Chapter 797
But unfortunately, with the height and speed of their leap, it was not enough to touch the emergency capsule that accelerated ahead of time.

As a matter of course, all the Kryptonian soldiers took advantage of it, and could only watch the rescue capsule fly to the sky unwillingly, leaving only a blue tail flame swaying in the sky above their heads.

The Kryptonian sergeant standing in the wreckage of the falling spaceship saw this scene, gritted his teeth, turned around, and quickly ran into the spaceship with the remaining Kryptonian soldiers, and galloped away in a small beetle-shaped spaceship 3 minutes later. , Trying to catch up with these heinous prisoners, using blood to wash away the shame of himself and others.

At the same time, the Kryptonian spacecraft and world engine also began to break apart rapidly.

Numerous wreckages, large or small, slowly slid down the golden light barrier, and fell into the forest in the suburbs, or the inland river flowing through the metropolis with a rumbling sound.

On the main street of the metropolis, a black luxury car stopped.

Alfred, who was wearing a neat black suit and meticulously combed his hair, walked out of it, looking at the golden shield above his head with flickering eyes.

Seeing the wreckage of the alien spaceship sliding down from outside the golden light shield, Alfred's eyes flashed. He took out his mobile phone without hesitation, dialed the number of the Metropolitan Branch of the Wayne Group, and then said Bruce Wayne In the name of the branch, an order was issued to the employees of the branch to salvage the wreckage of the alien spacecraft.

As for the reason, there is really nothing to say. After all, anyone with a normal mind can see how huge the value is in the wreckage of these alien spaceships!
Facing the alien technology that has surpassed the earth for an unknown number of years, both the government and non-governmental organizations couldn't help but shine their eyes, and quickly launched a collection and salvage operation targeting the forests and rivers in the suburbs of the metropolis.

Of course, the biggest piece of meat must belong to the government, because the entire central North American army has been mobilized by the government, and at this time there are only the last ten kilometers left from the metropolis.

These troops were originally sent by the government to start a decisive battle with the Kryptonians.

But unexpectedly, just two so-called superheroes from the people destroyed the Kryptonian spacecraft that even the elite air force could not get close to, and even lured away all the living Kryptonians, leaving only the destroyed Kryptonian spacecraft. Spaceship and world engine.

As a matter of course, their mission has changed from fighting the aliens to salvaging the wreckage of the alien spaceship inexplicably.

At the same time, those non-governmental organizations also dispatched their personnel as quickly as possible, intending to take advantage of the geographical advantage to pick up the leaks before the government and the army arrive. Maybe they can find the best alien spacecraft parts, and then Sell ​​it to the military or get rich overnight?

Compared to them, Alfred's purpose is much simpler.

He just felt that although Master Bruce's armor has been changing over the years, the material has not changed much. Now that there is an opportunity, it is time for an equipment upgrade.

The four words Kryptonian metal sound very good...



Not only the metropolis, but the same thing is happening in the Indian Ocean.

After Lin Yi took away the phantom launcher, the golden shield covering the Indian Ocean disappeared, and the world engine, which was cut in half by the sword energy, crashed into the sea, stirring up huge waves that stretched for ten miles.

The country closest to here quickly dispatched a fleet, intending to take the opportunity to intercept Hu Linyi's achievements.

It's a pity that Lin Yi had predicted their actions a long time ago, and used the power of the earth's veins in advance to set up the simplest fascination array in the surrounding sea area.

All the fleets that arrived first were trapped by the stray circle, lost in the misty sea.

Only the Huaxia Fleet, which came belatedly, discovered the anomaly, so they quickly contacted the country for help, and finally cracked the Lost Formation under the remote command of a certain formation master.

As a matter of course, this sea area buried with alien technology is exclusive to the Huaxia Fleet.

Lin Yi, who was hiding in the high-altitude clouds, saw the Huaxia Aircraft Carrier which was carrying out salvage operations non-stop below, smiled slightly, and quietly disappeared into the azure blue sky.

When I went to the clothes, I learned the name and the name.

