I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 1199 Differences in Abilities

Chapter 1199 Differences in Abilities

"That is to say, there is no phoenix power in Qin's body. Her power is the mutant ability she should master?" Charles saw that the Phoenix girl fell silent, and couldn't help looking at Qin Gelei asked.

"Yes, what I have now is the mutant ability that should belong to me, but because I once possessed the power of the phoenix, my ability is inevitably affected by the power of the phoenix..." Qin Grey looked at Chalves and nodded, and said softly.

"Of course, this kind of influence only makes it more difficult for me to master my own abilities. Compared with me, it is easier for her to master her own mutant abilities."

"Then the Phoenix Force you're looking for..." Charles was overjoyed when he heard this, but soon thought of something, and looked at Qin Gree and asked tentatively.

"Okay, you are a hypocrite. Since Qin in this world doesn't have the power of the phoenix, then there is no power of the phoenix in this world, and you don't need to worry that we won't stay because we don't have the power of the phoenix..." Seeing Charles' appearance, Logan waved his hand angrily, interrupting Charles' words.

For this guy Charles, Logan still knows a lot, he likes to think about things, and then he claims to be sympathetic, thinking that his way can help mutants gain a foothold.

And the facts have also proved that neither Charles' set, nor Magneto's set, nor the double reeds sung by two people can really change the situation of mutants.

Only by having absolute power to gain a firm foothold first, and distracting human beings through external pressure, can mutants live in peace.

For example, in the universe where Huang Wen lives, the mutants first showed a nuclear-bomb-level character like Jean Grey, followed by continuous extraordinary events, aliens attacked the earth, and humans obtained alien technology.

These things immediately distracted the attention of human beings.

So what if the mutants are very powerful?Even if it is researched, there are various limitations, and alien technology does not have these limitations, especially after seeing the stars and the sea, human beings no longer want to limit their eyes to one earth.

This point may be engraved in the DNA of human beings. Even though human technology is lagging behind, they still have their own longing for the universe. It is a pity that Huang Wen lives in the universe. Most of the forces in the universe have already respected the earth...

"Let's go into the college and talk slowly..." At this time, Charles heard Logan, and a trace of embarrassment flashed across his face. After all, he was not such an old Charles, and he didn't have so much experience, and he didn't have such a thick background. The cheek... ahem, Chengfu, so Charles looked at Logan and Jean Grey and said with a smile.

And Logan and Qin Gelei didn't mean to object, they knew that they came to this universe because of the special training that Huang Wen said, even though all this was not arranged by Huang Wen, Logan and Qin Ge Lei will also stay in this universe for a while.

Although Logan and Qin Gelei haven't figured out yet, what is the content of their special training, and how should they become stronger.

In this way, Logan and Qin Gelei settled down in Xavier Academy for Genius Boys, and Qin Gelei was going to teach herself in this universe to master her own power.

Compared with Qin Gelei, who has the power of the phoenix and cannot control her own power, she is obviously weaker in this universe with the title of Phoenix girl.

The mutant ability possessed by Phoenix Girl forms a negative power due to the damage caused when she awakens. The combination of these two powers is almost the same as the ability that Qin Gelei now possesses.

However, Phoenix Girl's ability limit is far less powerful than Qin Gree.

Even without the power of the phoenix, Qin Gelei still relied on her own strength to reach the sub-celestial father level, and even moved towards the heavenly father level.

Qin Gree's improvement is not much slower than Wanda and Strange. The only difference may be that Qin Gree does not have infinite gems.

And even if Phoenix Girl can master all the power, I'm afraid she can barely reach the limit below the sub-celestial parent level, and it will take a little effort to break through to the sub-celestial parent level.

Such strength, among the mutants, is already considered very strong, and it is enough to be called an Omega-level mutant.

Moreover, Jean Grey and Logan also discovered the difference between this universe and the mutants in their universe. Even if Charles in this universe did not grow up to the age they knew, Jean Grey and Logan could still clearly perceive that, The potential of this Charles is not as powerful as the Charles they knew.

This is mainly due to the difference in the universe, just like the Captain Marvel of Huang Wen's universe, Carol, is stronger than other Captain Marvel.

"So, the difference between this world and ours is not only because there are no bosses and avengers?" In the middle of the night, Logan, who was lying on the bed and entered the sage mode, looked at the ceiling and said softly.

"That's right, this Charles is definitely not as strong as the Charles we know, and the other I don't have the Phoenix Force, but the other you should not have changed much. The immortal body and Edman alloy should not be because of Is there a turning point in the universe?" Qin Gelei said with a hint of uncertainty in her voice.

"Then, why doesn't the Force of the Phoenix exist in this universe?" After the battle, Logan obviously reacted a bit slowly, and murmured subconsciously.

"Maybe it's because of Ronye. Didn't Huang Wen say that? Ronye has gathered the power of the phoenix force, and the power of this phoenix force may encompass the entire universe..." Qin Gelei's eyes flickered slightly With that, he opened his mouth and said.

"That is to say, from the moment Ronye was born, the power of the phoenix in all the universes gathered in Ronye's body. Therefore, the universe we came to has no power of the phoenix, and we have no power of the phoenix. It is impossible to contact Ronye through the Phoenix Force."

"Tell me, is the boss able to contact Ronye now? There is no need to bring Ronye back. Let's contact Ronye. Knowing his current situation, we can also relieve your longing..." Logan gradually When he came back to his senses, he asked hesitantly.

"I don't even know about that. We don't understand how powerful Huang Wen is now, but even if we need to do this, we have to wait until our special training is over..." Qin Gelei shook her head, feeling a little helpless Said.

"We are entering this universe now. With the character of your boss, if we don't complete the special training, we will probably stay in this universe forever, and we don't even know what the special training is about!"

(End of this chapter)

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