I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 1385 The Hesitation of the Avengers

Chapter 1385 The Hesitation of the Avengers

"Crazy! These two people are really crazy. This is burning at the level of law. Both of them are forcibly enduring it? Just to make the other party suffer?" Max looked at Galactus Ninja in the flames. Can't help whispering.

"This is probably Wade's purpose from the beginning. He should have planned it since he entered the body of Galactus. He just wanted Galactus to share the pain with him..." Logan sighed helplessly. In one breath, said in a low voice.

"By the way, what kind of enmity is there between them that makes them hurt each other like this?" Huang Liang's eyes flashed with doubts, and he said softly, "Also, how did Wade and Galactus know each other?" Woolen cloth?"

"I think it may have something to do with Wade's special character..." Wanda looked at the Galactus in the flames thoughtfully and said, "This Galactus seems to be different from what we have dealt with before. It's completely different, when we made a move before, he would only be tired of coping, and he didn't have the determination to burn the boat at all!"

"But now that Wade has come, this Galactus is like a different person. I thought of what Master said before, about the avatar and the deity."

"This creation god is obviously not the creation god of our universe, but a creation god of a higher level. Wade should be in another universe. What's wrong with this creation god!"

"Fuck, it looks like Wade is quite powerful, it seems that the background is terrifying!" Listening to Wanda's analysis, Star-Lord couldn't help shrinking his neck. He was in the battle with Galactus before. , Star-Lord can feel that Galactus is deliberately targeting him, but because there are too many Avengers and the combat effectiveness of the two sides is too different, Galactus has no time to spare.

But now when Deadpool Wade appeared, Galactus ignored Star-Lord in an instant, and wholeheartedly hurt each other with Deadpool Wade, even the Avengers were ignored by him.

You know, the more serious the injury of Galactus at this time, the worse he will be under the hands of the Avengers, but for these obvious reasons, Galactus has no intention of taking care of them at all, which can be seen in Galactus In his eyes, the priority of dealing with Deadpool Wade is above all else!
"Deadpool Wade is naturally amazing!" Johnny Blazer pouted at the side. As the only person among the crowd who knew the background of Deadpool Wade, he naturally knew the secrets of Deadpool Wade and Ms. Death.

After all, Ms. Death is Johnny Blazer's immediate boss, although Ms. Death doesn't care about these things, and the hell dimension often surrenders to Huang Wen's incarnation very unpromisingly.

However, when it comes to restraint, Lady Death's restraint on Johnny Blazer is the most powerful, even stronger than Xuanyuan Sword's restraint on Johnny Blazer.

Because some of the rules and authority controlled by Johnny Blazer, Satan, are the subordinate power of Lady Death, no matter how strong Johnny Blazer is, there is no way to surpass Lady Death unless he can give up these authority and rules.

As Deadpool Wade is the designated object of Ms. Death, even the only object in the multiverse, Johnny Blazer naturally has to pay attention, especially the existence of Deadpool Wade is very special and does not belong to hell at all. Dimensional jurisdiction, the soul has been locked by the kingdom of death.

"Is Wade very powerful? Why didn't I feel it before? I just think his mouth is very powerful..." Pietro asked with a suspicious glance at Johnny Blazer.

As brothers and sisters who once lived together in the Quantum Realm, Pietro and Johnny Blazer have a good relationship, especially when Johnny Blazer entered the palace for the second time and was once again locked in the hell dimension. The madness of Nibreze's appearance is even more sympathetic.

"There is not only one god of creation..." Johnny Blazer hesitated a little when he heard Pietro's question, and looked in the direction of the earth. On the earth, there are two Johnny Blazers who can't be messed with. One is the incarnation of Huang Wen and the other is Vanessa.

But now, both Huang Wen's avatar and Vanessa were looking at the Silver Domain, watching the mutual harm between Galactus and Deadpool Wade, without any intention of making a move.

Johnny Blazer knew that both Huang Wen's incarnation and Vanessa could hear what he said at this time, but they didn't stop him or pay attention to him, so they didn't care.

So, Johnny Blazer boldly continued to speak: "Planet Devourer is one of the gods of creation. Besides, there is eternity and infinity. Annihilation and Ms. Death..."

"I've heard of eternity. When Master talked about the battle with Jehovah, he mentioned eternity..." Huang Liang nodded clearly, and said softly, "And Ms. Death, when we went to Mars, When I was looking for the Inhumans in the movie, it seemed that Ms. Death had appeared, I had some impressions, but I can't remember the specific things clearly."

"This should be the rule that Ms. Death didn't want you to disturb them. It's just that your strength has become stronger, so you have some memories, and you can recall one or two..." Johnny Blazer shrugged and said explained.

"Because Ms. Death is Deadpool Wade's wife. Perhaps, in every parallel universe where Deadpool Wade exists, Ms. Death will become Deadpool Wade's wife!"

"Vanessa!" Wanda was the first to come to her senses, a name appeared in her mind, and her vague memory like Huang Liang became clearer now.

"So, Wade's wife is Lady Death, one of the creator gods, and because of the relationship between the two, this Galactus became enmity with Deadpool Wade?" After knowing that Deadpool Wade has a special identity, even Without Johnny Blazer continuing to tell the story, the Avengers will be able to know the reason why Deadpool Wade and Galactus hurt each other at this time.

"It should be so. Even in the parallel universe, Wade should have fought against Galactus many times, otherwise they wouldn't have said that before..." Johnny Blazer nodded slowly and said softly.

"Then what should we do next? Just watch them hurt each other. Also, do we need to take action against Galactus? After all, he is the creation god. Can we reason with him and make him give up eating the planet?" Earth?" Steve Rogers asked with hesitation in his eyes, looking at the Avengers around him.

"It is almost impossible for us to really deal with a creation god, or even eliminate him completely. After all, he is a higher-level god, and this is just an incarnation..."

(End of this chapter)

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