A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 406 Your name is Smaug?

Chapter 406 Your name is Smaug?
the other side.

Seymour, after entering the secret door with Bilbo, soon reached a spacious hall.

There are many sealed reserves and weapons and armor in the hall, and the stone wall above also depicts the grand scene of the kingdoms coming to court.

In this magnificent scene, the former king of the mountain sat on the throne, with a gemstone shining brightly on his head, accepting the worship of many visitors below.

Below the stone carving, there is also a line of dwarven language:

"This is the seventh kingdom of Durin's line. May the heart of the mountain unite all dwarves and protect our sacred kingdom."

Any dwarf would definitely be moved when he saw this scene.

But Seymour and Bilbo were not dwarves after all, and they had never seen the prosperity of Erebor, so they just felt the changes of the years and the vicissitudes of life, and then decided to continue on their way.

But here comes the problem.

From here, there is only one road left for the hall to move forward again.

It was an extremely narrow passage, with a height of about 1.4 meters and a width less than half of Seymour's shoulder width. Even a short hobbit like Bilbo could only enter this passage by turning his body sideways.

Obviously, this is the second line of defense set up by the dwarves to prevent other races from obtaining the map, ensuring that only the dwarves can enter the city of Erebor through this secret passage.

After several unsuccessful attempts, Seymour had no choice but to give up his intention to move on.

The two had no choice but to part ways from here, and Bilbo entered the city of Erebor first, while Seymour tried to find another passage that was more spacious.

So Bilbo entered the passage carefully, and came to Erebor, the real city under the mountain.

If the underground palace of Moria represents majesty and grandeur, then Erebor is undoubtedly synonymous with resplendent and magnificent!

In this magnificent hall, endless gold coins and jewels are piled up between stone pillars like hills, all kinds of gold, silver and jewelry are piled up like sand on the seashore, among them are unminted gold And silver, large uncut gemstones, and many handicrafts that were cast into gold, silver, and gemstone jewelry.

The palace was full of splendor and splendor. Even a hobbit like Bilbo, who could resist the temptation of the Lord of the Rings, almost forgot to breathe when he saw the infinite wealth in the hall.

But Bilbo was Bilbo after all, and even though a little greed arose in his heart, he still did not forget his mission.

Bilbo entered the hall cautiously, and searched for the white diamond necklace of the Elven King and the Arkon gems of the dwarves among the countless mountains of gold and silver and jewels in the hall.

It's a pity that the one here is really too big!
As small as Bilbo, it would be impossible to search through these treasure mountains even if it took ten days and ten nights.

After discovering this, Bilbo sat down on the mountain of treasure in despair, wondering whether he should take some treasure out and find a place to hide and live by himself.

So he casually took out a gold cup from the treasure next to him.

But this action seemed to push the first domito, triggering a series of chain reactions. Countless gold coins and treasures slid down the hill, revealing an eye about the size of his entire body.

It turned out that the whole hill under Bilbo's feet was the treasure laid down by the dragon Smaug when he slept!

After discovering this, Bilbo stood up in a hurry, but his overly flustered action accidentally triggered a bigger treasure landslide. All kinds of gold coins and treasures collided together, engulfing Bilbo together. Slide down the treasure mountain.

The crisp and pleasant collision sound awakened the sleeping Smaug.

As soon as it woke up, it smelled a very strange smell, mixed with some familiar smells, such as the dwarves of Erebor, and the elves of the woodland kingdom...

Smaug got out of the "quilt" angrily, let out a huge roar like a volcanic eruption, and scanned the hall with a pair of golden-red vertical pupils, trying to find the figure of the thief.

Fortunately, Bilbo put on the Supreme Lord of the Rings in time, so Smaug didn't notice his figure in the first place.

However, these were expedient measures. Considering that there were so many jewels in the palace that almost covered the entire ground, as long as Bilbo moved, there would be countless collision sounds.

But if he didn't move, the dragon with its amazing sense of smell would find out his position with great precision sooner or later.

How to do!
Bilbo's heart was full of panic.

at the same time.

In the hall, Seymour, who had been searching unsuccessfully for a long time, noticed the movement in the hall, and a trace of anxiety suddenly rose in his heart. He decisively drew out his long sword and slashed towards the passage, no longer worrying about whether there would be any noise.

Rounds of bright full moons appeared in the dark hall, and the passage that could only accommodate dwarves was gradually expanded by the clanging attacks, and Seymour was able to move on.

But even so, Seymour did not make it to the hall before Bilbo was found.

