A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 824 New Planet Krypton

Chapter 824 New Planet Krypton

Sword Realm Domain, Ring Valley.

Under Zod's order, the Kryptonian spacecraft slowly landed in the middle of the valley.

Immediately afterwards, the door of the spaceship opened, and four tall Kryptonian warriors in black armor walked out, ready to explore the surrounding terrain and collect some basic resources by the way.

But at this moment, a silver-white vortex emerged out of thin air.

The four Kryptonian warriors were alerted immediately, and immediately put on a fighting posture and stopped in place.

Fiora, who was blocked at the cabin door, couldn't help but stop, frowning as she looked at the back of the Kryptonian warrior ahead.

"What's wrong, did you see the enemy?"

"No, the benefactor is right..."

A slightly smiling voice came from the sky.

Fiora frowned, stretched out her hand to push aside the Kryptonian warriors in front of her, and came outside the spaceship.

I saw a white figure falling from the sky, it was Lin Yi who had just left in the eyes of the Kryptonians.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Fiora felt that Lin Yi's face seemed much younger, as if she had undergone a genetic plastic surgery in just a few minutes...

Fiora shook her head to get rid of such boring thoughts from her mind, and then turned her eyes to the sleeping little black cat with closed eyes on Lin Yi's shoulder.

As the defeat of the little black cat, Fiora was naturally impressed by the little black cat.

Therefore, when she found that the little black cat was sleeping with its eyes closed and no breath on its body, Fiora couldn't help being startled.

"……What's up with him?"

Fiora suddenly asked a little abruptly.

Lin Yi was startled for a moment, and didn't realize what the other party was asking. It wasn't until Fiora frowned slightly that Lin Yi followed her gaze and looked at his shoulder.

"Oh, you're asking Xiaomo! It's nothing, his strength has skyrocketed in a short period of time, and his body is a bit overwhelmed, so he fell into a deep sleep to digest this strength. This is a common phenomenon in their race, you don't need to worry about it."

Fiora: "..."

It turned out that his strength had skyrocketed...that's all right!
Fiora's cheek muscles twitched slightly, and then she looked at Lin Yi calmly, and said, "If I'm not mistaken, you've only been away for no more than a minute and a half. In a minute and a half, have you already obtained the master secret key of the Al family?"

There was a hint of doubt and questioning in Fiora's tone.

Although she knows that she is not Lin Yi's opponent, but as the Kryptonian female warrior with the best genes, her strong will without fear is only one of her most basic excellent qualities.

Facing Fiora's suspicious gaze, Lin Yi smiled and shook his head calmly.

"Of course not, but I don't need that kind of thing to help you fix the world engine."

"..." Fiora frowned, "Then why didn't you just say that?"

"Because I was not very proficient in this ability just now."

"Now you are proficient?"


"Only 1 minute and 28 seconds?"

Looking at the suspicion and sarcasm on Fiora's face, Lin Yi chuckled lightly, and said in a low tone: "Who told you that 1 minute and 28 seconds here is equal to 1 minute and 28 seconds in the outside world?"


Fiora's expression froze for a moment, and then her expression changed drastically.

"This is the scary thing about the Dimensional Demon God."

A faint voice came from the spaceship, and Lin Yi turned his head to look, only to see Zod in black armor walking out of it, and the Kryptonian fighters at the door retreated to both sides, leaving a clear path for him.

Soon, Zod stood in front of Fiora, looking at Lin Yi calmly.

"You adjusted the time flow between this place and the outside world, do you want to trap us here forever?"

"On the contrary, I'm going to show you my new home!"

"So I also want to thank you for saving me time?"

There was no emotion in Zod's tone, but there was a hint of sarcasm in his words.

Lin Yi didn't reply, but turned around, and pulled out the gleaming silver sword of space in the void, proving what he said was true with his actual actions.

In an instant, the silver-white sword glow cut off the space in front of it.

A huge crack appeared out of thin air, slowly opening and closing like a door.

Finally, the silver-white rift opened completely, and a blue-green planet floating in the dark space background appeared in the field of vision of Zod, Fiora and others.

