I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 1384 Hurt each other

Chapter 1384 Hurt each other
Yes, this is Deadpool Wade's move, which looks somewhat similar to Monkey King's move into Princess Iron Fan's belly, except that one enters through the mouth and the other enters through the nose.

Just as Deadpool Wade said, even when the creation god Galactus is blowing, there is no way to let his nose blow out at the same time. Deadpool Wade took advantage of this opportunity to blow most of his The flesh and blood were sent into the body of Galactus.

And next, I don't know which universe the deadpool Wade's ability is from, and it may even come from the ability of some zombie universe, so that after the deadpool Wade's flesh and blood enters the body of Galactus, he quickly dies. took root and multiplied.

Theoretically speaking, Galactus is just the incarnation of the current cosmic rules, and doesn't care about these things. If this body is really destroyed, it will not cause anything to the body of Galactus influences.

But unfortunately, that is only theoretically speaking. At this time, the consciousness of Galactus himself has descended on the incarnation of this universe. Even if he does not project power beyond the current universe, he can still be regarded as a part of himself.

Especially the Deadpool Wade, who is so annoying to Galactus, is right in front of him. Naturally, it is impossible for Galactus to just give up this incarnation and turn around to leave this universe, because that would be no different from a deserter!
Galactus would never be a deserter, at least, in front of Deadpool Wade, he would never be a deserter!

If the Avengers had directly brought Deadpool Wade with them when they were besieging Galactus before, Galactus would definitely not have escaped. For example, at this time, the Silver Domain has no meaning to exist. , Galactus is destined to fight Deadpool Wade to the end!
"Bastard! How dare you defile the body of a god! You will suffer retribution!" Galactus yelled with an angry voice gnashing his teeth. A powerful aura surged through his body, but he seemed very unstable.

"Hey, defile the body of a god? What kind of defilement are you talking about? The one that gets into the body? Then I don't want to be too proficient..." Deadpool Wade's flesh and blood in Galactus' body didn't emit anything The voices, on the contrary, were those outside, the frozen flesh and blood of Deadpool Wade, who continued to mock Galactus, and almost smoked Galactus's seven orifices.

"This Galactus seems to be going crazy..." The Avengers on the side couldn't help muttering when they saw this scene, "We beat up Galactus like that before, and he didn't show any signs of going crazy. After being stimulated a few times by virtue, he has completely lost the majesty of the creation god, it seems that attacking the body is the bottom, and attacking the heart is the top!"

"Yeah, how can physical injuries be as serious as mental injuries? I feel that what Galactus is suffering now should be real injuries, otherwise he wouldn't be so crazy!" Johnny Blazer agreed. Nodding, as if very experienced in this area.

However, the Eye of Judgment can be regarded as a method of attacking the heart. Johnny Blazer is good at this, and there is really no problem. Put the eye of judgment on Galactus.

And if the Eye of Judgment is really used on Galactus, the general situation is to let Galactus recall the happy time of eating the planet before, making Galactus happy physically and mentally, and at the same time cheering up to fight the Avengers...

"Do you know? When Galactus spewed out the cold wind just now, I felt like I had the breath of my ice and fire treasure box, but after being disturbed by Wade, I can't feel it now..." Just in the Avengers While we have been quietly discussing here, John on the side is looking around and talking mysteriously.

"Okay, you just missed it so much after losing the Ice and Fire Treasure Box, that you have an illusion. The highlight now is not the Ice and Fire Treasure Box, but to see what else Deadpool Wade can do. The planet How will the Devourer deal with it, it's not more important than your ice and fire treasure box?" Max glanced at John, poured a basin of cold water and said.

"No, I really feel the breath of the ice and fire treasure box..." John opened his mouth, wanting to argue something, at this moment, John suddenly turned his head and looked at Galactus.

At this time, a powerful flame burned on Galactus' body, burning every inch of Galactus's flesh and blood.

Since Deadpool Wade turned into flesh and blood and got into the body of Galactus, Galactus used this almost self-harm method to deal with Deadpool Wade. Anyway, this body is just an incarnation, and it will be destroyed if it is destroyed. Well, the big deal is to make the deity feel a little pain.

But Deadpool Wade is different. Although Deadpool Wade has received his own blessing in the multiverse, he only has this one body. Even if Deadpool Wade cannot be completely killed because of his particularity, Galactus will also leave an unforgettable memory for Deadpool Wade!

"Ah! You are so ruthless! But, you are ruthless, your uncle Deadpool is not a vegetarian, but I want to see, who of the two of us can last till the end, and see who can't stand it first!" Bing In the middle of the block, the flesh and blood of Deadpool Wade clamored again, as if the flames of Galactus had not harmed him.

But in fact, in the body of Galactus, the flesh and blood of countless Deadpool Wade has completely turned into a charred black substance, losing consciousness and vitality.

Deadpool Wade is really hard to kill, especially with the blessing of various undead abilities in the multiverse.

But this does not mean that every piece of flesh and blood of Deadpool Wade is so difficult to kill, especially when Galactus is far stronger than Deadpool Wade.

Of course, Galactus himself was not feeling well at this time. While burning deadpool Wade's flesh and blood, this incarnation of Galactus was also being tortured constantly, and the consciousness of Galactus himself also felt this. A pain.

This is indeed a lose-lose operation. Neither Galactus nor Deadpool Wade took advantage of this battle, but even so, Deadpool Wade and Galactus did not want to give up. the meaning of.

Torturing each other is the happiest thing for them, because in this way they can let out the bad breath they are holding in their hearts!
If he didn't hate each other so much, how could Galactus come to his consciousness when he saw Deadpool Wade?If they didn't hate each other so much, how could the deadpool Wade of the multiverse reach a consensus?

(End of this chapter)

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