Chapter 409
Under the lonely mountain, Changhu Town.

All the townspeople were startled by the trembling sound coming from the direction of Gushan, they pushed open their doors and came to the street, staring blankly at the townspeople who also didn't know what to do.

The ground was still trembling, but the residents of the town merged into a torrent led by someone, and they rushed towards the pier.

Soon, the pier and the lakeside were full of dense townspeople.

Among them are farmers farming, shopkeepers in the town, sailors on boats, fishermen fishing in the lake... Almost all the residents living in this long lake town came here, including their women and children.

All kinds of people stood silently on the pier and by the lake, looking at the lonely mountain with rumbling sounds in the distance.

At the front end of the pier, Legolas stayed there with a group of elven silver armored warriors.

The sea-blue eyes glanced back, and immediately frowned tightly.

"Who brought these humans here?"

"I don't know." The elf warrior on the side shook his head, and glanced at the townspeople with some disgust, "Maybe they came by themselves, just like those animals that had a premonition of danger."

Legolas shook his head: "Be careful, I know you hate humans, but whether you admit it or not, they are all children of Ru, an intelligent race like us elves."

The elf warrior closed his mouth, and bent over respectfully.

Legolas sighed, and turned to look at Bud who had rushed back to Long Lake Town beside him.

"Where's the mayor?"

"I've already run away!" Bud snorted coldly, "When the earthquake just came, I saw him sneaking out of the dock with a few cronies, and untied a few cargo ships. Get out of here with your money!"

The town guard beside the boat sneered, shook his head and said: "Although what this elf brother said is not very pleasant, I have to admit that for some human beings, those livestock that seek good luck and avoid evil, and move when they hear the wind, are indeed That's the best way to describe it!"

The elf warrior nodded involuntarily, agreeing with his words.

Legolas sighed, and set his gaze on the distant lonely mountain again.

Bud didn't care about the arguments of these people. He scanned the townspeople in front of him anxiously, trying to find his wife and children from the dense crowd on the shore.

To tell the truth, if he hadn't been on duty as an escort, he would have rushed into the crowd long ago to look for his wife and children.

Suddenly, Bud found a figure waving his hands on the shore a little to the right. As a sharpshooter, he could barely see the figure's face clearly due to his excellent eyesight.

It's Barin, his son!

Bud was pleasantly surprised. He followed his son and looked back, and immediately saw his wife and two daughters.

The whole family was there, and the stone in Bud's heart was also put down, and a tinge of happiness rose instead.

Fortunately, when he came back, he encountered a forward torrent, and there was a moderate north wind blowing on the long lake, which allowed him to return to long lake town at a speed much faster than when he left.

Otherwise, when this kind of thing happened, he might still be floating on the surface of Changhu Lake, looking helplessly at the distant Changhu Town, worrying about the safety of his wife and children...

At this moment, there was a sudden exclamation from the crowd, and even his son Bayin's eyes widened, looking at the sky in the direction of Gushan in disbelief.

Bud turned his head suddenly, and suddenly saw a huge black shadow rising in the direction of the lonely mountain.

The black shadow was extremely huge, even though it was such a long distance, everyone on the pier could still clearly distinguish its head and tail, and the huge wings seemed to be comparable to the lonely mountain...

Bud's eyes widened, and he murmured dryly, "That...that's..."

"That is the evil being who occupies the Lonely Mountain—Smaug, the Dragon of the North."

Legolas said calmly, his sea-blue eyes looked at the giant dragon flying in the sky inexplicably.

"My God, it's really a dragon!"

"The legend is true! There really is an evil dragon in the lonely mountain!"

"Unbelievable! We have lived with a dragon for so long..."

"Since the legend is true, is the prophecy about the king of the dwarves taking back Erebor also true?"

"But what about the dwarves? There are only humans and elves here..."

A quarrel full of panic broke out among the townspeople, and Bud had no choice but to lead the town guards to the people, comforting the townspeople, telling them not to panic, and hurrying back to pack their belongings and move out of Changhu Town.

Legolas didn't care about the chaos behind him, his eyes were cold and disappointed.

In his heart, there is only one consequence of the evil dragon being awakened...

'Don't worry, Seymour, we will avenge you. '

Legolas said something silently in his heart, then raised his head resolutely, looked at the giant dragon in the sky and said indifferently: "Otto, go back and report to His Majesty, and say that the mission failed... Prepare to face the dragon!"


The elven silver armored warrior looked serious, and quickly turned his horse's head.

The elf warriors and the townspeople of Changhu Town behind them gave way one after another, allowing the elf silver armored warriors to drive by and gallop towards the dark forest.

Bud, who had initially appeased the townspeople, came over, his originally resolute face changed for a while, and a trace of hesitation appeared in his expression from time to time.

