A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 636 Volcanic Eruption

Chapter 636 Volcanic Eruption
In the scorching volcano, the bare-chested dark red giant threw away the gleaming hammer in his hand, and walked towards the magma lake with eyes full of radiance. His giant palm, which seemed to be forged from lava, plunged straight into the magma, holding Nayu A sword hilt made of vibrating gold.


The clear sound of the sword sounded, and Hephaestus picked up the brand-new Vulcan sword. His black eyes and red pupils stared at the divine sword in his hand, and his fingers lightly rested on it.

"Successful, we succeeded!!"

Hephaestus muttered in his mouth, his fingers as rough as lava carefully stroked the blade of the sword, as if he was stroking his wife's snowy skin.

This brand-new Vulcan sword is forged from various precious minerals supplemented with Etna volcano gold, but it is mainly made of vibration gold and diamond gold.

Its hilt and gauntlet are made of vibration gold and a magic energy storage metal, and the material is enhanced with volcanic gold, which can absorb all the shock force generated when swinging the sword in battle, no matter how powerful it is It is absolutely impossible to feel any vibration when fighting against an opponent.

At the same time, its sword body is mainly composed of diamond gold and many second-level demigod-level metals, which not only guarantees the hardness and sharpness of the blade, but also allows the sword body to have a certain degree of flexibility, achieving the perfection of hardness and flexibility. fusion.

In particular, the diamond blade tempered with Mount Etna gold has broken through to a level that even Hephaestus found unbelievable, and is considered by him to be the pinnacle of weapon forging in this life.

Lin Yi reached out and took the blade from the reluctant Hephaestus, flicked his right finger lightly, felt the crisp humming from the blade, and then suddenly stretched out a hand and passed it under the blade.


There was an almost silent sound, and Lin Yi's fair skin was easily scratched with a bloodstain, as if he had become an ordinary mortal with no cultivation in front of the sword.

Hephaestus, who was on the side, was startled when he saw this, quickly reached out and snatched the Vulcan sword, looked at Lin Yi with wide eyes and said loudly: "Lin Yi, what are you doing?"


Lin Yi smiled and raised his head, allowing Hephaestus to snatch the Vulcan sword, and then explained: "In my hometown, the birth of the divine sword is always accompanied by the martyrs, although I don't like this very much. It is said, but the sword is a life-killing tool after all, and I agree with the point of view that blood should be seen at the front."


Hephaestus suddenly looked stunned.

As the god of fire and forging in Olympus, Hephaestus actually knew this statement.

In fact, in this world, the death of the sword with the soul or the death of the sword is not just a legend, but a practical tempering method, but this method requires that the person who sacrifices the sword must be sincere, without any obsession or Resentment, otherwise not only will the quality of the blade not be improved, but even a weapon that could have been a divine sword will be destroyed.

Thinking of this, Hephaestus stood in awe.

Although Lin Yi didn't use this method, his willingness to use his own blood to temper the Vulcan sword is enough to prove that he attaches as much importance to this sword as he does himself!

Besides, this young guest is also a god after all, even if it is just blood, it is definitely not comparable to the life of a mortal. Now that the Vulcan sword has just been born, what is better than the blood of a god? ?
Hephaestus couldn't help being moved, and he looked at Lin Yi with more and more approval.

At the same time, the bloodstain on Lin Yi's arm has slowly recovered in the silver glow.

Because the blade of Vulcan's sword is too sharp, it is not only Lin Yi's skin and cells that are cut off, but also the smallest particles that make up cells, so self-healing is much more difficult than ordinary wounds.

"It really is an unprecedented sword..."

Lin Yi stroked his healed scar, and a silver light flashed in his eyes looking at Vulcan's sword.

Similarly, the Vulcan sword in Hephaestus's hand also flashed a faint stream of light as if in response, and then fell silent again, staying there quietly as if nothing had happened.

Hephaestus was still admiring and moved by Lin Yi's behavior, but he didn't notice anything strange about the Vulcan sword.

If he finds out, maybe he can understand that Lin Yi is not as pious and pure as he thought.

Lin Yi scratched his skin with the Vulcan sword, not only to test the sharpness of the sword, but also to allow his own blood to stain the sword, so as to pave the way for the future imperial object...

That's right, he didn't intend to let this divine sword stay in Vulcan's hands forever.

As a well-deserved saint of the sword, Lin Yi thought that no one was more suitable than him.

Moreover, this is also the first time since he obtained the sub-profession of a refiner, he has not borrowed the refiner system, and only made a long sword with his hands, which naturally has an extraordinary meaning for him.

As for what weapon Diana should use after taking away the Vulcan sword...

To be honest, Lin Yi was not worried.

Anyway, Hephaestus, the god of fire, has already overcome the fusion problem between diamond gold and volcanic gold, and it is not difficult to create a slightly inferior Vulcan sword.