For Huaxia in this world, Lin Yi has always adhered to the eight-character principle of "assisting secretly and developing independently".

After all, I will leave this world sooner or later, and relying too much on myself is not a good thing for a country or even civilization.

After leaving the sky over the Indian Ocean, Lin Yi quickly rushed to the metropolis, and took away the broken phantom launcher before the government and civil organizations arrived, and contained all the Kryptonian corpses that fell into the water.

As an old fan of DC comics, Lin Yi in his previous life was quite satisfied with the plot of "Man of Steel".

The only thing that made him feel uncomfortable was Clark's behavior at the end of the film - after he killed Zod, he didn't restrain Zod's body, but allowed Zod's body to be obtained by the human government, thus carrying out various related activities. Kryptonian human experiments...

Of course, Lin Yi also knows that this is a plot deliberately set up by the screenwriter, in order to make Doomsday appear reasonably, and lead to the next DCEU movie.

But what is wrong is wrong, it does not become right just because it has to happen.

In Lin Yi's eyes, no matter whether these Kryptonian soldiers have genetic defects or not, they are all qualified fighters, and a qualified fighter can die head-on in battle, but he must not be desecrated by villains after death!

A silver light flashed in Lin Yi's eyes, and his sharp sword-like eyes swept across the river in front of him.

After confirming that there were no corpses of Kryptonian soldiers in the river under his feet, he quickly got up and flew towards the small town of Smallwell.



Time went back to half an hour ago, in the farmland outside the small town of Smallwell.

Clark picked up a comatose Kryptonian soldier in each hand, and threw them on the empty land of the farm.

Looking at the two Kryptonian soldiers unconscious at his feet, Clark couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

They have been knocked out by themselves, and then what?

Do you want to kill them while they are unconscious?

Such a thought flashed through Clark's mind, but then he shook his head and quickly erased this dangerous thought from his mind.

No, no, this method of killing is contrary to his original intention.

Exceptions should only be used as a last resort...

But then again, the Kryptonians are so powerful, if they are not killed, is there any way to trap them?

Clark lowered his head in thought, and then naturally thought of what happened to him in the Kryptonian spaceship.

"Kryptonian atmosphere, and red sun light..."

Clark muttered thoughtfully.

At this moment, a silver-white vortex suddenly appeared in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, Zod, who had bloodshot eyes and gritted his teeth, jumped out of it.

Clark reacted quickly, kicked Zod's chest hard without thinking about it.

In an instant, a terrifying force exploded on the armor on Zod's chest. The solid Kryptonian armor was dented instantly, and cracks appeared on the edge of the dent, and then shattered into countless metal fragments in the bursting white air wave.

At the same time, Zod's body flew up suddenly like a shell fired from its chamber.

But at this moment, the disappearing silver-white vortex reappeared, and another Kryptonian soldier with the same blood-red eyes and eyes full of hatred rushed out of it, and instantly bumped into Zod who was flying upside down.


The bodies of the two Kryptonians collided heavily, and then fell apart to the ground.

Logically speaking, this kind of killing two birds with one stone is gratifying no matter whether it is intentional or unintentional, but Clark is not happy at all, because he suddenly discovered that the two Kryptonians did not land elsewhere after they separated. It was the field where the two comatose Kryptonian soldiers were!


Accompanied by deafening bangs, countless smoke and dust rose and filled the air.

The Kryptonian soldier shook his head, got up from the ground, scanned his surroundings, and quickly locked his eyes full of hatred and anger on Clark, who was floating in the air, about five or six meters above the ground.

In the next second, the Kryptonian soldiers quickly rushed towards Clark.

At the same time, Zod also rubbed his head and got up, then frowned and glanced around, and soon found himself back in the farmland near the Kent farm.

……how can that be? !
Zod looked at the endless farmland around him with a face full of shock.

He really couldn't understand how Lin Yi teleported himself from the sky over the Indian Ocean to the small town of Smallville in just a split second?
This is the distance of more than half of the earth!

(End of this chapter)

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