A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 405 Fierce battle against the Balrog...?

Chapter 405 Fierce battle against the Balrog...?
Not long after, Lin Yi and Gandalf reached the end of the mine.

Standing on the guardrail at the end of the mine tunnel, Lin Yi couldn't help feeling emotional.

In front of them was an extremely huge mine pit. Numerous broken plank roads and stone step guardrails were attached to the pit wall, connecting each other vertically and horizontally, forming a huge and complicated three-dimensional transportation system in this mine pit.

"These dwarves can really dig!"

"Otherwise, it would be impossible to disturb the sleeping Balrog..."

Gandalf sighed for a long time, but did not continue.

Because digging out the Balrog is already a very outrageous thing.

Let's just say, except for some lucky ones who can find the volcano, the rest of the Balrogs are basically sleeping in the magma layer...

Lin Yi glanced at the bottomless abyss under his feet, and his feet slowly left the ground.

"Gandalf, can you feel where the Balrog is?"

"No." Gandalf shook his head. "But it's not necessary. We just need to find the hottest place. Anyway, the temperature around the Balrog will definitely not be lower than the crater."

"makes sense."

Lin Yi nodded, and reached out to Gandalf.

A silver-white light flashed, and Gandalf in a gray robe slowly floated up to Lin Yi's side.

The two slowly fell towards the abyss below.

As Lin Yi lowered his height, he scanned the walls of the mine with his silver-white vertical pupils, trying to find the one leading to the Balrog from among the densely packed mine openings.

Gandalf looked at the black bottomless abyss, felt the emptiness under his feet, and couldn't help but feel terrified, for fear that Lin Yi would accidentally throw him down.

However, after seeing Lin Yi scanning his surroundings, Gandalf had to pull himself together, suppress the throbbing in his heart, and search carefully with Lin Yi.

In this way, Gandalf held up the lighting staff, and Lin Yi controlled the gravity to slowly descend.

The two have a clear division of labor and cooperate tacitly.

Suddenly, a familiar object came into view, and Gandalf's eyes lit up immediately.

"Your Excellency Lin Yi, have you seen the tall stone gate on the wall over there?"

"...I see it." Lin Yi nodded as he looked at the stone gate on the far wall that was tens of meters high, and then asked suspiciously, "What is that?"

"That is the way to the palace of the dwarf king!" Gandalf explained with a smile, "They built such a huge gate so that they can entertain all the races in this world in Moria."

Gandalf made a point of rereading all of them.

Lin Yi nodded thoughtfully: "Do you think the Balrog might be in the dwarf king's palace?"

Gandalf nodded: "It is very likely... most of the mines of the dwarves are built according to the standard of the dwarves. If there is any place in Moria that can hold a Balrog, it is the palace of the dwarf king." !"

"How big is the dwarf king's palace?" Lin Yi was a little surprised.

"Go and see and you'll know!"

Gandalf said with a smile.

Lin Yi nodded, and controlled the two of them to fly over there.

Landing on the solid ground in front of the giant gate, Gandalf finally felt at ease.

Lin Yi strode into the stone gate. After passing through a section of stone road, the once world-famous underground kingdom finally appeared in Lin Yi's vision.

It was an extremely magnificent palace, standing in a huge mine.

The tall palace is like an artificial mountain standing in a mine pit. Even if the highest part is raised up, the whole picture cannot be seen. Even Lin Yi and Gandalf, who are regarded as top-notch among human beings, seem to be in front of this palace. Extraordinarily small.

The square in front of the gate of the hall is paved with neat stone bricks, each stone brick is carved with fine patterns, and on both sides are stone pillars supporting the entire underground space, some tens of meters, some hundreds of meters, all Densely distributed in front of the temple gate.

However, Lin Yi only immersed himself in these magnificent creations for a few seconds, and immediately set his sights on the gate of the palace.

There, a faint red light came out, and the black smoke scorched the original white stone gate, and countless charred bones lay in front of the gate, presumably it was Moria who died at the hands of the Balrog. The dwarves are gone.

"Congratulations, Gandalf, you guessed it right!"

A smile appeared on Lin Yi's face, and he strode towards the palace gate along the stone bricks.

Before approaching, the temperature of the surrounding air began to increase rapidly.

At the beginning, the air conditioner was only turned on for heating, but in the second half, the temperature in the air seemed to be exposed to the hottest sun in summer for 24 hours in a row.

Soon, sweat dripped from Gandalf's face.

But Lin Yi still looked calm and calm, as if the surrounding temperature didn't exist at all.

Gandalf glanced at him sideways, and couldn't help rolling his eyes at Lin Yikuang in his heart.

Just say that I am an ordinary human being... even my own Maiya is more like an ordinary human than him!
At this moment, the Balrog in the palace seemed to have sensed the arrival of outsiders, and the faint red light revealed by the palace gate quickly developed into a blazing red light.

