I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 1293 Explosion and Search

Chapter 1293 Explosion and Search

However, even if Dum does not suffer from injuries such as broken arms, it does not mean that Dum can easily deal with threats from humans.

If it was just a human arrangement, maybe Doom would not be so miserable, at least the number of laser weapons attacking Doom would be reduced by half, and the threats facing Doom at that time would be reduced by more than half!

But now, Dum is faced with two arrangements, and he doesn't know whether it should be said that Dum is unlucky or lucky. After all, when Dum sensed something was wrong, he subconsciously changed the place where he practiced, and it turned out that he was in an ambush at two places. between.

Before the two ambushes appeared, the location Dum subconsciously searched for was indeed the safest place, but after the two ambushes appeared, this place could already be called a Jedi!
"Continue! Don't stop! Zeus's energy fluctuations are getting lower and lower. Our plan has succeeded, and we will be able to kill him soon!" The high-level human beings conveyed new orders, and their voices were very exciting, because they really There is hope to kill a god who often absorbs the power of thunder!
The success of the God Killing Project is just around the corner, and people have to consider whether this is their only chance in this life!

"call out!"

"call out!"

"call out!"

With the new order issued, the laser weapons on the scene will not stop, and they will continue to fire in the direction of Doom, ready to kill Doom in one go!
"Boom!" However, at this moment, there was a powerful explosion sound at Dum's location, and countless electric currents burst out.

The electromagnetic equipment prepared by humans has indeed blocked Dum's ability to release himself, but it is impossible to completely block it, and it can only be regarded as an impact to a certain extent.

But just this kind of influence made Dum seriously uncomfortable, and he almost knew that Dum died on the spot because of this kind of influence.

But now, Doom exploded completely. He absorbed countless thunder powers, and most of them blasted out at this moment. Doom didn't know what it was that attacked him, whether it was a superpower or a human weapon, but this It doesn't matter that Dum is ready to destroy everything around him!
With the sensation of countless electric currents, the entire sky was dyed blue and purple, and everything around was swallowed up by the electric currents and completely destroyed. The power was far greater than the last self-detonation in the city.

Even, the destructive power within the range of these electric current explosions is not much weaker than the nuclear explosion in the laboratory!
"Damn it! What's the situation now?!" The powerful explosion directly caused the human energy monitoring equipment to fail, because the energy is too powerful, beyond human imagination.

Therefore, they also lost Doom's information at this time, and even the communication equipment is now destroyed by Doom's explosion. Among them, even if the people on the scene received the news, without weapons, there was not much to do about Doom, unless Doom lost consciousness again.

"No! You have to figure out what's going on with Zeus!" However, the high-level human beings don't want to give up just like that. They finally found Doom's trail. Once again, if Doom is prepared, he wants to attack Doom so easily Well, it's not that easy.

Moreover, the high-level human beings thought of the fact that Doom and the stone man Bengrim died together in the city before. From the perspective of human beings, the power of the two explosions is the same. That time Doom died directly. This time Zeus shouldn't be much better, right?
"Send the nearest person who can be contacted, go to the scene immediately, try to find Zeus's body, even if you can't find Zeus's body, you must find out where Zeus is!" Soon, the high-level human beings issued the latest order, " At all costs! Even life! Do you understand!"

The high-level human beings still attach great importance to their own lives, but they don't pay so much attention to the lives of their subordinates. As long as they can kill Doom, no matter how many subordinates they sacrifice, the high-level human beings think it is worthwhile!
As for those people under his command, there are always some people who regard death as home. These people are the most suitable candidates for the last nuclear explosion in the exploration laboratory and the center of this thunderstorm.

Therefore, under the arrangement of high-level human beings, a group of death squads headed towards the center of the thunderstorm. At this time, the thunderstorm had already disappeared, but the powerful thunderstorm still caused all the surrounding electrical equipment to be disordered and destroyed the communication system.

As for the people or equipment ambushing nearby, even the original mountains, rivers and vegetation have disappeared at this time. The center of the thunderstorm is a big pit. Judging from the traces of the big pit, this is already the level of destruction of top human weapons. .

However, in the very center of the thunderstorm, there is indeed a flat land, which is not too big, and there is almost only a place for one person to stand.

When they saw this scene, the Death Squad understood that that was where Doom was, but there was nothing there now, not even a trace of Doom.

"What should I do?" The members of the Death Squad looked at their captain one after another. This time, the operation is under the full command of the captain. After all, this ghostly place has no contact with the outside world, and even drones can't come in.

In other words, after the drone came in, it lost its signal, and it was just a waste of equipment.

"Look! Such a powerful explosion, Zeus can't afford not to pay a price!" The captain of the death squad is also a courageous person, and he is not afraid of Doom's strength at all. He came here to make meritorious deeds!
Being able to catch Doom is the best, even if you can't catch Doom, you have to find out where Doom is going!

As for dying at Doom's hands, the captain of the Death Squad was not worried at all. After all, they were already prepared to die when they came here, otherwise they wouldn't be called Death Squad directly.

"Yes!" The members of the Death Squad responded to the order, and began to search for traces with infrared rays, but the thunderstorm seemed to have erased all traces, and the surrounding area was extremely empty, but nothing could be found.

"Search carefully. Although the surrounding ground is pitch black, there may be bloodstains. We used laser weapons before, and we can clearly detect that Zeus was injured!" The captain of the death squad also joined the search, and at the same time moved towards The team members ordered.

"Even if he is a god, he will still bleed after being injured! As long as he bleeds, he will definitely leave traces!"

At this time, the Death Squad and the high-level human beings only knew that Dom was injured, but did not know that Dom had a broken left arm, but now in the thunderstorm, there is indeed no Dom and his left arm, which also caused the Death Squad to hit him by mistake. Found a clue by mistake!

(End of this chapter)

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