It is a planet with a climate very similar to that of the Earth, except that the ratio of ocean to land is slightly different. Almost 90.00% of the planet’s surface is covered by ocean, but it doesn’t matter. It's already full, and it's not worth mentioning that it's just reclamation.

Lin Yi glanced at Zod sideways, and found that his eyes were staring at the silver crack in the sky without blinking, obviously he had already set his sights on this blue-green planet.

"This is the planet you want to give us?"

"of course not!"

Lin Yi's conversation suddenly changed, and he immediately denied Zod's guess.

Fiora and the Kryptonian warriors frowned suddenly, as if they were being played.

On the contrary, Zod looked normal. After all, he had already prepared for the worst. Compared with the extermination of the Kryptonians, this level of juggling was nothing at all.

After World War I, Zod's ideological realm has undergone a great change. At this moment, he finally has the temperament of a civilized leader, and he is no longer the reckless Kryptonian warrior he used to be...

Lin Yi glanced at Zod in surprise, and then explained with a chuckle: "Don't be angry, I didn't mean to tease you, this planet is actually a prison planet, where countless powerful interstellar planets are imprisoned." Criminals, and what I want to take you to meet is actually the warden of this prison planet."

"Your future new home is his planetary asset..."

"So you mean, you don't actually know the location of that planet?"


Lin Yi spread his hands, looking extremely innocent.

Zod nodded expressionlessly, then looked longingly at the blue-green planet opposite the crack, licked his lips and said, "It's a pity to give such a beautiful planet to a group of criminals..."

"Don't be envious, the planet I gave you will definitely not be worse than this!"

"hope so……"

Zod was noncommittal, but Fiora and the other Kryptonian warriors couldn't help but look forward to it, and immediately turned to look at Zod at the front, waiting for him to give the order to start the spaceship.

It didn't take long for the huge Kryptonian spacecraft to pass through the silver-white vortex, and soon entered the satellite synchronous orbit of the blue-green planet, slowly rotating around this beautiful planet.

Three minutes later, a triangular-shaped spacecraft broke through the atmosphere and headed in the direction of the Kryptonian spacecraft.

Immediately afterwards, the belly hatch of the Kryptonian spacecraft slowly opened, allowing the triangular-shaped spacecraft to sink into it.

Inside the spaceship, Zod took off the outer Kryptonian armor, and stood outside the triangular-shaped spaceship wearing only the black clothes with the family crest on his chest. Fiora and three Kryptonian soldiers in the same outfit were ready to meet Lin Yi called the warden of this prison planet.

Not far from Zod, Lin Yi looked at them strangely.

To be honest, this is the first time he has seen Zod conduct diplomatic activities in such a formal manner. He thought that the Kryptonian civilization did not have any diplomatic etiquette.
Lin Yi twitched the corner of his mouth, and then raised it slightly, with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

He was very curious about how Zod would react if he found out that the alien civilization he was treating seriously at the moment was actually another earth in the parallel universe...

Soon, the hatch of the triangular spaceship slowly opened, and two male humans wearing black clothes with gold patterns embroidered on their chests and blue stripes on both sides of their foreheads and cheeks walked out.

Fiora immediately took a step forward, and just when she was about to open her mouth to express her welcome, the gazes of the two male humans passed them by as if they were nothing, and landed on the smiling Lin Yi.


The two bowed without hesitation, their attitudes were respectful and sincere, without any falsehood.

Fiora was stunned, and couldn't help but follow the eyes of the two of them to look at Lin Yi.

There was also a hint of consternation on Zod's face, but he soon regained his composure.

He originally thought that Lin Yi and the so-called warden were friends, but he didn't expect it to be a subordinate relationship. Damn it, if he knew it, he wouldn't engage in such formal diplomatic etiquette. It's just a joke for this guy...

Zod was extremely annoyed in his heart, but his face was calm, as if he didn't care about what happened just now.

It's a pity that his mental activities can't be hidden from Lin Yi who has the sword of the soul...

The corners of Lin Yi's mouth curled up slightly, and he exchanged a half-smile with Zod, then turned his head to look at the yellow-skinned man who was obviously Asian in the front.

