A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 410 Dragon Slayer Sword

Chapter 410 Dragon Slayer Sword
The waves from which the dragon fell were so turbulent that the surface of the lake is still rippling with blue waves for a long time.

The dragon slayer in white slim-fitting clothes stood between two huge dragon horns, looking down at the cruise ship drifting in the distance with indifferent gaze, the silver-white light was like stars chasing each other, surrounding and guarding him.

——This is the scene Legolas saw when he arrived in the middle of the lake.

Looking at that god-like figure, Legolas couldn't help but tremble.

He is a "young" elf born after the first era, and he doesn't have a clear understanding of the super-standard existence in this world. He only heard a little bit from his father and the older elves in the woodland when he was young. .

But today...

Legolas felt that he had finally seen such a grand and epic scene in the story.

Therefore, after the ship reached a close enough distance, Legolas did not hesitate to kneel on one knee, performing the respectful etiquette that he had learned in childhood but never had the opportunity to use.

"Unknown lord, thank you for everything you have done for Mirkwood and Long Lake Town. I, the prince of the woodland kingdom, son of Thranduil, grandson of Orofer, Legolas, request you to go to the woodland Kingdom, accept our most sincere respect and offering."

After speaking, Legolas bowed his head deeply.

The other elves on the boat also knelt on one knee and lowered their noble heads towards Lin Yi.

Lin Yi frowned slightly, a little caught off guard by such a development.

He was silent for a while, then pulled out the broad sword with a puff, and the steaming hot dragon's blood splashed around as the blade was pulled out.

The right hand holding the sword hilt flicked slightly to the right, throwing a long line of blood on the lake below.

Then he jumped down from Smaug's head and landed in front of the ship.

Legolas heard this series of movements, and also heard the sound of falling rapidly through the air.

I thought that the lake would splash and the boats would be rippling because of this, but even after more than ten seconds passed, nothing happened in front of me.

Legolas was puzzled, but he still didn't dare to raise his head without getting a response from the venerable.

Until a calm but familiar voice came from the front——

"So you are Legolas, look up and let me see..."

This voice! !
Legolas opened his eyes wide in disbelief, raised his head quickly, and looked in the direction of the voice ahead.

Only then did he realize that Lin Yi's feet were about two feet away from the ground.

He is completely floating above the water, level with his own ship!
Legolas was full of shock, and his eyes fell on Lin Yi's calm face.

"You...you are Seymour's teacher, Your Excellency Lin Yi?" Legolas asked tentatively.


A smile finally appeared on Lin Yi's face, and the Granary sword in his hand shrank to its normal size, and was inserted back into his waist.

Then he floated forward slowly and landed on Legolas' ship.

"Get up, Woodland Kingdom I will go, but not now."

Lin Yi put Legolas on the shoulder with a smile on his face.

Legolas was slightly taken aback, and immediately felt an inexplicable force pouring out from all parts of his body, and his whole body stood up irresistibly.

Not only him, but all the elves who knelt on one knee stood up uncontrollably, all of them looked at each other in surprise.

Seeing the smile on Lin Yi's face, Legolas asked without hesitation.

"Your Excellency Lin Yi, how is Seymour?"

"It's terrible! It's terrible!" Lin Yi said angrily, "I should have arrived a little later. In that case, he might be able to become a noble dragon dung as he wished!"

Hearing the end, Legolas breathed a sigh of relief.

He was already satisfied with the news of Seymour's safety. As for the complaints and blame in Lin Yi's tone, Legolas pretended not to hear it.

Anyway, this is the private matter of Seymour and his master and apprentice, and it is not easy for an outsider to interfere.

Lin Yi shook his head, putting aside the depression he felt when he was suddenly summoned, and calmly glanced at the group of elf warriors in silver armor behind Legolas.

These elf warriors also heard the conversation just now, and knew that Lin Yi was the mysterious venerable who sent Seymour to help the Woodland Kingdom, so they naturally had a good impression in their hearts, and they all looked at Lin Yi very respectfully.

