I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 847 Brand-new Dou Qi Transformation Wing (3 more)

Chapter 847 Brand-new Dou Qi Transformation Wings (Third)

"Is this still Little Wolf? This performance is completely a Hulk. I think of the combination of Hulk and Little Wolf..." Not only the Red Devil is a little hard to accept Logan's display at this time Strength, even Wade, who was watching the game, couldn't help muttering.

"Huh?" Bruce Banner looked at Wade in surprise when he heard Wade's words, because he didn't quite understand what the combination of Hulk and Logan meant.

"Oh, that's right, everyone in this world, or in other words, the superheroes who joined the Avengers before, have become stronger, and even Steve Rogers, who was originally a mortal, has become less like a human being. ..." Wade ignored Bruce Banner's question, but continued to mutter.

"However, there are quite a few people missing in the Avengers Alliance. Is it because they are too weak? Or is it because they are not tall enough?"

"There's also this red devil, who seems to have something to do with that Raz over there, or rather, has something to do with his mother, forget it, it's too messy, I don't want to..."

"With mom? Could it be? Nightcrawler?" Raz heard Wade's continuous muttering, and when he even mentioned himself, Raz's eyes flickered slightly. He watched being chased by his father Logan. The Red Devil seemed to realize something, and couldn't help muttering, "It's really messy!"

It's no wonder that Raz feels chaotic, can it not be chaotic?Victor, who just fought with Laz's father Logan, is Yuriko's father or mother, and now he is fighting Logan with Nightcrawler's father, and Raz is Nightcrawler's half-brother, In this way, everyone is closely related...

However, even if they are closely related, there are differences between close and distant. What's more, from Logan's point of view, he really has nothing to do with the Red Devil. At most, he is the son of Logan's son Laz and the Red Devil It has nothing to do with it.

Therefore, don't say that Logan doesn't know about this relationship at this time, even if he knows, Logan won't show mercy at all, especially when Logan finds out that the body of the red devil is flying higher and higher, but he doesn't want to stop at all. From the meaning of control over Victor and Jimmy Hudson.

Even, because Victor and Jimmy Hudson couldn't keep up with Logan at all, the two had already started to attack each other. You stabbed me, and I gave you a claw, which angered Logan even more!

With a sound of "Boom!", Logan, who was jumping higher and higher, fell to the ground again with a muffled sound. A cold light flashed in his eyes, and he tapped his watch lightly.

With a sound of "hum!", a cloud of nano-matter suddenly spread out from the watch, and then the ball of nano-matter condensed into a pair of wings, appearing behind Logan!

Dou Qi turns into wings!Still haven't appeared in the field for a long time, and the Dou Qi Transformation Wing, which was a little troublesome to wear, finally appeared again at this moment, and it seems that the brand new Dou Qi Transformation Wing has become a new type of high technology, and even the appearance is not as inferior as before.

At this time, Logan, who was floating with battle-like wings behind him, looked a little bit like an angel. If the Edman alloy steel claws in Logan's hands were excluded...

At this time, the reason why Dou Qi Hua Yi became what it is now is naturally due to the credit of Tony Stark and others. Of course, there is another person that has to be mentioned, and that is Princess Shu Rui from Wakanda.

After Princess Shu Rui came to the Avengers Building, Tony Stark, adhering to the fine traditions from Huang Wen, carefully made Princess Shu Rui a new wage earner for the Avengers, and it was also the free one.

It has to be said that Tony Stark has begun to change. You know, he looked down on Huang Wen's behavior before, but he didn't expect that he has become like this now.

Of course, the main reason why Tony Stark did this was because his previous method failed on Princess Shu Rui.

At the beginning, Tony Stark wanted to pay, even prepared to pay a large amount of money, but no matter how others say, Princess Su Rui is also the princess of Wakanda, and Wakanda has a lot of vibrating gold. , It's really not a bad place.

Even Princess Su Rui can perfectly say the phrase "I'm not interested in money", because money is of no use to Princess Su Rui!

Therefore, Tony Stark could only use the method of deception, and dreamed of asking Princess Shu Rui to work for them for free in the name of seeking safety with the whole world.

At this time, the fighting spirit on Logan's back is a physical evidence that Princess Su Rui works for free.

Leaving aside the matter of Princess Su Rui's part-time job, after Logan put on his Dou Qi Wings, the face of the Red Devil on the other side also changed instantly!

Because Logan looked almost like an angel at this time, the Red Devil thought of some bad memories, so the Red Devil was also angry, and waved his hand at Logan, a powerful dark purple light blasted towards Luogen Root's body!
With a sound of "Shua!", however, Logan dodged the attack from the Red Devil without any effort. Without evading the Red Devil's anger, it directly cut through the Red Devil's body!
"Damn it!" After being injured, the Red Devil finally came to his senses. He knew that he could not be Logan's opponent, so the Red Devil retired heartily, because he felt that if he didn't leave , I am really likely to die here!

The Red Devil is also a mutant who has lived for thousands of years. His abilities include longevity, and the Red Devil also has a healing ability far beyond ordinary people.

But when facing Logan, such a healing ability is not enough to see, especially in Logan's flaming steel claws, which contains hot power, making it difficult for the Red Devil's self-healing ability to be brought out !

With a sound of "Shua!", the Red Devil glanced at Logan who was rushing again, his body disappeared instantly, and appeared in the higher sky, and then avoided the flaming blade light from Logan again, and continued to move towards Going high into the sky.

"What is he going to do?" Logan saw a trace of hesitation in the eyes of the disappearing Red Devil, and couldn't help but said, "Could it be that this guy wants to lure me to outer space? It's ridiculous, doesn't he think , in outer space, can it limit or trap me?"

However, Logan was obviously a little arrogant at this time, especially since the battle with the Red Devil until now, Logan has always had the upper hand, which made him subconsciously underestimate the Red Devil, at least, Logan underestimated the intelligence of the Red Devil!

(End of this chapter)

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