A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 823 Black Lightning

Chapter 823 Black Lightning

In an instant, the figure of Wells running at high speed stagnated in place.

He had already put on the yellow and red Lightning Reverse Lightning uniform, and he was gritting his teeth, looking at the vortex in front of him in disbelief, with an extremely ugly expression on his face.

And on the screen in the main control room, everyone noticed that between the red dot representing Wells and the yellow vortex representing the wormhole, there suddenly appeared an unknown that was much larger than the wormhole. object.

Seeing this scene, Clark, Diana, and Caitlin all showed astonishment.

Only Bruce's expression remained the same, but there was a slight fluctuation in his eyes for a moment. I don't know if he had expected this long ago, or he remembered something after seeing this scene.

Meanwhile, Sisko found the data on the unknown object somewhat familiar.

So, he took a closer look...

"It's the speed force space!"

Sisko blurted out subconsciously, his expression stunned and stunned.

Bruce raised his eyebrows, and turned to look at Diana, who looked a little dignified.

"...Go in and have a look?"

"I think so too!"

Diana nodded bluntly, and immediately walked towards the inside of the particle accelerator without hesitation.

Clark frowned, and when he was about to go in with them, Sisko and Caitlin hurriedly grabbed his arm.

"Did you forget, biological force field!"


Clark froze for a moment before he remembered Wells' warning.

Although he didn't believe in this super criminal from the future, out of consideration for the safety of the city, Clark still sighed and gave up the idea of ​​entering the particle accelerator.

Meanwhile, Bruce and Diana had entered the inner runway of the particle accelerator.

In front of their eyes was Wells wearing a Reverse Lightning uniform and a huge gray vortex mixed with blue and white lightning.

At this moment, the blue and white lightning bolts shuttled back and forth in the gray vortex, sometimes appearing and sometimes disappearing, like thunder dragons ready to spy on the outside world, always ready to poke out from the dark clouds and show themselves full of oppression to the world and deterrent minions.

"This is the speed force space..."

Bruce stared at the vortex ahead, and said silently in his heart.

At this moment, Wells' faint voice suddenly sounded.

"Batman, you're right..."

"Those who play with time will eventually be played by time!"

Accompanied by Wells' words of despair and emotion, a black lightning rushed out of the vortex and turned into a yellow figure in front of Wells.

Diana took a closer look and found that the figure rushing out of the vortex was also wearing a yellow reverse lightning uniform, but the lightning logo on the chest changed from red to black, exuding an uncomfortable and ominous atmosphere.

"Another reverse lightning?"

Diana raised her eyebrows with a slightly surprised tone.

Bruce shook his head and said calmly, "Look at his face carefully."

Diana frowned slightly, her gaze fell on Reverse Lightning's mask.

Only then did Diana discover in astonishment that this blackened version of Reverse Lightning was actually a dead person!
His eyes were dark, and there were no whites. The half of his face exposed under the mask was rotten like a corpse. The flesh around his lips was separated, revealing the dark red muscles and white gums.

During the activity, there seemed to be yellow and white pus flowing...

"What the hell is this?" Diana couldn't help but ask.

"It's the time remnant of Reverse Lightning." Bruce explained calmly.

In the next second, Wells' figure disappeared in place in an instant, turning into scarlet lightning and rushing forward, trying to bypass the vortex blocked in front of him and rush into the wormhole behind.

The blackened reverse lightning roared, and it also turned into black lightning and stopped in front of Wells.

"Go away, don't stop me!"

Wells roared angrily, then tightly clenched his right fist wrapped in red lightning, ignoring the high-frequency vibrating hand knife stabbed by the black lightning in front, and hit him hard on the cheek at a speed exceeding the speed of sound.


In an instant, Black Lightning's body flew upside down.

The muscles on his cheeks had already been crushed by the fist wind, the bright red flesh was flying, pus splashed everywhere, a dozen teeth were knocked out, and even his neck was twisted and bent to almost ninety degrees.

