A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 37 Thunderstorm (2 in 1)

Chapter 37 It's Thundering (Two in One)

On the roof of the barn, two figures, one large and one small, were lying on it.

Hearing Lin Yi's plain words, Arya's eyes widened.

"So, that guy named Amory is dead?"


Lin Yi nodded, with a handful of thatch randomly grabbed from the barn under his body.

"Tyrion didn't lie to me, it was the fellow who ordered the slaughter of this town."

But what Arya cared about was not whether Tyrion lied, she stared at Lin Yi with wide eyes.

"So... Teacher, you killed Amory in an army of 300 people, and then left intact?"

Lin Yi thought about the picture of himself wearing a skeleton armor and opening Wushuang... It seems that it is true to say so?

So Lin Yi nodded.

This time, Arya gradually opened her small mouth.

"However, Amory's marauding team is not the only one raging on this land. Whether it is the Magic Mountain or Wag, they are much more dangerous than Amory..."

Lin Yi tried again to instill vigilance in Arya.

But Arya didn't hear it at all. She stared at Lin Yi blankly, as if she was still immersed in the fantasy of "taking the head of the general among the ten thousand armies".


Lin Yi called out softly.

"Ah, teacher."

Arya came back to her senses, her face flushed slightly, and she looked at him with some admiration.

Lin Yi enjoyed the little girl's gaze, but in order to prevent the child from imitating, he still added a sentence.

"Don't think too much, Arya, facing an army of more than a hundred, one person's strength is still too limited after all."

After all, even if it is a hundred pigs, you still have to kill them for a while, right?
Thinking of those fleeing soldiers, Lin Yi felt a little emotional.

In terms of force alone, Lin Yi, who is wearing heavy skeleton armor, can be regarded as a mighty general who can defeat tens of thousands of people, but after all, he is only one person, and he lacks skills, so it is impossible to really wipe out all the rogues and robbers in this land.

He can run across the river alone with a sword, but he can still run if he can't beat him. As long as four or five people run separately, Lin Yi will have to work hard, not to mention the fleeing army.

But Arya obviously made a mistake, and quickly comforted her.

"Even so, you are already very powerful. I have never heard of anyone who can come and go on the battlefield as freely as you!"

Lin Yi was startled when he heard the words, and then his face became a little strange.

Thinking back on the conversation just now, he seemed to suddenly understand what Arya was thinking.

This girl seemed to understand his description as an image of a swordsman who floated up, killed the thief leader, and then floated away.

After all, this is the growth direction that Lin Yi has always planned for Arya, and it is understandable to have such an understanding and imagination.

Thinking of the bloody and realistic painting style in his mind, Lin Yi opened his mouth hesitantly.

never mind!

Such an image is not bad!
You can't tell Arya, your master, I was wearing a heavy armor weighing more than 100 kilograms and holding two watermelon knives, cutting all the way from King's Road to God's Eye Lake, right?
Thinking of this, Lin Yi immediately got straight to the point, and didn't intend to continue on this topic.

Lin Yi looked at her seriously.

"Arya, do me a favor."


"I'd like to add two names to your list."


Arya was shocked when she heard this, and looked at Lin Yi with complicated eyes.

"You...you know?"

"of course."

Lin Yi smiled, and lay down again on the thatch on the roof of the barn, looking at the stars in the sky that were completely different from the earth.

"What's so surprising about that, you say it almost every night before you go to bed, The Hound, Ser Gregor, Ser Ilyn, Ser Meryn, Queen Cersei... Ha! I don't think I can remember."

Lin Yi talked about the heavy topic so easily that Arya almost thought it was some kind of child's shameful black history.

But she still reacted, and then looked at Lin Yi in silence.


Lin Yi turned to look at her, thought for a while, and suddenly stood up.

"follow me."

With that said, Lin Yi jumped off the barn with Arya in his arms.

The howling wind passed by her ears, but Arya remained extremely calm.

After a while, the two of them crossed the low wall of the town and came to a forest outside the town.


Lin Yi took a few steps forward, then turned around, looked at the calm-faced Arya and said.

"Remember how Joffrey died?"


Arya was taken aback when she heard the words, and then recalled the loud noise like thunder in her mind.

That was one of the deepest memories in her mind!

...Wait, is it?

Reminiscent of Lin Yi specially taking her out of the town, Arya's face was faintly agitated.

Looking at the excited Arya, Lin Yi sighed.

He knew that Arya was not thrilled by the strange means of hot weapons, but by what they could do.

But Lin Yi still stretched out his right hand.

In the next second, under Arya's expectant and excited eyes, a strange metal object suddenly appeared in Lin Yi's hand.

Looking at this seemingly out-of-the-box scene, Arya was not as surprised as Tyrion—that's how her sewing needles disappeared.

So even if she saw such a scene, she just thought that Lin Yi's hand was too fast, causing the naked eye to react too late.