"You guys came just in time." Lin Yi said with a smile, "Part of the city under the mountain collapsed because of Smaug's riot, and now we need people to clear the road. As for your father's white diamond necklace, maybe you have to look for it carefully. I found it, after all, there are too many gold, silver and jewels in that city, you may have to be mentally prepared for a protracted battle."

Hearing this, all the elves including Legolas laughed.

They all thought Lin Yi was joking.

At this moment, the city under the mountain is no longer threatened by Smaug and the dwarves. No matter how many jewels there are, it is only a matter of time before the white diamond necklace is found.

And the last thing elves lack is time.

Thinking of Smaug, Legolas asked hastily.

"Your Excellency Lin Yi, what about the corpse of the dragon Smaug?"

"Of course it will be my trophy." Lin Yi turned his head, glanced at the huge dragon corpse slowly sinking behind him, and said in a deep voice, "I will keep its dragon horns and teeth, and throw the rest of the corpse away." into the Doomsday Volcano and re-formed as part of the magma."

"This is too wasteful..."

An elf warrior couldn't help but say something.

Legolas frowned immediately, and turned to stare at the elf warrior.

"The evil dragon Smaug was killed by His Excellency Lin Yi, and it is up to His Excellency Lin Yi how to deal with it. Is it your turn to speak?"

The elf warrior suddenly showed shame, and kept silent like a cicada.

Lin Yi smiled and shook his head. Even though Legolas showed his support for his decision, Lin Yi still felt a trace of regret in his heart.

"Don't think that a dragon corpse is a good thing." Lin Yi said lightly, his silver-white vertical pupils glanced at the elves on the boat, "Remember, those who soak in dragon blood will eventually become evil dragons."

Those who soak in dragon blood will eventually become evil dragons...

Legolas tasted these words in a daze, and couldn't help but think of what Bud said about changing the mayor in his mind.

The surrounding elf warriors were also taken aback, and they all shuddered involuntarily.

At this time, for some reason, Legolas thought of the long sword bathed in dragon blood just now from the person soaked in dragon blood, and the memory image of that long sword came to mind.

It seems that the long sword was forged by elves...

Your Excellency Lin Yi really has a close relationship with the elves!
Not only did he accept a disciple of the elves, but even his own sword was forged by the elves. Presumably it was a gift from Lin Yi's former elf friends...

Legolas felt more than a burst of emotion.

Lin Yi just wanted to jump off the boat to put away the dragon corpse, but Jian Xin suddenly sensed what Legolas was thinking at the moment, and his movements couldn't help but froze slightly.

'Almost forgot about it! '

Lin Yi slapped his head, and took back his steps calmly.


"Your Excellency Lin Yi, please order."

Legolas bowed respectfully, thinking that Lin Yi wanted the Woodland Kingdom to help carry the dragon corpse.

But what he didn't expect was that Lin Yi reached out and pulled out the long sword from his waist, and handed it towards him.

Legolas was slightly taken aback, and took the long sword with some confusion.

Lin Yi smiled, pointed to the long sword and asked, "Do you know it?"

"Of course, it's the dragon-slaying sword that just slew the dragon Smaug!"

"Stop flattering." Lin Yi smiled and shook his head, "I mean its original identity... You should be able to tell that this is the forging craft of your elves, right?"

Legolas lowered his head, held it in his hand and looked back and forth carefully.

"Look at its forging process and the materials it uses... Well, it should be cast by my relatives! But the elf spell on it is the script of the moon, I... haven't learned it systematically... so..."

Legolas held the long sword in both hands, and a trace of shame appeared on Jun's face.

Lin Yi took the long sword with a smile, danced a sword flower to stand him in front of him, and read the words attached to it in common language.

"Enemy of Morgoth's armies, slayer of Orcs, King of Gondolin—Turgon has this sword!"

When Lin Yi started to chant, Legolas and the elves on the boat slowly opened their eyes wide. After Lin Yi finished chanting, all the elves showed extremely shocked expressions on their faces.

"This... is this the enemy fencing Granary?!"

(End of this chapter)

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