A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 635 The Vulcan Sword

Chapter 635 The Vulcan Sword
Pacific Ocean, Paradise Island.

It has only been three months since Lin Yi and the little black cat left, but Diana feels like three years have passed.

It was okay at the beginning, Diana's performance was very normal. Not only did she practice the Golden Light Curse as enthusiastically as she did at the beginning, but she also added additional weapon training under Antiope's suggestion.

But just as the time was about to reach the agreed deadline, Diana suddenly changed her previous enthusiasm and began to forget about food and tea. She was not even interested in the combat training she wanted to participate in the most.

Queen Hippolyta watched and sighed in her heart.

She knows her daughter's inner loneliness. Although her daughter doesn't seem to care about her status as the "only child on the island" on the surface, in fact, she really wants a playmate.

After becoming sensible, the daughter listened to the protagonists who had friends in the story, and kept asking her mother why she was the only child on Paradise Island, and why those sisters and aunts had no offspring...

Hippolyta didn't want her to know her true identity, so she made up a lie that the Amazons had no children, and told Diana that she was a clay figurine made of clay by Zeus, the king of the gods, and given life by divine power.

Diana accepted this setting, but there was still a vacancy in her heart that longed for a partner.

If such a vacancy persisted, Diana might get used to the feeling.

But the arrival of Lin Yi and the little black cat filled this vacancy. Diana felt that she finally had a playmate, so how could she still endure the emptiness of the vacancy.

Hippolyta sighed faintly, and gently stroked Diana's silky black hair with her slender hands.

Today is the day that Diana and the little black cat made an appointment to meet. Diana finished training early in the morning and came to the highest palace on Paradise Island to look into the distance, looking forward to the arrival of the little black cat.

"Mom, do you think Xiaomo will really come back?"

"Of course, this is what you agreed on earlier, isn't it?"

Hippolyta said softly, Diana raised her small face and showed a sweet smile at Hippolyta, then turned around and continued to lie on the edge of the balcony, looking at the sky expectantly.

That was the direction where Lin Yi and the little black cat left...

The wait is always extremely long, but time is always passing bit by bit.

Hippolyta was able to keep watch with her daughter at first, but after a few hours there was no sign of the little black cat coming, so she sighed, turned and left the palace, intending to get some food for Diana.

She felt that this would be a long battle, and it was likely to be fruitless.

Diana was not as pessimistic as Hippolyta. She believed that the little black cat would definitely come to the appointment, and this point has not wavered in the slightest from the beginning to the present.

Suddenly, a violent hurricane blew up on the sea in sight.

Countless whistling air currents engulfed the water waves and spiraled up to the sky, turning into a white tornado that connected the sky and the ground, and swept towards Paradise Island with a violent force.

All the female Amazon warriors who saw this scene showed horror on their faces.

Two golden armored female warriors guarding the palace hurried to the balcony, trying to take Diana away.

But at this moment, a pitch-black figure emerged from the hurricane, turned into pitch-black lightning and shot towards Paradise Island, and penetrated into the protective layer outside the island in the blink of an eye.

The two golden-armored female warriors who had already arrived on the balcony were startled. They quickly took off the bows and arrows on their backs, and aimed at the roaring black figure and drew the bowstring.

At this moment, Hippolyta hurried over with a food box in his hand, and when he saw the roaring black figure, his almond eyes widened and he yelled sharply, "Stop!"

The two golden armored female warriors were startled for a moment.

After hesitating, the pitch-black figure had already arrived outside the hall.

Only then did everyone see the whole picture of the black shadow clearly. It was a huge black tiger with a body length of three meters and two wings on its back. There were blue stripes on its body. , like a black dragon horn that hasn't grown yet.

Looking at this familiar yet unfamiliar giant black tiger, Diana widened her beautiful eyes, and subconsciously blurted out a name that had already come to her lips.

"Xiao Mo?!"

"it's me!"

The winged black tiger roared, and a majestic voice like the beating of a drum came out of its mouth: "Sorry, Diana, I forgot that there is still a time difference between Paradise Island and Europe..."


A smile appeared on Hippolyta's face. She had seen the form of the little black cat before, so she immediately stopped the actions of the two golden armored female warriors.