"This is what killed Joffrey, and though it's technically called a pistol, you can call it like those people if you don't like it [Gods' Retribution] [Devil's Moan] [Thunder's Roar 】… Well, whatever it is, it’s up to you.”

While talking, Lin Yi handed the HK P30L to Arya.

Arya couldn't wait to take over the metal object, and played with it carefully.

Even if the girl took it completely backwards, Lin Yi wasn't worried about going off.

Leaving aside the safety on the gun, even if she opened it by mistake, there would be no bullets in the gun.

Arya studied it for a while, and then returned it to Lin Yi with some reluctance.

Looking at Arya's raised face, Lin Yi sighed.

"I know that you have hatred in your heart. This is not a bad thing. At least in learning swords, hatred is one of the motivations after seeking knowledge—but I don't want you to be trapped in hatred forever."

Lin Yi stretched out his hand gently, stroking Arya's trembling hair.

"Personal hatred is limited, and sooner or later it will end with death. No matter which party it is, even family hatred that has been reciprocated by wronged people will disappear one day in a long time."

Looking at the silent Arya, Lin Yi changed the topic.

"But the road to Taoism is infinite... I teach you the Taoist heart formula and breathing, just to dissolve your hatred, but this does not mean that you forget the hatred, I just hope that after you have completed your revenge, And pick up your sword again."

complete revenge...

Hearing Lin Yi's words, Arya was a little silent and a little confused.

The nine-year-old never thought about what came after revenge.

Maybe she just acquiesced in the possibility of her death on the road of revenge - no one knows how powerful her enemy is better than her.

But now, she has an inhuman teacher who teaches her swordsmanship, and an older brother who is sure to win every battle is heading south.

Revenge... doesn't seem to be that far away either.

Arya suddenly felt a little stunned, and involuntarily began to fantasize about things after revenge in her mind.

It is necessary to return to Winterfell, but it is naturally impossible for her to continue to be Miss Qianjin.

She doesn't want to wear those stupid fleeces and silk skirts, she prefers armor and long swords.

Well, she still wants to teach Rickon how to sword, but she doesn't know if the teacher is willing.

After killing Cersei, rescuing Sansa, and taking her back to Winterfell, maybe she won't hate herself so much for wielding swords.

And Septa Mordane, she sure wouldn't call herself a troublemaker again... oh yes, she was dead.

Arya was silent.

Lin Yi held the gun in his hand, withdrew the magazine, and said softly.

"I will teach you how to use this thing, so that you may take revenge with it and your sword."

Arya involuntarily set her eyes on the pistol when she heard the words.

"And you, you also have to help me kill two people while taking revenge..."

As he spoke, Lin Yi stretched out his hand with a smile on his face.

"A deal?"

"……it is good!"

Arya was slightly taken aback, then her face became firm, and she reached out to give him a high five.

"Tell me your name, teacher!"

Lin Yi smiled and said softly.

"...Tyrion Lannister, and Bronn, the mercenary beside him."


Arya couldn't help but startled when she heard this.

She didn't care about that mercenary named Bronn. No one who became a mercenary these days was innocent.

But Tyrion...

"Didn't you let Tyrion go, why did you kill him?"

Arya looked at him puzzled.


Lin Yi was a little surprised when he heard Arya's words.

"I thought you would readily agree. Don't you know that Tyrion sent someone to assassinate your brother Bran?"

"...I don't believe it." Arya shook her head slightly, "I've heard the news, but I don't believe it, Tyrion has no reason to do this, it doesn't do him any good, and who would let The assassin kills with his own dagger?"

"Yes!" Lin Yi laughed, "A nine-year-old girl can understand the truth, why don't the world understand it?"


Arya was a little embarrassed when she heard the words. She knew that Lin Yi was actually talking about her mother. When she was in King's Landing, she heard that her mother had detained the little devil of the Lannister family.

...Perhaps Tyrion has considered this layer, maybe?

Arya murmured to herself, but she didn't say it.

She knew her mother couldn't see so deeply.

"I may know more about this matter than you." Lin Yi said with a chuckle, "Tyrion said that Baelish lost to him in a martial arts tournament, so I know the dagger He is the only person in the whole continent who can recognize the dagger in his hand..."

Although Tyrion didn't say that, it doesn't stop an Internet giant who is familiar with the plot from talking about it.

"As we all know, Baelish admired your mother very much. Even though she has been Madam Stark for so many years, Baelish is still willing to help her when she asks for help... Such a person happens to know the coming and going of daggers. Key person, don't you think it's a bit too coincidental?"

When Lin Yi said that Baelish admired her mother, Arya blushed and felt embarrassed, but after hearing that, Arya's expression gradually became serious.

"You mean... Baelish is behind the scenes?"

Arya asked hesitantly.

"Not necessarily." Lin Yi shook his head, "But he must be a participant, at least a key figure in a certain link."

One more...