As Lin Yi thought about it, he suddenly saw a big dark red face that was ugly like a beast in his field of vision.

Hephaestus said very movedly: "Your Excellency Lin Yi, I have received your determination, but you don't need to worry about practicing the sword, because there is a human city next to Mount Etna..."

"Wait! What are you talking about? There are human cities around?"

"Of course, the nearest city is at the foot of the mountain. It seems to be called Catania. Although it is a pity, it is a worthy death for these mortals to be the sacrificial object of this divine sword!"

Hephaestus caressed the Excalibur with emotion on his face. Although the words in his mouth were suspected of disregarding human life and human rights, they were also in line with his three views on the main god of Olympus.

Lin Yi didn't have time to pay attention to Hephaestus' words.

Because his face changed drastically after hearing that there was really a city near the volcano, Jian Xin released his perception in an instant, and swept across the ten-mile radius around the volcano like a billowing wave.

Sure enough, at the foot of Mount Etna, on the east coast of Sicily, he noticed a lot of messy spiritual power.

Compared to him, all the spiritual powers are just pearls of rice grains and firefly lights, but when so many spiritual powers are mixed together, they condense into an extremely huge force.

Lin Yi had experienced this kind of power before in the world of A Song of Ice and Fire.

At that time, he called this power the power of faith, but now it seems that it should be called the power of all beings.

It is a mysterious power that can only be produced when the emotions of all beings resonate and the emotions are consistent.

At this moment, the power of all beings condensed by thousands of human beings is not as pious and full of hope as he felt in Baylor Cathedral before.

Instead, it is filled with a thick and deep despair.

It's as if the person who resonates has seen the most terrifying picture in life.

As for what they saw to be so desperate...

Lin Yi looked at the hole in the center where magma was constantly gushing out, and then rose into the sky without hesitation, turning into a silver light and rushing in, leaving only Hephaestus staring blankly ahead.

Only three seconds later, a silver sword light broke through the rising smoke from the crater, paused for a second surrounded by countless black smoke and poisonous fog, and flew towards the foot of the mountain without hesitation after confirming the direction.

Although Hephaestus said that using the central furnace to forge the Excalibur will cause certain visions.

But even he didn't expect that the birth of Vulcan's sword actually triggered the most violent eruption in the history of Mount Etna.

All the human beings living in the city heard the deafening noise of the volcanic eruption, and hurriedly put down the work at hand and walked out of the room, even seeing the terrifying picture that they may never forget in this life.

The lava and magma ejected from the crater are as high as hundreds of meters, thick and thick plumes of smoke go straight into the sky, and countless dark red magma is thrown high with the lava, and then falls like a meteor with a fire tail.

A large amount of material spewed out, and hundreds of millions of volcanic ash covered the sky, covering the entire sky into a hazy yellow, just like a scene of doomsday dusk.

The hot and bright magma flows down the hillside in two ways, forming a fiery red lava flow that is several kilometers long. One of the magma lava flows is engulfed in lava and countless volcanic ash, rolling down like a rushing fiery red river. The beautiful town at the foot of the mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, the city of Catania.

All the townspeople spontaneously gathered in the square of the city, staring blankly at the rushing molten stream on the hillside, and a strong atmosphere of despair was constantly brewing among the townspeople.

In the watchtower of the castle in the city, the family of the castellan of Catania, dressed in luxurious clothes, appeared there. While looking at the bright fire belt in the distance, they hugged their wife and a pair of children tightly with their trembling right hands. middle.

Facing this catastrophic scene that seemed like a punishment from God, even the city lord, who has the power to kill the entire city, is as powerless as other townspeople at this moment.

Also powerless was the priest in white in the church.

In this church named San Niccolo, the old priest in white holds the cross tightly in his hands, the pungent smell of sulfur fills his nose, and the earth-shattering rushing sound in his ears. Voice.

Disaster is about to strike, but he can't do anything.

This sense of powerlessness made the old priest feel extremely painful, and he could only pray sincerely over and over again, hoping that the Lord would hear his response and send down a miracle to save lives.

But unfortunately, his lord seemed to have forgotten that he still had such a piece of territory, until the scorching molten stream rushed into the most marginal city of Catania, he still didn't take action to save them.

"Lord! What have we done wrong?!"

Hearing the roaring sound coming from far and near, the old priest closed his eyes in pain.

But at this moment, exclamations suddenly came from the square, and countless townspeople shouted the Lord's name excitedly.

The old priest suddenly opened his eyes and looked up at the sky excitedly, only to see a bright silver light piercing the sky, becoming the only light covered by the hazy yellow smoke.

Just as it was about to reach the urban area of ​​Catania, the bright silver light suddenly changed direction, facing the molten stream rushing into the urban area with a gust of wind and rain.

In the next moment, a miraculous silver light curtain bloomed out of thin air, blocking all the melt flow at the edge of the city.

(End of this chapter)

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