Diana couldn't help but rubbed her eyes, and after confirming that this was not a hallucination, she looked at the winged black tiger in surprise: "Oh my god, Xiao Mo! You're really not a cat! You're a big cat!" tiger!"

Heihu said dissatisfiedly: "I'm not a cat...nor a tiger!"

"Then what are you?"

"I am Qiongqi, a divine beast on the land of China."


Diana repeated the name accurately, then nodded very seriously, and remembered the name deeply in her heart: "I remember, you are not a cat or a tiger, you are Qiongqi!"


Heihu nodded in satisfaction, and glanced lightly at the golden armored female warrior behind Diana, then flapped his black wings, and landed in front of the palace balcony in a vigorous figure.

"How about it, Diana, do you want me to take you out for a flight?"


Diana's eyes lit up immediately, and before the golden-armored female warrior and Queen Hippolyta could react, she turned over and jumped off the railing, landing precisely on the back of the black tiger.


Hippolyta's almond-shaped eyes were wide open, and just as he raised his right hand, he saw the black tiger flapping its wings, and its figure leaped a hundred meters away like lightning, rushing towards the sky at lightning speed.

Not long after, Diana's melodious laughter resounded like silver bells in the sky.

Hippolyta came back to her senses, looked at her daughter who had only one black spot in the sky, and then at the steaming food box in her hand, couldn't help but sighed slightly, then handed the food box to Jin Jia female warrior.

The female warrior in golden armor looked puzzled.

"Your Majesty, this is..."

"This is the food for Diana and that guest. You wait here and bring it to them when they come down."

"What if they never come down?"

"Then you just keep waiting!"




The sky above Paradise Island.

The winged black tiger was flying excitedly in the sky. Diana was riding on its back, holding the black tiger's neck tightly with her two small arms, feeling the feeling of the wind and lightning with excitement on her face.

"Little Mo! You can fly!"

"Of course I can fly!"

Although one person and one tiger were flying in the air at high speed, the voice of the black tiger was accurately transmitted to Diana's ears, along with a resentful resentment.

"Finally I can come out and fly for a while. After staying in the volcano with my brother for three months, I'm almost suffocated!"

"Volcano?!" Diana was attracted to the ear of Heihu with a face full of surprise, wondering, "Mom said the volcano is a very hot place, what are you doing there?"

"I heard from my brother that it seems to be forging a powerful sword."

"A powerful divine sword? Is it stronger than the sword of the godslayer?"

"Of course." Heihu said disdainfully, "This is the divine sword forged by my brother and Vulcan. How can it be compared with a mere sword of the godslayer?"

"Wow, that's amazing! Do you know the name of that sword?"

"Of course I know, it's called the Vulcan Sword!"

"The Vulcan Sword..."

Diana hugged the black tiger's neck and muttered to herself, her beautiful big eyes flickered, full of yearning and yearning.

After flying over Paradise Island for an hour, the black tiger landed contentedly, but Diana was still a little unsatisfied, but neither Hippolyta nor the little black cat planned to let her fly to the sky to play again.

Returning to Paradise Island, the little black cat finally felt what beauty is.

Compared with Paradise Island, Mount Etna, which is hot, oppressive, and even hard to breathe on the other side, does not seem like a poor place to stay, and only those like Vulcan and his brother can stand it.

The little black cat who had lingering fears really didn't want to go back, so he stayed on Paradise Island to play with Diana for three days, and then reluctantly left Paradise Island three days later.

Since then, the little black cat will come to Paradise Island to play with Diana every three months.

Finally, when the little black cat went back and forth about four times, something happened.

On the east coast of Sicily, Italy, a red light suddenly erupted from the long-sleeping Mount Etna. Countless dark red magma spewed out from the crater, and billowing black smoke rose into the sky, engulfing the red lava. Towards the horizon, it turned into countless meteors with swaying fire tails and slashed towards the horizon.


Loud noises resounded as if the sky and the earth were splitting, and all places within a hundred miles were clearly visible.

And inside the ferociously erupting volcano, two figures, one red and one silver, stood in front of the endlessly boiling magma lake, looking at a gleaming silver sword with joy on their faces.

After a year of continuous forging, after consuming many precious minerals such as diamond gold, vibration gold, and Etna gold, this brand new Vulcan sword was finally born!
(End of this chapter)

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