Legolas glanced at him and waved his hand lightly: "Go, I know you want to see your wife and children, don't worry about us, since you humans don't dare to fight against the coming fate, then take the people from Changhu Town Leave the fate to us together!"

"Wait a moment!"

Before Legolas could finish speaking, another elf warrior next to him couldn't help interrupting him, and his fingers wrapped in silver armor couldn't help pointing in the direction of the sky.

"Look over there, behind the dragon... what is that?"

Everyone on the pier was slightly startled, and all looked towards the sky in the direction of Gushan.

I saw a bright silver light chasing from behind the giant dragon. The mighty and frightening dragon turned its head in panic, looked at the figure and roared angrily and unwillingly.


A deafening roar came faintly from a distance.

Billowing flames gushed out from the dragon's mouth and spewed towards the direction of the silver light.

But this level of flames had no effect on the silver light behind him at all. I saw that silver light flashed suddenly, and the original bright silver light instantly condensed into the phantom of a dragon's head, with a shocking, resounding feeling in my heart. The long howling sound scattered the giant pillar of flames gushing in the air, and flashed past the dragon's side.


The silver-white dragon-shaped phantom flashed past, and the dragon wing on the right side of the giant dragon that covered the sky and the sun broke off instantly.

Countless scalding dragon blood poured from the broken marks, and the dragon with broken wings screamed full of pain, fell from the rain of blood, and fell towards the long lake below.

On the pier, all the people and elves who hadn't left stood there blankly, staring blankly at the shocking scene in the sky, unable to calm down for a long time.

Legolas stared blankly at the blood rain in the sky.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but he always felt that when the silver light flashed, the dragon Smaug and the flame breath seemed to stop for a second.


The giant dragon in the sky fell into the long lake with a wailing sound, and after a shocking wave was stirred up, the water waves centered on the place where the dragon fell, and rushed towards all directions layer by layer.

Only then did the people by the pier slowly come to their senses, looked at each other, and then——

"The dragon is dead!"


Deafening cheers came from the pier, and swept across the entire Changhu Town like a tide.

The townspeople who had already left turned back one after another after hearing the cheers from the pier, and hurriedly asked those people on the shore what happened.

Everyone described the scene they had just seen with excitement.

Listening to the descriptions of the silver light piercing the sky and the dragon's wings being cut off, those who hadn't seen it became excited, and hurriedly memorized the descriptions of these people carefully so that they could brag in front of foreigners.

Quietly, the original heavy heart of leaving home has disappeared, replaced by a look of great regret.

If I had known earlier, I would not have left, but I missed such a bragging scene...

That was the fall of the last giant dragon in the world! !

Legolas also came back to his senses. He selected an elf warrior to go back to report the news, and then decisively led the other elf warriors onto the boat by the pier, heading towards the direction where the dragon fell.


The giant dragon that was as big as a hill fell into the lake, along with the severed dragon wings and rain of blood.

Countless schools of fish gathered from the long lake, greedily sucking the dragon's blood floating on the lake.

After only a few seconds of immersion, a mammoth figure resurfaced on the lake again. It was Smaug whose dragon wings had been chopped off.

He gasped in horror, the blood in his body along with his strength was continuously drawn away by the huge sword marks on his back.

Smaug really wanted to find a place to rest and rest, but the threat of the sword light in the sky made him terrified. There was no way to find a hidden place to lick his wounds, so he could only swim towards the shore on hands and feet.

From the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the schools of fish sucking his own blood, and Smaug was furious.

"A group of humble creatures dare to desecrate the great Smaug!"

The anger in Smaug's heart filled his chest for a moment, he even forgot the threat from the sky for a moment, and he wanted to mobilize the dragon's breath to breathe out, killing these fish schools one after another.

The extremely high temperature instantly boiled the surrounding lake water, and the countless fish schools that gathered had white bellies, and the fish school in the center of the dragon's breath was instantly turned into coke in the water.

After killing these fish schools, Smaug's rationality returned to his head, and he was filled with fear and regret for a moment.

No, you have to get out of here quickly! !
Smaug swam quickly to the shore.

But at this moment, a silver light fell from the sky and landed heavily on Smaug's head.

"That's it."

Lin Yi stepped between Smaug's dragon horns, and looked at the giant dragon under his feet indifferently. The gleaming silver light of the Granary sword soared to the size of the giant sword, holding the hilt upside down with both hands and holding it high.

Smaug was startled, and shouted in fear.

"Wait for me--"


The sword light flashed, and the broad giant sword sank directly between Smaug's eyes. Severe pain flooded his mind like a tide, and the sound of sword energy ravaging the flesh came directly to his ears along with a cold word.


Smaug's eyes went dark, and he was finally completely overwhelmed by the endless darkness in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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