Rumbling footsteps sounded from the palace, and a huge figure emerged from the palace gate.

The Balrog in Middle-earth is also Maiya, whose predecessor was the fire spirit corrupted by Morgoth, and the Balrog in front of him is no exception.

Lin Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at the human-shaped flame covered with wandering shadows.

He has a pair of devil-like horns, and his whole body is covered with burning flames. The mane on his back is steaming, and the flames are blazing, burning and distorting the surrounding air. A pair of huge yellow eyes like lanterns spew terrifying The flames of hell, his arms are as thick as steel claws, and hot magma seems to flow between the coiled muscles.

On the back of the Balrog, there are still a pair of black bat wings, and a thick and long tail is dragging behind it. As it twitches up and down, the billowing heat waves radiate out like money, filling the entire palace of Moria. .

Just as soon as it appeared, the moisture in the air was instantly evaporated, and a hot and oppressive feeling mixed with fire waves rushed to the face, raising the temperature in the entire palace to an exaggerated height.

The air was burned to the point of twisting. Every time he took a breath, the nasal cavity, respiratory tract, and even the whole internal organs were burning as if they were on fire. Even Lin Yi felt extremely hot.

At this point, Gandalf couldn't even break a sweat.

He held his breath hard, and pulled out the long sword from his waist solemnly: "Your Excellency Lin Yi, please be careful. The Balrog was a powerful creature under the command of Morgoth back then, and it is not at the same level as the Ring Spirits."

"I know."

Lin Yi nodded slightly, and slowly pulled out the Granary sword in his hand, his feet floated up under the action of the gravitational field, and flew in front of those bright yellow flaming pupils.

"I give you two choices, either surrender to me, or I..."


Before Lin Yi could finish speaking, the Balrog in front of him roared, raging flames gushed out from his whole body, condensed between his five fingers into a huge flaming blade, and slashed fiercely towards the top of Lin Yi's head.


Deafening bangs echoed in the palace, and the Balrog in front of the palace was still in the forward slashing posture.

In the next second, the silver-white sword light broke through from the flame blade in an instant, and the blade purely composed of fire elements disintegrated into countless star points and flames, setting off a burst of flames as if a violent explosion had occurred. A heat wave.

Balrog let go of his right hand in astonishment, and looked at Lin Yi who was intact in front of him in amazement.

"Very well, it looks like you chose the latter."

With a calm expression, Lin Yi put the Great Sword of Granrui on his waist, making it look like he was drawing a knife, and the silver-white vertical pupils shone brightly for a moment, as if a substantial silver light was revealed from them.

After walking with Lin Yi for so long, Gandalf can sort of understand Lin Yi's temperament. Seeing him like this now, he doesn't know that Lin Yi is already angry.

Thinking of the silver-white flood dragon that destroyed half of the castle with one blow, Gandalf's scalp tingled suddenly, and he quickly shouted at Lin Yi.

"Calm down! Your Excellency Lin Yi! This is the mine of Moria! Not the surface!"

"Don't worry... I don't want to be buried in the ground either."

Lin Yi responded indifferently, the silver-white sword light slowly condensed on the Granary sword in his hand, and an extremely sharp sword intent rose from his body, moving towards the Balrog as if in essence. Oppressed away.

The Balrog was startled and angry.

The human being in front of him is obviously so small, but the power hidden in his body is astonishingly large. Even in his eyes, the silver-white sword light has an indescribable sense of extreme danger.

No, you must act first!
The Balrog roared, and the flames all over his body suddenly exploded, turning into fiery snakes and shooting at Lin Yi. At the same time, he pulled his right hand in the air, and the blazing flames formed a bright red hot flame whip, which was aimed at Lin Yi's body. Direction whipped away.

Lin Yi snorted coldly, and several silver-white sword qi shot out from his eyes, defeating the fire snakes in front of him one by one.

Immediately, the gravitational field on his body was activated, and his figure escaped the whip of the flame whip like a ghost, and appeared in front of those bright yellow flame pupils in an instant.

Looking at the icy face so close at hand, the bright yellow pupils shrank to the extreme.

"Go to death obediently!"

Lin Yi said these words coldly, and the right hand holding the hilt of the sword seemed to be drawn out in the next second.

But at this moment, a white light suddenly flashed in mid-air, and Lin Yi, who rushed in front of the Balrog, disappeared into the mid-air together with the silver-white long sword at his waist.

In the entire empty square in front of the hall, there was only one cold and cruel sentence that was still slowly echoing.

Balrog: "...?"

What about people? ? ?

The Balrog widened his eyes of fire, and kept waving his flaming steel claws in the air, as if he was looking for Lin Yi's trace.

After searching for nothing, the Balrog had no choice but to look down at Gandalf with a dull face.

Gandalf: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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