Arya nodded when she heard the words, and then silently wrote the name of Petyr Baelish into the list.

"These are all the information I obtained from Tyrion, and I can tell you responsibly that they are all true."

Lin Yi said seriously.

Arya nodded slightly, indicating that she remembered.

She knew that Lin Yi had a way to determine whether a person was lying.

"Although Tyrion was not behind the assassination of your brother,... you still have to put him on your list."

As he spoke, Lin Yi suddenly remembered the methods of the Faceless Man, and said hesitantly.

"Of course, he doesn't have to die. If you can make a person lose his memory completely, then he doesn't have to die."

"lost memory……"

Arya blinked, and she realized something at once with a keen mind.

"Did he know something he shouldn't know?"


Lin Yi didn't intend to hide it either, he said with a very solemn expression.

"This is all my fault. Although I have made amends to a certain extent, it is not safe, so I need you to watch him for me."

"Don't try to understand, it's dangerous."

"I see." Arya nodded.


Seeing Arya's solemn response, Lin Yi also showed a smile on his face.

He raised the pistol in his hand.

"Next, I will teach you how to use this thing."

"The Roar of Thunder!"

Arya added seriously.

Lin Yi was slightly taken aback when he heard this, and then smiled.

"Well, I will teach you how to use this [Thunder Roar]..."

"First of all, you need to know its simplest structure, such as trigger, magazine, hammer... These are called bullets, you can understand them as miniature arrows, and [Thunder Roar] is a bow, opening the insurance is equivalent to taking The bow is loaded with an arrow, and pulling the trigger is tantamount to letting go of the bowstring..."

Lin Yi from the [-]st century patiently explained this weapon that does not belong to this era, and the little girl from the Middle Ages listened carefully.

This is a cross-century exchange and teaching.

It was night, and several thunderstorms sounded out of thin air outside the town, awakening many birds and travelers.


In the dark night, two black shadows fell lightly on the ground, one big and one small, they were Lin Yi and Arya.

They came back from out of town again, as they left, and they didn't disturb anyone.

Landing on the ground, there was still residual excitement and excitement in Arya's eyes.

Although the sound this time was not as loud as it was on the Cathedral Square, Arya was closer this time, so she couldn't hear any difference.

For the sake of safety and sound, Lin Yi only asked her to try firing a few shots to familiarize herself with the three-point line aiming and the recoil of the pistol.

As for shooting accuracy...

There's nothing to practice with this thing, he doesn't have so many bullets to feed Arya, firing a dozen rounds is not much different from dozens of rounds.

Lin Yi didn't intend to train her to be a sharpshooter who can point and shoot, she just needs to be able to determine a general direction.

With Arya's control over her body, it's not difficult to do this.

And does anyone in this era know the power of this thing? Even if you hit him in the face, there is a high probability that he won't hide.

She doesn't need to be good at shooting, just being able to shoot is enough.

Looking at Arya, who was still immersed in the power and range of the hot weapon, Lin Yi sighed.

Whether it was in the previous life or in Marvel, most children at this age have ice cream and donuts in their heads, and where are the heads full of swords, sticks, bullets and pistols...

Oh yes, Super Killer, it's all right...

Lin Yi entertained himself, then stroked her head and said.

"These days when I go north, I will find an opportunity for you to shoot a few more shots to get acquainted."

"Yeah!" Arya nodded vigorously.

"But I will only leave you 20 bullets." Lin Yi's expression became serious, "It is not a weapon that should appear in this era, so when it appears, there must be certain restrictions."

"I see."

Arya's expression turned serious.

Seeing this, Lin Yi nodded, then turned and walked towards the shelter next to the barn.

Watching his back disappear at the end of the street, Arya turned her head, just about to move her legs.

Suddenly, Arya was slightly taken aback, then muttered in a low voice.

"So in the end you didn't tell me where the sword went..."



In the hotel, Arya quietly returned to her place on the floor. Just as she was about to lie down, she saw Hot Pie standing up in a daze and rubbing her eyes.

"... Ali?"

"Well, I just went to pee."

Arya whispered.

"Oh..." Hot Pie nodded, and asked confusedly and hesitantly, "Is it raining outside?"

Arya froze, then looked at him suspiciously.

"No, did you diaper your pants?"

"I... huh?" Hot Pie suddenly came to his senses when he heard the words, and retorted angrily, "I just..."


Arya pointed at the people in the hotel.

Hot Pie lowered his voice embarrassingly.

"I didn't! I just heard thunder outside!"

"I heard it too."

Arya nodded, then lay down on her back, muttering.

"Isn't it just a few thunderstorms, what a fuss... Go to sleep, I have to get up and build a raft tomorrow morning!"


Hot Pie wanted to say something more, but seeing that Arya had closed her eyes, she lay down again, muttering indistinctly.

"I heard it right, it was thunder... maybe it will rain later..."

In the darkness, Arya's mouth curled into a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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