Chapter 38 Leave
The next day, everyone came to the dock and pier early in the morning, where there were a lot of sails, oars and nails found from the cargo shed.

Arya also finds bundles of rope in a half-collapsed house, another bonus.

But when Kos and the others arrived, a bigger harvest also came.

Yoren arranged for those young and strong adults to cut trees outside the town, and Kos and others were in charge of the old forest at the end of the town.

When they entered the old forest with their axes, they found that there was still a forest officer's hut in good condition, and there were piles of firewood neatly piled outside the house.

It was indeed a surprise.

The fire did not reach the farmland and woods outside the town, and the Amorites did not scour the land cleanly.

In addition, there is a small lake next to the hut, on which stands a house made entirely of ten-foot-long poles.

This time it was really God's help.

Yoren hurriedly led the adults to the forester's hut and brought the sawn logs over.

Lin Yi took Arya and the orphans in the convoy to build a raft together.

Although it was his first time making a raft, he was more reliable than the others in the convoy.

After all, compared to those Kuhaha who have never been out of King's Landing City in their entire life, Lin Yi has not only seen the raft on TV and computer, but even sat on it more than once.

The time is limited, and the wood has not been polished, so the raft made will naturally not look very good.

But this is a one-time thing after all, no one will care about the appearance.

After moving all the wood back, Yoren led people to tear down the house made of ten-foot-long poles.

One part of these long poles can be used as a pole, and the other part can be used as a boat.

After all, Lin Yi had no experience in tying a raft, so he didn't know what knot was best to use.

You Lun didn't know either, so Lin Yi had to figure it out by himself.

As for how to grope, this is even simpler, just entwine it round and round, the tighter it is, the better.

Lin Yi also asked them to dismantle the carriages thrown by the team, and connect a plank every two or three pieces of wood, which greatly increased the buoyancy of the raft.

The shape is roughly like this. . . ——. . . ——. . . ——. . .

In the afternoon, two rafts about three meters wide and five or six meters long were made.

Because no one wanted to drop their armor, Lin Yi made it as large as possible when making it, for fear that the buoyancy would not be enough.

With sails and oars, it is not too big to be unmanageable.

After it was done, everyone couldn't wait to go to the pier to try it out.

The result was also very gratifying, and the two rafts successfully floated on the water.

But it doesn't mean anything if it's just an empty raft. A raft that can't take people is not a good raft.

Yoren began to try to board the raft with a few swimmers.

One, two, three...

By the time the fourth person boarded, the raft was still afloat, but it was submerged.

But this result has been very surprising.

Then it was time to make more rafts and put sails on them.


Two days later, there were five huge rafts floating on the pier of the town, with a dilapidated rowboat at the front.

Yoren and the others fixed the rowboat anyway.

After all, compared to their self-made raft, this rowboat is obviously safer. Most of the supplies that cannot get wet are put on this rowboat, and Yoren is in charge.

Except for the armor and weapons, the food was stored on the five big rafts, and even the leftover ropes and nails from making the rafts were brought onto the rafts by them.

30 people are divided into two teams.

Yoren selected the thinner adults to go on the waterway with the children, while the heavyweights like Kejack had to ride horses with Lin Yi.

Of course, there were Hot Pie and Gendry. Gendry was tall and burly, and because he was an apprentice blacksmith and Robert's illegitimate son, he was not lacking in nutrition, so he weighed much more than most of the adults in the team.

As for Hot Pie, it's simply because he's too fat.

But Hot Pie seemed very happy about going overland.

With armor, a long sword, and riding a tall horse, it made him feel like a master knight.

In this regard, Arya and Gendry explained several times, but he still believed that people wearing armor and riding horses were knights, and the battle between knights was war.

This made Arya feel extremely speechless.

At the beginning, Arya wanted to go overland with Lin Yi very much, but the horses in the team were limited after all. Even the six horses that had been confiscated from the golden robe, plus the horses vacated after throwing away the carriage, added up to too much. It's just eleven horses.

Arya and Romy were assigned to a raft alone, with Arya handling the sails and the other children paddling.

Because of Arya's threat of force these days, none of the children had a problem with it, and they showed great interest in being able to paddle in the water.

Seeing this, Yoren couldn't help but sigh with emotion, and only when this happens again, these forced precocious children will look like children.

The other adults were evenly distributed on several other rafts according to their approximate weight, and Kos, who had always performed well, rode in the same rowboat with Yoren, after all, he was still a little too weak on his own.

When the team really went into the water, everyone was still a little nervous.

After all, if it fails, all the hard work and efforts of the past three days will be in vain, and even the "Children", which is the least likely to sink, will be extra cautious.

Well, this is Yoren's nickname, Arya herself doesn't recognize it, she prefers to call it "Black Swan".

Under the watchful eyes of everyone on the shore, the waterway team all boarded the boat, and the five rafts and rowboats all successfully floated in sleep.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. You Lun sat on the rowboat, raised his arms, and gave Lin Yi a thumbs up on the shore.

The wind happened to be favorable at this time, so the sails on the raft were all spread out in style.

The oarsman also paddled tentatively on the water twice, and then his movements became more and more proficient.

The kids were the happiest, they enjoyed the activity and fought to be the one to paddle.

Yoren scolded them across the water, warning them that it was a waste of energy and beware of falling behind.

It's a pity that Yoren, who is three or four meters away from the water, doesn't have the deterrent power he used to, and Arya has to personally deter them before they will obey.

Looking at the convoy fading away on the water, Lin Yi waved his hands, turned around, and walked towards the tied horses beside the shore path.

Everyone followed behind Lin Yi, but no one spoke.

Although they still don't know Lin Yi's name, nor have they seen Lin Yi's real face, but based on the show in front of the hotel, no one in the team dares to disobey Lin Yi's words.

Coupled with the fact that You Lun also showed great confidence in Lin Yi, now no one will have any doubts about him.

However, even if the team is really good, there are still some problems that must be solved.

Walking to the side of the path, Lin Yi signaled everyone to lead their horses, while he walked to the only remaining carriage in the convoy——

That prison van!

(End of this chapter)

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