Chapter 798
Soon, Zod shook his head, and turned his gaze to Clark who was fighting the Kryptonian soldiers.

No matter how Lin Yi did it, what happened has already happened, even if he rushed back to the Indian Ocean immediately, it would be useless, but Clark in front of him...

A fierce light flashed in Zod's eyes.

Although I don't know if Lin Yi teleported him to Clark on purpose, but as long as he can get the central secret code in Clark's body, Krypton still has a chance to be reborn.

The big deal is to change another planet for transformation!

Anyway, the universe is so big, there must be more than one young yellow sun like the solar system.

When he finds another complete world engine, he can use the central secret code and creation chamber to revive the tribe and rebuild Kryptonian civilization on other planets.

At that time, he will definitely return to the earth with an army of millions of Kryptonians, and completely destroy Lin Yi and the entire earth civilization!

Zod gritted his teeth and thought about it, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that there was something interesting, so he rekindled his fighting spirit, and planned to defeat Clark with the soldiers first, and then returned to the Krypton main ship to regroup.

Anyway, he had already asked the medical officer, and it only needed Clark's body to take out the central secret code, and it didn't make any difference whether the body was alive or dead.

At this moment, Zod suddenly saw two Kryptonian soldiers unconscious at his feet.

Zod frowned, his face was gloomy, he pulled out a black syringe-like device from his waist without hesitation, and punched it through a small hole in the arm armor of two Kryptonian soldiers.

In the next second, the skin under the armor of the two Kryptonian soldiers turned black, and the blood vessels swelled.

With the blood flowing, the two Kryptonian soldiers suddenly opened their eyes and jumped up from the ground.

Their visors had long been broken and lost, and their exposed faces had become extremely ferocious, their eyes were bloodshot, and their chests were panting like a bellows.

Although the appearance has become like a monster that has lost its mind, the sanity of the two Kryptonian soldiers still exists.

After seeing General Zod's gloomy face, the two Kryptonian soldiers quickly calmed down, and the two hideous faces with bulging muscles couldn't help showing a touch of shame.

"General, we..."

"No need to say more." Zod lightly interrupted the words of the two, "Go, I have injected the Z-III type enhancer into your body, it is time to wash away the shame brought by the enemy with blood! "


The two Kryptonian soldiers turned ferociously, quickly turned and jumped up, and rushed towards Clark.

At this moment, Clark had gained the upper hand in the battle with the Kryptonian soldier.

Since Lin Yi didn't deal with them head-on, the guy's armor was still intact, so he didn't experience the pain of the earth's atmosphere.

So Clark repeated his tricks and successfully smashed the opponent's faceplate in close combat.

But just when he was about to deliver the final blow, two thick and fiery orange-yellow heat sights pierced through the air, sweeping over a distance of hundreds of meters towards Clark's chest in an instant.

Clark frowned, forcibly suppressing the movement of stepping and punching, and turned his head to look at the hot sight that came from him, and a thicker and more powerful red hot sight shot out from his eyes.

There is no way, less than three kilometers behind him is the power station in Smallville Town. If Clark really dodges to avoid it, these two orange-yellow heat lines will definitely fall into the power station.


Two hot lines of sight, one red and one yellow, collided in an instant.

Terrifying energy burst out from the junction, and continued to annihilate each other, shooting out countless hot sparks, the air seemed to be scorched and distorted by the high temperature, making a sizzling noise.

After a brief stalemate, the orange-yellow heat sight became thinner and thinner, obviously the energy was insufficient.

Clark also noticed the opponent's decline, so he increased the output, and pushed the junction of the heat line of sight to the opponent with a surge of energy far exceeding the opponent's.

But at this moment, another black shadow struck from the side.

Knocking Clark into the air before the winner was decided, completely ended this hot-sighted confrontation.

The Kryptonian soldier let out a low growl, quickly lowered his head, and covered his red and swollen eyes in pain.

Behind him, Zod, who was planning to besiege together, stopped and looked thoughtfully at the Kryptonian soldier who had just shot out his heat vision. A black tight-fitting battle suit stands in the farmland where the wheat waves are rolling.

Immediately afterwards, Zod closed his eyes, opened his arms and faced the radiant sun in the sky, and began to perceive and adapt to the powerful power given to him by the yellow sun.

Zod has Krypton's top fighting genes.

His mastery of power far exceeds that of any other Kryptonian soldier.