When Seymour stood on that platform, the situation in the temple was already quite bad.

I saw the gigantic mountain-like dragon standing on the top of a treasure mountain with its two hind feet, and its front paws were holding a square stone pillar more than ten meters thick. The huge dragon head hung down from the sky, looking directly at the poor Hobbit.

Smaug's body is more than [-] meters long, and the whole body is covered with golden-red hard dragon scales. His sharp teeth and claws are as thick and sharp as broadswords and spears, and can easily break through steel. In the rear, the thick and huge dragon tail flicked gently behind him, and as long as the two huge wings spread out, they could cover the ceiling of the entire palace.

In front of him, Bilbo, who was only about the average height of a hobbit, was as insignificant as an ant.

At this moment, Smaug seemed to have caught Bilbo. He lowered his head slowly, his golden-red dragon pupils looked playfully at the tiny hobbit below. Wisps of black smoke.

Seeing this scene, Seymour jumped up from the platform without much thought, the Fire Dragon Sword in his hand was instantly covered with a layer of hot flames, and slashed towards Smaug's tail fiercely.


A round of bright and clear full moon rose in this dusty palace for many years, and instantly transformed into a burning fire moon, which slashed fiercely on the hard scales of Smaug's tail.

The flaming moonlight sliced ​​into the dragon scale to a depth of nearly half a meter, but it was not enough to penetrate Smaug's nearly one-meter-thick armor.

"how is this possible?!"

The anger in Seymour's heart was even stronger, he gritted his teeth and pressed down the blade fiercely.

The flames burning on the blade suddenly rose ragingly, turning the hard dragon scales into a magma-like red.


Smaug felt the pain for a long time, and immediately roared angrily, and flicked the dragon's tail to the right, throwing Seymour flying aside.

Seymour, holding the Fire Dragon Sword in his hand, escaped from Smaug's tail, and crashed into a jewel mountain not far away like a bullet out of the chamber, causing a splash of gold coins and treasures.

The water splashed down and covered Seymour under the treasure again.

Smaug turned his head angrily, ignored the tiny hobbit below, and walked quickly in the direction of Seymour.

Every time the gigantic dragon took a step, the whole palace would tremble.

Seymour struggled to his feet from the jewels, his blood-dripping right hand gripping the long sword tightly.

The deafening bang and the shadow that covered the sky and the sun came together. Seymour raised his head and looked at the huge and angry dragon head above him, feeling a sense of despair in his heart.

"Master, this is not a task that I can complete, you are too overestimating my strength?!"

At this time, the ferocious dragon hung down, staring angrily at Seymour with its golden-red vertical pupils, and its deep and sonorous voice echoed in the empty palace full of jewels.

"Tell me, little elf, what kind of death do you want?"

While speaking, countless black smoke came out of Smaug's sharp teeth and nostrils, and his throat and chest were all lit up with red light.

Shocked by the roiling heat wave, Seymour took a few steps back, then put down his left hand covering his face, looked at the huge dragon head and pulled the corner of his mouth, then took a deep breath, looked directly at the dragon and said.

"Of course it is—old death!"

After speaking, Seymour took out the silver card without hesitation and used the only chance to summon.

In an instant, a white light flashed in midair, and a figure with a sword drawn in one hand appeared between Seymour and Smaug. His tall figure floated in the air with a silver-white light, and a pair of silver-white vertical Hitomi scanned the surroundings like a god.

The mountain-sized golden and red dragon, the blood-soaked apprentice Seymour, the hobbit sitting slumped on the ground, and this glorious hall full of jewels...

With a panoramic view of everything, the fast-running brain quickly judged the current situation.

Lin Yi slowly raised his head, his silver-white vertical pupils looked coldly at the bewildered dragon in front of him, and the extremely sharp sword intent surged up and down his body and waist.

"You are Smaug?"

The cold and rude words instantly angered the giant dragon in front of him.

Smaug opened his mouth angrily, trying to breathe out the dragon's breath representing his anger, but a bright silver-white sword light cut out from Lin Yi's direction far faster than it opened his mouth.


Smaug let out a cry of pain, and the huge dragon's head couldn't help being thrown aside, and raging flames spewed out from the dragon's mouth, and with the scorching fire waves, it melted a hill made of gold coins next to it. golden water.

Immediately afterwards, a cold voice entered its ears from the place where the sword qi came from.

"Smaug, it stands to reason that I should persuade you to surrender, but just now a fellow of your level has offended me. Since you are both under the command of Morgoth, you must pay his debts!"

(End of this chapter)

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