"Ron, where is the planet I want?"

"It's been found."

Ron nodded seriously, then glanced at Fiora, Zod and the others not far away, couldn't help lowering his voice and asked, "My lord, these Kryptonians are really as powerful as you said ?”

Lin Yi glanced at him and said, "Is there any problem?"

Ron said softly: "Because if they don't have the strong physique you said, they may be crushed by the gravity ten times stronger than the earth's internal organs the moment they step on that planet..."

"You don't have to worry about that."

Lin Yi chuckled lightly and sent out divine thoughts: "These Kryptonian refugees have no other skills, but their physique is abnormal enough, otherwise I would not have liked them..."


Hearing this sentence, Ron couldn't help but smiled knowingly, and with the help of the spiritual storage at his waist, he said: "My lord, when these Kryptonian refugees settle down, the Foundation hopes to obtain your permission to absorb them. member."

"I have no opinion."

Lin Yi nodded, and then said seriously: "However, there is a prerequisite, you must be voluntary, and you are not allowed to use spiritual storage."

"no problem!"

A confident smile appeared on Ron's face.

Lin Yi nodded with a smile and said, "Very good, as long as you don't violate this premise, it's up to you how many Kryptonians you can join. I will definitely not forcefully interfere."

"Now, take us to that new planet!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Ron bowed respectfully.



About another day later, in another uninhabited galaxy, a black spaceship wrapped in blue energy appeared out of thin air. It was the Kryptonian spaceship that used the phantom launcher to jump into space.

When the Kryptonian spacecraft arrived at the current coordinates of the galaxy, the Kryptonian sergeant couldn't wait to close the reflectors, turning all the bulkheads into light-transmitting mode.

In an instant, strands of warm sunlight cut through the dark and cold space, shot into the spaceship through the bulkhead, and shone on Zod and all the Kryptonian fighters.

Fiora couldn't help but open her arms and stood in front of the transparent bulkhead, bathing in the sunlight to her heart's content.

Looking at the young yellow sun in the distance, Zod couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

But at the same time, he was also a little surprised, because Lin Yi really didn't lie, he really found a brand new planet with a yellow sun as the second home of the Kryptonians.

Regardless of Lin Yi's previous performance, this yellow sunshine full of vigor and strength cannot be faked.

Feeling the yellow sunlight outside the spaceship, Zod couldn't help squinting his eyes, only to feel that every cell in his body seemed to open his mouth, greedily absorbing and demanding the energy in the sunlight.

This sense of satisfaction from the long drought and the nectar, as well as the sense of fullness that the power is constantly overflowing in the body, made Zod deeply intoxicated by it, and even gave birth to the idea of ​​wanting to be bathed in the sun forever.

But soon, Zod woke up from this impulsive desire.

Resisting the urge to leave his seat and bask in the sun with Fiora, he turned to look at Ron beside him, who was chattering about the general situation of New Krypton.

This new Krypton is the fourth planet from the inner and outer parts of the galaxy. It is about 1.8 million kilometers away from the yellow sun, which is about 0.3 million kilometers farther than the distance between the sun and the earth in the solar system.

At the same time, New Krypton is also the terrestrial planet with the largest diameter, mass, and density in the entire galaxy. Its diameter is only slightly larger than that of the Earth, but its mass and gravity are more than ten times that of the Earth, which also makes this planet extremely dense. Big, fragile life is extremely difficult to survive on.

In addition, New Krypton also has two small and one large three mineral satellites, and the four together form a celestial system, which revolves around the young yellow sun.

Zod listened thoughtfully.

Although he has not yet seen the whole picture of New Krypton, this does not prevent Zod from imagining the development plan of the new planet in his mind, especially the three mineral satellites surrounding New Krypton, which makes him unable to resist starting from the military point of view. Imagine the possibility of a space fortress...

Soon, the Kryptonian spacecraft came near New Krypton.

The appearance of this planet finally caught everyone's eyes.

It is a blue-purple terrestrial planet, in which the blue ocean covers about 50.00% of the planet's area, and the remaining 50.00% is mixed with gray, purple and white continents.

(End of this chapter)

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