Logically speaking, anyone with such an injury, even a powerful Kryptonian, might just close their eyes and wait for death.

But the blackened reverse lightning at this moment is different. As early as the moment he was dragged into the vortex by the undead of time, he was integrated with the space of the speed force, and no matter his body, mind or soul, he was no longer under his control.

In other words, at this moment, Black Lightning only has a dilapidated dead body left.

And how could the dead be killed?

Wells stared at the black lightning in front of him, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

At the same time that he punched Black Lightning on the cheek, the opponent's high-frequency vibrating hand knife also slashed across his side, cutting his uniform and flesh like a hot knife cutting butter...

"Just a little bit!!"

Wells' face was extremely ugly, and his nerves were extremely tense.

Just a little bit, his heart was pierced by Black Lightning's hand knife!
"No, don't be nervous, think of a way, think about how to deal with him, how to deal with myself..."

Wells forced himself to calm down, but at this moment, Black Lightning shook his head slightly, and his eyes shining with dark light turned, locking on to Wells again.


Wilston's hair stood on end, he didn't care about thinking, he turned around and wanted to escape from this space.

But Black Lightning obviously didn't want to let him go. He let out a ferocious roar, and rushed towards the head that was bent nearly ninety degrees, and got entangled with Wells again.

Two bolts of lightning, one red and one black, shuttled back and forth in the particle accelerator.

Entangle, race, fight in the unique way of speedsters...

Bruce is naturally unwilling to interfere in this kind of dog-eat-dog battle.

Anyway, he already got all the information he should get, and there was no need to take the risk to save a villain, and it was a worthless villain.

With this in mind, Bruce pulled Diana back to the edge of the battlefield.

At this moment, the red lightning that shuttled at a high speed suddenly froze.

Immediately afterwards, Wells' figure appeared in the field of vision of the two, and a mouthful of blood spewed out from his mouth.

Black Lightning let out a roar, and turned into black lightning again and charged towards him.

At the same time, a piercing ghostly howl sounded.

Bruce and Diana turned their heads quickly, only to see two rotten bodies, pale and distorted limbs, floating in the air like ghosts, flying out of the vortex, and quickly rushed towards the direction where the two lightning bolts were entangled.

In this way, under the siege and interception of the two time undead and black lightning, Wells quickly lost the ability to resist, and was dragged into the speed force vortex by the two time undead entangled his body.

"Do not!!"

Before his body was about to sink into the vortex, Wells couldn't help but yelled, looking desperately and fearfully at Bruce and Diana at the edge of the particle accelerator.

"Save... save me!"

Wells looked hopeful, and stretched out his hand towards them as if grabbing the last straw.

If it was replaced by the kind-hearted Superman and Flash, Wells might still have a chance.

But unfortunately, standing here at this moment are Batman and Wonder Woman. One of them is a dark knight who has become accustomed to the darkness and has long since become hard-hearted, and the other is an Amazon woman warrior with firm belief and never wavering.

No matter which one, it is impossible to be shaken by the screams of the enemy before death.

Therefore, no matter how miserable Wells' cry for help was, the expressions of Bruce and Diana remained unchanged, as if they were completely indifferent to Wells' death.

Soon, the two time undead disappeared into the whirlpool, dragging the desperate Wells.

"Those who play with time will eventually be played by time. The teacher will not deceive me..."

Diana sighed softly, and turned her head to look at the undead Hei Shan who was exuding an ominous aura.

"So, what do we do now?"

"Think of a way to push him into that vortex..."

Bruce said lightly, while quickly getting ready for battle.

But at this moment, a red afterimage rushed out from the wormhole behind, pulled out a long golden lightning trail and hit Black Lightning.

Caught off guard, Black Lightning's body was quickly thrown away, and flew towards the Speed ​​Force vortex with an unwilling roar.

Seeing this scene, Diana raised her eyebrows, and looked at the red figure who had just stood still with a slight smile in her eyes, that is, Barry the Flash who had just returned from the wormhole.

