the future .

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that he has become an unpredictable existence of the Time Stone...

Gu Yi thought so in his heart.

During the time the two talked, Strange had been killed tens of thousands of times.

During the period, there were various ways to die, and there were almost no duplicates.

But no matter how many times he is killed, as long as the time loop is triggered, Strange will be resurrected with full blood, and both body and soul will return to the fullest state, as if everything he did before never existed ...

Finally, Dormammu completely lost his patience. Looking at Strange who had been revived with full blood, he asked angrily and depressedly, "Tell me, little mage, what conditions do you want to talk about?"


Strange's face brightened, knowing that Dormammu had succumbed, he quickly stated the conditions he had thought up.

At the same time, in the sword realm, Gu Yi slowly stood up from his chair, looked at the vortex in front of him and said softly.

"Let's go, Your Excellency the Juggernaut, it's our turn..."

(End of this chapter)

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