I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 848 Logan's Carelessness (4 More)

Chapter 848 Logan's carelessness (four more)

"Huh? Not good!" Soon, Logan paid the price for his arrogance, because when he flew all the way up, he suddenly found that the body of the red devil did not continue to rise, and the body of the red devil The shape directly appeared on the ground, and the Red Devil had deliberately attracted Logan before!

After all, the Red Devil's ability is teleportation, but Logan is only relying on the fighting spirit to fly. There is still a big gap between the two sides. Before, the Red Devil appeared at a relatively short distance. The speed is fast enough to bridge the gap between the two.

But when Logan appeared in the sky and the Red Devil had already appeared on the ground, this difference was instantly manifested.

"Goodbye, Wolverine!" At this time, the Red Devil appeared next to Victor and Jimmy Hudson, who were covered in blood, and said to Logan with a hint of mockery in his voice, and then led Victor The bodies of Duo and Jimmy Hudson disappeared in place, completely disappeared.

With a sound of "Boom!", Logan fell to the ground from a high altitude at high speed, and directly smashed a big hole in the ground, but even so, he still failed to catch up with the Red Devil, and only he and Jimmy Hudson were around. The adoptive parents of the two people, and the state of these two people is obviously not very good.

"Um, Logan seems to be a little out of play..." In the Avengers Building, Tony Stark looked at Logan who was emitting bursts of golden light in the deep pit, and couldn't help muttering.

"Little Wolf can't do anything about it. After all, Little Wolf doesn't know the specific ability of the Red Devil either!" Wade glanced at Laura Kinney and the others, and defended Logan.

"Also, although Little Wolf is very powerful now, the problem is that he really doesn't have many ways to deal with the Red Devil. This can be regarded as a problem of restraint..."

"That's right, Logan has wounded this red devil countless times, but the problem is, this red devil is like a loach, only bumped against Logan, and never gave another chance, even if it is a change If the rest of us go there, I'm afraid the result will not be very good..." Steve Rogers nodded upon hearing this, and followed Wade's words.

"Okay, let's prepare the medical room first, he should bring Jimmy Hudson's adoptive parents back to recuperate..." Yuriko interrupted Steve Rogers directly, looking at the scene where he was crawling from the deep pit Come out, Rogen, who walked towards Jimmy Hudson's adoptive parents, spoke.

"Yes! First solve the issue of Jimmy Hudson's adoptive parents, and then we'll go find the location of the Red Devil. Come to think of it, he probably won't leave Earth, right?" Bruce Banner nodded, looking at Everyone said softly.

"Buzz!" Just as Bruce Banner's voice fell, a blue light flashed in the Avengers Building. It was Logan returning with Jimmy Hudson's adoptive parents.

"Send them to the infirmary first, don't let them have an accident!" Logan said with a serious expression as he handed Jimmy Hudson's adoptive parents to the students on the second floor.

"Don't worry, Uncle Wolf, leave it to us!" The student on the second floor looked at Logan and nodded with a smile, then took Jimmy Hudson's adoptive parents and sent them to the infirmary.

"This time, I was careless, otherwise, that guy would not have taken Victor and Jimmy away so easily!" Logan turned his head to look at the Avengers, and said with a serious expression, "Then, you How much do you know about him? Silly girl, can you find his trace?"

"Obviously, this guy is not in a city we know..." Silly Girl looked at Logan and shrugged her shoulders, and said softly, "At least, I have directly called up the cameras of all cities, and I haven't found any The traces of this guy, maybe, Banner was really crowed just now, this red devil is really not on the earth anymore!"

"Can this also be blamed on me?" Bruce Banner's mouth twitched slightly, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

"It's impossible to blame you for this matter. This time, it was my mistake! I will definitely get them back!" Logan said in a deep voice with a sparkle in his eyes, " If it doesn't work, I will go to the boss and let the boss find their traces, I don't believe it, he can hide in a place where the boss can't even find him!"

"Uh, I don't need to trouble Mr. Huang Wen with this!" Black Panther God Buster and Zeus couldn't help but froze when they heard the words. To be honest, they were a little scared in their hearts. Well, if Huang Wen appeared in the Avengers Building, they might feel uncomfortable all over.

"The two teachers have a solution?" Logan heard the words of the panther god Buster and Zeus almost at the same time, his eyes lit up suddenly, and he looked at the two expectantly and asked.

"Uh, it's not that difficult. The guy called the Red Devil just now has a rather unique ability. His teleportation ability actually uses a different space as a transfer station for teleportation. Therefore, you only need to find that different space. space, you can know his teleportation trajectory..." Black Panther God Buster and Zeus looked at each other, and Black Panther God Buster chose to speak.

"Different space? Strange?" Hearing the different dimension, Logan subconsciously thought of Strange. After all, in Logan's view, the different dimension sounds the same as other dimensions.

"Don't bother the two masters. After all, that Strange has Mr. Huang Wen's mission on him. It is better to keep an eye on the movement of each dimension and not be distracted. I will do it to the end and help you find the different space." , and find the whereabouts of that red devil!" Black Panther God Buster heard what Logan said, and hurriedly said.

"Moreover, this is also my application of your beast perception. At our level, the beast perception has already turned into a mind-like existence, and it is even more powerful and comprehensive than the general perception of mind power!"

With a sound of "Buzz!", as the voice of the Black Panther God Buster fell, a powerful aura erupted from the body of the Black Panther God Buster. Subconsciously took half a step back.

"I found it!" But soon, the aura of the Black Panther God Buster dissipated, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes. For a strong man at the level of a heavenly father, finding the location of the Red Devil is actually a very difficult task. Not to mention how difficult it is!

"Really? Where is it?" Logan and the others' eyes lit up, and they all looked at Buster, the panther god, and asked expectantly.

(End of this chapter)

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