I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 1292 Strike and Injury

Chapter 1292 Strike and Injury

"Huh! The speed of improvement is not bad, but I don't know when I will be able to truly comprehend the profound meaning contained in the thunder..." Dum muttered to himself, feeling the power in his body.

"Forget it, let's absorb enough thunder power first. Maybe, when I truly comprehend the profound meaning of thunder, I can let the power of thunder be born in my body."

Dum clearly understood at this time that he could be called a rootless duckweed, and the source of his power was Victor von Doom, who had produced another consciousness. Regarding this matter, Dum has always had some grudges in his heart. It's just that Dum hasn't shown it all the time.

After all, without Victor von Doom's power output, Doom would only be able to continuously absorb external power, either electric current or thunder. When these powers are used up, they must continue to replenish, otherwise Doom will When the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry, it will not be much stronger than a normal person...

Dum, who has lost his energy, is not a superman. Even if he can deal with some ordinary people, when faced with the existence of guns and shells, there is only one dead end.

Therefore, Dum still longed for his ability to go further, at least to the point where he could generate thunder!
At that time, Doom doesn't need to be so afraid of Victor Von Doom's existence, and he doesn't need to be afraid of turning against Victor Von Doom. Victor Von Doom will directly make him return to an ordinary person up...

Thoughts flashed through Doom's mind one by one, and then were instantly wiped out by Doom's thunder, as if these thoughts had never appeared before.

"It's time to change places, um, just find any direction, not the one before..." Dum quickly came back to his senses, looked around, recognized the direction he came from before, and turned into a A flash of lightning went in the other direction.

"Zeus is on the move, and all departments are ready. As long as Zeus stops and digests the power of Thunder, he will turn on the electromagnetic equipment, and then bombard him with laser weapons!" At the moment Dum moved, the highest order from the human side It was issued quickly, and the response was not unpleasant.

"Huh? Why do you feel that something is wrong?" Doom turned into lightning, and just left the area where there was a thunderstorm before, but now it has cleared up, but he was moving, and Doom suddenly felt something, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

At this time, Doom did not understand the existence of the law, nor did he develop his own detection ability, but when Doom's strength improved, his perception of threats still improved somewhat.

However, Dum just felt that something was wrong, but he didn't know what was wrong. He looked around subconsciously, but still didn't get anything.

"Is it my illusion? Or is it because the ability has improved too fast and the power is unstable?" Dum didn't think about human things immediately, but examined himself.

However, after some inspection, Dum didn't find anything wrong with him, and the previous feeling gradually disappeared, as if it was really just an illusion.

"Forget it, let's fully grasp the power of the thunder this time first!" Dum found nothing in the end, he could only shake his head helplessly, muttered in a low voice, then found a place, and began to slowly Digesting the harvest that caused Thunder this time.

"Stop! It's right between the two arrangements? Did this guy sense it, or was he really lucky?" The high-level human beings quickly discovered Doom's location, and some people frowned and hesitated for a while.

"He is a superpower after all, and some special things are acceptable. Since he stays between the two arrangements, then the two arrangements will be shot at the same time and kill him!" Soon, someone's eyes flashed. With a hint of coldness, he said in a deep voice.

"Yes! Let's do this!" The high-level human beings did not hesitate at this time. Faced with problems that could subvert human society, they could not tolerate quarrels in the vegetable market like before. After all, everyone can only live on the earth. There is no way to escape.

Soon, after the new order was issued, the arrangements on both sides of Doom, which had been ambushed by humans for a long time, began to activate. First, the electromagnetic equipment could disrupt Doom's ability and weaken the destructive power created by Doom to a certain extent. .

And after that, there is the laser weapon, the most convenient and powerful weapon for human beings, and it is also the hope of human beings to deal with Doom now!

"Huh?" Dum, who was comprehending the power of the thunder, suddenly opened his eyes. He felt something was wrong again, because the thunder in his body, apart from the abnormal fluctuation, made it more difficult for him to comprehend.

However, Dum still didn't think that he would be attacked. He was frowning and feeling his own ability, trying to figure out why the thunder in his body went wrong.

With a sound of "Chi!", at this moment, a laser weapon that had already been aimed at Doom was launched. Doom's pupils shrank suddenly, and his body subconsciously dodged for a while, even protecting his body with thunder. But it was too late.

Dum mobilized the Thunder a beat slower, and his own dodging speed was also slower. Dum believed in his own abilities so much that he forgot that his body was the most important thing, and it was only based on the difference between life and death. Instinct moved.

In the end, one of Doom's left arms was cut off and fell to the ground. If Doom hadn't really dodged that once, what was pierced should be Doom's heart!
"Damn it! Who is it!?" Dum suddenly stood up, ignoring his broken left arm, but yelled loudly. He knew that he was attacked by surprise, but Dum didn't know it. What was the surprise attack? Even in Dum's view, it may be the work of other superpowers!
But are there other superpowers in this world?Doom didn't know, so he wanted to find out.

"call out!"

"call out!"

"call out!"

But unfortunately, no one answered Doom. The answer to Doom was laser weapons fired again and again. After the first attack failed and did not kill Doom, the high-level human beings did not hesitate to open the follow-up attack. s attack.

Because from the point of view of energy detection, although Doom is not dead, but a small amount of energy has been lost, which is enough for human beings to see the hope of defeating Doom!
"Killing God!"

"Killing God!"

The same idea flashed in the mind of a high-level individual, looking at the energy detection equipment with an excited expression.

"Damn it!" After Dum's voice fell, the sense of crisis came again. He dodged in a panic. The arms are so serious.

(End of this chapter)

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