Bruce lowered his head without any hesitation, and said in a deep voice to the microphone: "Clark, Barry has returned, quickly cut off all circuits, and cooperate with Barry to close this wormhole!"


Clark reacted instantly and cut off the generator as quickly as possible.

Finally, Barry forcibly closed the wormhole that lost its energy source, and the hole suspended in the air quickly disappeared, leaving only a gust of wind blowing everyone in the particle accelerator.

Bruce turned his head and looked at Barry in front of him calmly.

"Barry, you're back..."

"Yeah, I'm back."

Barry sighed softly, looking at the direction where the wormhole disappeared with complicated eyes.

Diana frowned, a hint of surprise and confusion appeared on her beautiful face: "The world hasn't changed, and our memories still exist. Does that mean that you didn't choose, Barry—"

Before the words fell, a low growl interrupted Diana's words.

Diana quickly looked behind Barry, only to see a hideous head with black eyes protruding from the speed force vortex mixed with blue and white lightning.

Immediately afterwards, there was a rotten arm like a dry bone, and a body wrapped in black lightning.

Black Lightning, who was pushed into the Speed ​​Force vortex by Barry just now, actually got out of the vortex again!


Seeing that Black Lightning's eyes locked onto Barry, Diana couldn't help but shouted, and immediately reached for the Vulcan sword on her back, ready to fight the enemy with Barry.

But at this moment, the howling wind swept past her.

A blue-red figure suddenly appeared, flew towards Barry at a speed no less than that of the Flash, and then slammed a heavy punch on Black Lightning's chest.


Black Lightning's body flew upside down like a cannonball out of its chamber, and sank into the vortex mixed with blue and white lightning.

It wasn't until then that Diana and Bruce saw the floating tall blue figure and the fluttering red cloak behind him.

Looking at the speed force vortex disappearing in front of him, Clark raised his eyebrows, turned around and looked at Diana, Bruce and the others with a smile and asked, "I should be able to make a move now, right?"

"You have already made a move..."

Bruce rolled his eyes and said angrily.

Clark shrugged, didn't care, and slowly fell to the ground.

"By the way, what the hell was that just now?"

"The time remnant of Reverse Lightning Albert Swan, but after entering the space of speed force, it seems to be corrupted by something, turning into a walking dead full of desire to attack..."

Bruce explained lightly.

At the same time, Diana on the side showed a smile on her face, inserted the Vulcan sword back into the sword belt on her back, and turned to look at Barry who looked silent beside her.

"So, you didn't choose to save your mother, did you?"

After the words fell, everyone's eyes fell on Barry.

Sisko and Caitlin also rushed over at this time, looking at Barry with complicated eyes.

Facing all eyes, Barry, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke.

"The future me...he stopped me."

After the short words, Barry fell silent again, as if he still hadn't figured out why his future self didn't want him to save his mother.

Hearing this answer, everyone couldn't help but look at each other.

Sisko said thoughtfully: "If you don't choose to save your mother now, then the timeline has not changed, and you in the future must know everything that happened now, so, in his eyes, everything about you Thoughts and actions are transparent..."

"Of course I know that, but why did he stop me?"

"Could it be because of something like that just now?"

Diana on the side couldn't help but speak.

Sisko and Barry were stunned for a moment, and then looked at each other with a sense of comprehension.

"It's very possible! Wells was entangled by that weird undead creature because he traveled through time many times and changed the timeline recklessly."

"I think that the future Barry may have discovered some kind of mysteries about time and speed force, and then realized that what happened in the past cannot be changed at will, so he will go to Be the character who stops your past self."

Sisko said something awkward, but everyone present understood what he meant.

But if you understand it, you understand it. The feeling of sitting and watching his mother die in front of him still makes Barry unable to let go of it for a long time.

Barry turned his head silently, looking silently at the place where the wormhole disappeared.

To some extent, his experience was much worse than Bruce's. After all, Bruce only experienced the death of his parents once, but he had to experience it several times at different times from different perspectives...

(End of this chapter)

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