It didn't take long for Zod to open his eyes, and two orange-red hot gazes entwined with the flame burst out from his eyes.

At the same time, the dust and sand around his feet also floated slowly, his figure finally completely broke free from gravity, and rose off the ground under the action of the biological force field.

He also gained the same flying ability as Clark!

Zod stopped the output of his thermal vision, and some scaly red lines immediately appeared around his eye sockets.

That was the abnormality of energy blockage caused by blood vessels not adapting to energy flow when thermal vision was used for the first time.

Although this situation would bring a faint sting to his eyes, Zod didn't care at all, and there was only pure and strong excitement left on his face.

Sure enough, the yellow sun is the most suitable sun for Kryptonians!

Feeling the surging and powerful energy in his body, Zod's heart was full of hope again.

He adapted to his flying ability a little bit, and then quickly soared into the sky, rushing towards Clark who was fighting with the Kryptonian soldiers from the diagonal stab above.


Clark was caught off guard by an attack from above, and his body hit the ground in an instant.

Not far away, Bruce couldn't help sighing slightly when he saw this scene.

Bruce is very clear that after Zod also has the ability to fly, Clark's mobility advantage will completely disappear, and the balance of the battle between him and the Kryptonians will also be re-evaluated.

But this time, Clark is likely to be at a disadvantage.

At that time, the choice of the battlefield will no longer be the decision of Clark alone.

Whether it's the small town of Smallwell, which is close at hand, or the metropolis and Gotham, which are hundreds of miles away, they may all become the battlefields of these "gods on earth".

Bruce would never allow this to happen.

He stepped forward with a calm expression, and while the Kryptonian soldier with a broken mask was still adapting to super perception, he stepped on the ground and jumped out, throwing two whirling bat darts at the Kryptonian soldier.

The information received by the Kryptonian soldier was too messy and miscellaneous, so he didn't even notice the two whistling bat darts.

As a result, the two bat darts precisely passed through the gap between the Kryptonian soldier's arms, and then hit the opponent's steel-hard temple with a whistling sound...

As it should be, the sharp tips of the two batarangs were smashed into pieces by the opponent's steel body in an instant.

Then, with the surging counter-shock force, it bounced back in a slightly straight parabola.

But it doesn't matter, this is not the real purpose of Bruce!
When the two batarangs bounced back, Bruce's eyes flashed a gleam, and the batarang that happened to bounce right in front of the Kryptonian soldiers exploded, releasing a dazzling white light.

The deafening sound waves spread instantly, and amplified infinitely under the super perception of Kryptonian soldiers.

In just a split second, the Kryptonian soldier's eyes and earholes oozed blood, and he couldn't help but let out a painful and shrill scream from his throat.

Bruce jumped forward without hesitation, taking this opportunity to move forward quickly.

After observing the battle in the small town of Smallville, Bruce initially analyzed the weaknesses and shortcomings of the Kryptonian soldiers, the most obvious of which is the fragile adaptability shown when exposed to the earth's atmosphere.

Since then, Bruce has thought about using special strong light shock bombs to stimulate the opponent's senses, causing the opponent to be temporarily blind or deaf, so as to gain more fighting opportunities.

Of course, such tricks can only be used against Kryptonian soldiers who do not have a deep sense of control.

If it was replaced by Kryptonians of the level of Clark and Zod, it would be completely useless.

"After all, there is still a lack of intelligence on the Kryptonians..."

Bruce sighed in his heart. He didn't believe that the Kryptonians had no weaknesses at all. Otherwise, how could they have perished in the explosion of their home planet?
Although he thought so in his heart, Bruce's movements still did not stop at all.

He quickly touched behind another Kryptonian soldier, clenched his right fist wrapped in black armor, gathered all his strength and slammed it on the back of the Kryptonian soldier's neck.


With a loud bang, the Kryptonian soldier staggered and almost fell down.

But then he stabilized his figure, turned around, and looked fiercely at Bruce behind him with those eyes that had just used overheated vision, so there were scaly red lines around the eye sockets.


The corner of Bruce's mouth twitched slightly, he moved his sore five fingers calmly, and then suddenly kicked up, kicking the Kryptonian soldier's crotch hard enough to tear steel.

There is no way, since this guy's whole body is as hard as an iron egg, then he can only choose to attack his vitals.

(End of this chapter)

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